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Neil Arthur Hotep

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Everything posted by Neil Arthur Hotep

  1. Should probably have gone back down to 150. Whatever, maybe they get good again when the edition changes in a few months. None of the castellite units are look especially impressive right now. At the moment, cavalry lists are probably the strongest. So, Cavaliers, Cavalier Marshall, Griffin, Tahlia, with some support stuff.
  2. They have to be staying, though. Removing them in the hypothetical index would be maximally evil, considering the advance warning we got about everything else that was removed from Cities.
  3. Hopefully this is a patch until we get a general "fight in two ranks" system next edition. There is really no good reason that not all infantry units should be able to do this.
  4. I don't know, they did completely wreck my Cities list. That has to count for something.
  5. Still at least half a year away. And a bunch of other stuff got random changes, so I don't see it as a valid excuse.
  6. For how long the Cities book took to come out, it is surprising how half-baked some of the warscrolls and interactions in it were. The Alchemite probably being the worst offender, but the Command Corps, Zenestra, and the Hurricanum were also pretty glaring examples of a lack of care. Not to mention the Hammerers missing their command group rules.
  7. The warcom article has that info. But it could be in the pdfs as well.
  8. Some elf lists were already doing well competitively. They might now be viewed as better than human goodstuff by some players. I don't see dwarves gaining a lot of stock, though. Fusilier+Alchemite lists were not dominating in tournaments as far as I know, so I see that change as mainly being aimed at casual play/internal balance/improving the play experience.
  9. Reasonable changes IMO, although they do completely invalidate my list. I think the Warforger change is good. Both of his buffs are still strong, but now you need to work much harder to use them and the units that they enable are now very different. What is good about the change, though, is that they make the decision making process much less linear for list buildling. Previously, Fusiliers were just the best unit to buff with Flaming Weapons. And they are a big enough investment that you probably wanted a cast bonus subfaction if you bring them. And the Master of Ballistics trait to make them more dependable. And maybe even the Macroscope to buff their range. Those choices are a lot less clear now, and there is much more reason to run the Alchemite even without a cast bonus or to pair him with other units. The points increases for Steam Tanks are reasonable. It actually does have an effect. You lose a Tank or an important support piece in the spam list now. I personally would have liked the Command Corps to be handled differently. All the abusive stuff is still there and they can still be spammed in theory. Double corps is now a lot more expensive, but IMO probably not to the point that we won't see it. I like other point drops. I think Cannons are more of a real choice now, especially since Fusiliers don't get ranged mortals anymore. Now the best source of ranged pseudo-mortals is probably actually the armour piercing shell. Ogor Warhulk drop is appreciated, too, even though I don't know if it is enough to change anything. The Tahlia drop is nice. I still think there is a Tahlia+Cavalry+Steelhelm Spam list to be discovered somewhere. EDIT: What is conspicuously absent are points or rules changes to dwarves and elves. Sad!
  10. I kinda want to run one. The Fusilier list I run often feels very static. A small fast flyer would be great. Might add it in if points hikes prevent bump out one off my Steelhelm screens.
  11. I like the box as a start for new players. The cavalier + marshal combo can go in most lists as a power pair, and 10 Steelhelms are definitely reasonable for any cities player to own and run as a screen. The cannon is not the best shooting per point in Cities currently, but a lot more manageable for new players to paint than a big Fusilier block. Plus, it's a great model that gets people excited. I don't know if the box is great as an expansion of the starter box, though. You are doubling up on a lot of units with it and might not want to run 10 Cavaliers or 30 Steelhelms.
  12. I would guess the reasoning is that a new box with new branding is immediately recognizable as a new product to customers who don't follow these developments closely. Like, "These are the new boxes for the new edition". But we may very well still see a Vanguard format, in any case. I personally hope so, AoS needs a way to play the game with preconstructed lists for new players. Hopefully one that actually plays well, too.
  13. I think they just change the name of their intro bundles every few years for marketing purposes. It's not like the switch from Start Collecting to Vanguard was very well justified.
  14. I have never hear of this idea. I though it maybe came from a podcast with some GW insider or sculptor, but if it's just facebook rumours, I'm skeptical. Thanks for sharing, though!
  15. I don't dare to imagine what a 350 points swing for those two factions might look like, haha.
  16. What does that mean, something like extra format-specific allegiance abilities for each box?
  17. Wait, where is this piece of information coming from?
  18. Pretty big points difference there between the Spearheads: Stormcast: 900 pts Cities: 550 pts Probably means we won't get a "Spearhead" preconstructed format. The Cities box is pretty cool, though. A solid start for most lists and the Cannon is a great looking mini-centerpiece.
  19. The shortest time between Battletomes is 9 months for Lumineth. Daughters of Khaine 2nd ed to 3rd ed was about 15 months. Maybe an early OBR tome for 4th is possible? Or even a Lumineth-style upgrade as part of 3rd? Arkhan the Black is still waiting to be resurrected, after all, and we do have that one Morghast wing rumour engine.
  20. Found this on WarCom: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/08/25/cities-of-sigmar-round-table-part-four-painting-the-miniatures/ You can view all the official colour schemes here.
  21. OBR are leaving for The Old World, confirmed. Hide your bones, Settra!
  22. A new OBR tome? Does that make sense, considering the last one is from May 2023?
  23. They are blue and white with gold metallics. There are a few reference pictures in the battletome, but I don't have it on hand right now. Maybe someone else can take a few pictures.
  24. Settler's Gain, the Lumineth-allied city is in Hysh. As for who fights Orruks, I think all of them? But recently, the reformation that explains the new look of Cities of Sigmar in the lore was originally adopted by Tahlia Vedra during a prolonged attack by Kruleboyz. Tahlia Vedra belongs to Hammerhal Aqsha (or just Hammerhal in general). If I recall correctly Braggit the Rabble Rowzer's efforts were also focused on Hammerhal in Dawnbringers 1.
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