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Everything posted by baiardo

  1. Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers Leaders Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis (500) Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament (360) Mortisan Boneshaper (130) Battleline 5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180) - Nadirite Blade and Shield 5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180) - Nadirite Blade and Shield 20 x Mortek Guard (260) - Nadirite Blade and Shield Units 6 x Necropolis Stalkers (360) Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Bone-tithe Shrieker (30) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 110 Guys what you think about this list? Give me some tips pls!😀 I know mortek is a must but wanted to change a bit, since I never played OBR you think this could be good? Alternatively I could swap Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament (360) for a Mortek Crawler (200), Soulstealer Carrion (20) and Mortisan Soulmason (140).
  2. Stormcast have a wild range of models and new models seems cool at the same time greenskinz are generally loved by the community(IMHO), I never played orcs/goblins but love the miniatures and background. My best wishes for all is a good new edition!
  3. I had those models, they were pretty cool!!! Started WHFB with khemri, restarted it years later with the new wave of khemri in 2012(I think?) sold it some years ago and restarting now with OBR(previously played SCE), to my eyes they are some kind of spiritual successors of the tomb kings.
  4. Ok guys, if I start with the broken realmS box and Katakros, what’s you suggest next?mortek mortek mortek?😄overall is a good start? New underworlds models suggesting new units/strategy for OBR? we have some rumors about a starter set?
  5. I was looking to make a list with OBR and wanted to clear my mind about Nagash, I see something like this: Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers- Legion: Mortis Praetorians Leaders Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis (500)- General Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (880) Battleline 5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and Shield 5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and Shield 5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and Shield Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Chronomantic Cogs (80) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 81 --But the following is what I like the most: AGE OF NAGASH Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers- Legion: Petrifex Elite Mortal Realm: Shyish Leaders Liege-Kavalos (200)- General- Command Trait: Mighty Archaeossian- Artefact: Godbone Armour Mortisan Soulmason (140)- Lore of Mortisans: Arcane Command Mortisan Boneshaper (130)- Lore of Mortisans: Empower Nadirite Weapons Battleline 5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and Shield 5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and Shield 10 x Kavalos Deathriders (360)- Nadirite Blade and Shield Units 6 x Necropolis Stalkers (360) Artillery Mortek Crawler (200) Mortek Crawler (200) Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Bone-tithe Shrieker (30) Soulstealer Carrion (20) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 126 what do you like most about OBR, in your opinion pros/cons?
  6. Nagash is used often in OBR or not, what he does best for 880points(in an OBR army)?
  7. I have hardly ever used some of the units I have from the warrior room, I was expecting a new one not a total replacement, no matter if I can still use them for some time. the scam move they made was releasing blackwatch with oldcast again..why? Battalions with 60 liberators why?!. I will wait but I would seriously quit the game .. I don't think I will anyway 😄
  8. Great, as a new player seems I choose the best faction/chamber/moment and even year to be in “love” with sce. But I get it, thanks.
  9. thank'you that helped a bit! I bought 3k+ of warrior chamber models, since is my favorite chamber, assembled and almost all painted, played very little because I started in Dec'19/January 2020. Even the possibility to see my "old" and little used models replaced make me "otherwise happy".
  10. agree despite SCE have the best lore and an aesthetic I really like.
  11. Someone made a joke about asking gw: make warscrolls respect the models aesthetic, they have responded with slim body armor.😭
  12. Some players bought enough liberators to play the newest battalion with 60 of them, they released a few months ago the ven brecht box with 10judicators...if GW are gonna replace them I feel scammed, seriously.
  13. yeah. IMHO at this point it would make more sense to divide the faction into chapters, I would have more hope of playing the models I have.
  14. Sure is a new chamber, however gardus have the same armor of a celestant and he's a new model, if they made a balanced thing, we'll see update for warrior chamber alongside the new one.
  15. 50+ units make the real confusion in SCE 😂
  16. I may be the only one, but I like the simple aspect of liberators more than the other stormcast units. I like a lot paladins also. Yndrasta is a really cool model, the primaris have a good concept and like the miniature, spear-stormy?ok-ish model, even if is really well made, shoulders and legs particularly. Hope they don't reboot the warrior chamber, c'mon 5/6 years old models aren't old. seraphon are old, most COS units are really old.
  17. I found the first rumors about IDK crab and it's from 1997: sorry, I had to jump on the crab wagon
  18. Someone remembered Mud Crubs from Morrowind with this release?
  19. hope they prepare us for disappointment and then hit us with good news
  20. You, lucky guy, you could be one of the first to convert your bretonnian army in bretonnian stormcast army! Do it for Sigmar!
  21. If bretonnian stormcast is real they are basically revealing 2 factions😂, Bretonnia live in new stormcast knights!
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