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Posts posted by AOS_Pete

  1. 2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    So after waiting  desperately in high hopes for the faq, I wrote down some of my biggest wishes for the skaventide faction in total.

    most of these are well, what I believe to be a needed chance in points for the skaven faction.

    Any comments are welcome, even those who do not like the faction at all!


    Pointswishes for the skaven:


    Thanqoul on Bonebreaker:360p

    Warlock Bombardier: 100p

    Warlock engineer:90p



    Plague priest:60p

    Verminlord warbringer:260p

    Verminlord corruptor:220p

    Verminlord deceiver:280p

    Skreech Verminking:240p

    Master moulder:90p


    Giant rats: (20-60): 80-200points

    Rat ogres:  (2-8) 80p

    Hell pit abomination: 200p

    Rat swarms: (2-10) 40p


    Clanrats: (20-60) 100-270p

    Stormvermins: (10-40) 100-350p


    Warplightning cannon: 160p

    Warpgrinder team: 60p

    Doom flayer weapon team: (1-3) 20p


    Night runners: (10-40) 50-180p

    Gutter runners: (5-20) 50-160p


    Plague claw catapult: 110p

    Plague censer bearers: (5-30) 50-250p


    Warplightning vortex:100p (can only be used by skaven no more kharadron usage)




    That would would make massive changes to our builds and move us upto a top tier army I think. I don't disagree we need some drastic changes to cope with some of the shooting meta tbh! Warp lighting vortex needs an amendment to its range I think. maybe not the full 24" but maybe 18 so we can clear our own units. Hope we get the winter FAQ soon!

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    This is probably a List I would consider using in Future events.

    Allegiance: Skaventide
    Mortal Realm: Chamon

    Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (240)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Master of Magic  
    - Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
    Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (240)
    - Lore of Ruin: Plague
    Grey Seer (140)
    - Artefact: Staff of Rightful Supremacy  
    - Lore of Ruin: Skitterleap

    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade

    40 x Plague Monks (280)
    - Woe-stave
    40 x Plague Monks (280)
    - Woe-stave
    1 x Warpfire Thrower (70)
    1 x Warpfire Thrower (70)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Warp Lightning Vortex (80)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 237

    Now that's a LOT of bodies LOL

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  3. 29 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:


    Acolytes will die through a light breeze.

    Stormvermins die extremely fast and loose all their value as a thread immediately after loosing halve their numbers.

    and Jezzails will literally just run.

    Thanqoul is somewhat great, but it is extremely hard to keep him alive.

    with only 13wounds a 4+ 5++ save, who also doesn’t get the  look out sir rule, he will die extremely fast.

    At least against the current shooting meta.

    But then again there is a reason why we can take grinders.

    I think a save bet was taking 3-5 threads into your army bevor the current meta.

    and how it is currently, I think we really need to be at least able to take 5-7Threads to somehwo compete against armies like tzeentch, seraphons and Ko, if we’re not interested in using grinders as a Save-keeper

    edit: although as long as your not playing against a tzeentch tournament player, Ko or Seraphons in total.

    you should be fine with those threads😉.

    5-7 threats is HARD LOL


    What about:


    Screaming Bell


    2 x 20 clan rats



    40 stormvermin

    20 Acolytes

    6 Jezzails

    Vermintide (dropped if going for WLC)

  4. 13 hours ago, Darkhan said:

    Sweet looking rats man! Love this theme.

    Tactic tips: 

    Ask for the opponents maximum threat range. Deploy accordingly.

    Ask if they got deep strike. And how far from the enemy they can deep strike.

    Ask if they can summon stuff.

    Be aware if they have units in reserve (units that are in the air, underground whatever)


    @Gwendar I always ask about the threat range😂😂😂

    Thanks dude and thanks for advice!

  5. 9 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    If you have Tabletop Simulator you can message me and I can invite you to some discord groups. I definitely wouldn't mind playing Tzeentch or Fyreslayers against you to help out.

    I don’t but really appreciate it!

  6. 5 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    what a lazy paintjob, I certainly wouldn't play against you

    Aside from being reminded of that absolute tool.. talking about tactics; I would honestly get yourself a 9" measurement gauge (just to make it more accurate\easier than your tape measurer) and always be sure to premeasure the hell out of everything capable of teleporting, run + charge, Bridge\teleport with +'s to charge, Bridge\teleport + range on shooting... etc etc. No competitive opponent should ever care to tell you the threat range of anything in their army as it's an important part of tournament play.. if they do they're being "that guy" and you just need to open your Warhammer app to look yourself and waste their time for wasting yours. Everyone should be "playing with intent" meaning that if you premeasure at any point in the game and say something along the lines of "the intent with this unit is that you won't be able to reach them this turn, correct?" that way there's no gotcha moments; see "that guy" above if that happens anyway.

    Playing against Seraphon and some BoC so much in the past has made me ultra aware of deepstriking and Clanrats are wonderful at being strung out to negate it, even while still pushing up the board in units of 40. Skreech is right that the current heavy shooting meta we're in right now doesn't particularly favor us.. hence why I think it's become necessary to use a Grinder team with my 6 Fiends. This is compounded by the fact these types of armies are also going to beat us on drops every time. Even then, the best thing you can do is understand threat ranges and take a quick minute to premeasure everything to ensure nothing can hit you T1.

    If you go up against 60 Vanari Sentinels like I did last night playing Tzeentch, good luck to you. 30" range that doesn't require line of sight and will throw out 6-10 MW's at that range per unit of 20 is.. not an enjoyable experience 🙃

    Cheers dude! And @Skreech Verminking - I guess it is all about ensuring I do some efficient pre measuring. Gonna spend an evening just practicing deployment. Won’t be time wasted 

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  7. Hey all, just wanted to drop in and say hi! Also wanted to thank everyone who supported me on FB with my "shadow rats" army on fb last week - (Pic attached so you know what im talking about :) )

    I played a tournament at the weekend and  got stomped - really struggling to deploy "correctly" - I lost my bell and bombardier to a deep striking Rogue idol - my brain didn't register the size of the gap as I had a gnaw hole there and also didn't realise the threat range. 

    Apart from Dan's recent video on skaven tactics has anyone got any good guides or advice on deployment - tired of losing my support pieces LOL


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  8. Hi All, as the header says Im a long time lurker but thought it was about time I registered and said hello! I play skaven - you may have seen my somewhat "controversial" concept army online recently (pic attached so you too can rage about how bad it is LOL) - anyway here to talk AOS and hope to engage with  some of you about the hobby


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