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AOS_Pete last won the day on August 13 2020

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  1. That would would make massive changes to our builds and move us upto a top tier army I think. I don't disagree we need some drastic changes to cope with some of the shooting meta tbh! Warp lighting vortex needs an amendment to its range I think. maybe not the full 24" but maybe 18 so we can clear our own units. Hope we get the winter FAQ soon!
  2. 5-7 threats is HARD LOL What about: Bombadier Screaming Bell Clawlord 2 x 20 clan rats Doomwheel/WLC Hellpit 40 stormvermin 20 Acolytes 6 Jezzails Vermintide (dropped if going for WLC)
  3. What's the current consensus on how many "threats" you need to be competitive? Would Thanqoul, 6 Jezzails, 40 Stormvermin, 20 Acolytes be enough threats? (supported by Bell and Bombardier)
  4. Cheers dude! And @Skreech Verminking - I guess it is all about ensuring I do some efficient pre measuring. Gonna spend an evening just practicing deployment. Won’t be time wasted
  5. thanks dude - here's a few close ups. they're not based yet as waiting on some black sand to arrive
  6. Hey all, just wanted to drop in and say hi! Also wanted to thank everyone who supported me on FB with my "shadow rats" army on fb last week - (Pic attached so you know what im talking about ) I played a tournament at the weekend and got stomped - really struggling to deploy "correctly" - I lost my bell and bombardier to a deep striking Rogue idol - my brain didn't register the size of the gap as I had a gnaw hole there and also didn't realise the threat range. Apart from Dan's recent video on skaven tactics has anyone got any good guides or advice on deployment - tired of losing my support pieces LOL
  7. Hi All, as the header says Im a long time lurker but thought it was about time I registered and said hello! I play skaven - you may have seen my somewhat "controversial" concept army online recently (pic attached so you too can rage about how bad it is LOL) - anyway here to talk AOS and hope to engage with some of you about the hobby
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