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Everything posted by Ragest

  1. It’s obvious gw is going to show the rest of slaneesh that they hid in the Christmas preview. I just want to know something about Broken Realms, so many hype, so good narrative and now is like it doesn’t exist. Oh, and please, release the damm faqs, both BR book and general.
  2. @Golub87 New models don't look cheapy for me, they look full of elite army. Maybe the archers could be cheap in points, but we saw sentinels at 140pt, so im not sure.
  3. I can’t find a good avalenor avatar, so i had to choose Teclos
  4. They can’t do much more, virus stuff, i think that is not their fault. But man, faaaaaaaaaaqqqssss. Im tired of kroakssss
  5. I’m excited about how are going to break even more the shooting powercreep. Maybe run and shoot, additional MW at 6 and -1 rend 1 damage.
  6. A big meh, but they can't do much more, lack of production. lockdowns, delays...
  7. My guesses They are going to show advent minis, and then the Broken Realms book wich contains them. The battletome of Feb is going to be Slaneesh and They release BR in March.
  8. Guys, they need 3 months to release Slaneesh, do you really think gw is going to have malerion/vampires/whatever ready for february?
  9. Btw i just want some faqs BR Morathi at least
  10. I’m with you. At this point, making a video (another one) for slaneesh is pretty redundant, and the hype cycle is more than finished, with all models spoiled. It has to be connected with advent calendar.
  11. As they have written the schedule, the preorder of January will be 40k, followed by another 40k one and Slaneesh battletome in Feb, and showing all slaneeshi models in Christmas Day. So, BR at the same time as the Battletome? Because if It’s not the case, we have to wait till March to get it. And what about all those probably AoS Rumour engines? When will be solved?
  12. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week... Who knows. Meanwhile, Kharadron and Seraphon
  13. I would love more female diversity in actual models, but i would love even more a female-only chamber.
  14. The worst part about gw, the silence about everything. Some people calls that “hype”, for me is just annoying and terrible communication with customers.
  15. They just drop faqs like bombs. Patience guys, we doubt about battleforces but we had it, so this would be the same.
  16. So they would crack their chrysalis... Just like this?
  17. Well, that's true (in part, you have tons of ournaments in TTS or BCP), but you don't need so much data when changes are pretty straightforward. We all know the armies that are on top of meta and how oppressive are to play against (KO, Seraphon, Tzeentch, SC) and We know wich armies are on the bottom of the barrell. Second thing is easy fixable and they seem to be working on that on BR or Celestial Tomes (well, sometimes getting a good success like Nurgle in WotE, Throggots or IDK, sometimes being terrible like S2D in BR), but to clean up the meta you need those balance changes.
  18. Someone knows if warcry boxes are multikit? Sylvaneth one seems pretty promising if i can build kurnoth with scythes
  19. Someone uses empty throne lists? Im interested on it, just want to know a simple explanation on how it plays to get an idea about how to try it.
  20. I want a great event for Destuction, as same as Death, that’s why I think all new Slaneesh stuff is going to take all focus on them in the next book, and will be bad for our friends Godrakk and Nagash. First clean the aelven mess, then show me Godrakk’s attack and finally how Nagash get’s f’ed by rats again
  21. Teclis. Previous actions taken by Morathi and Volturnos have involved him directly, and I’m pretty sure similarities between new slaneesh’ shields and vanari ones are not a coincidence. My two cents.
  22. Vampire fans, are you feeling ok? GW baited you so damm hard
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