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Posts posted by webert1

  1. This is what I plan to run. Ideally I would summon a keeper on turn 2 (with archers and sigvald deep strike generating depravity on turn 1) but I feel like I might be too optimistic.

    ++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2021** 2,000 (Chaos - Slaanesh) [1,985pts] ++

    + Core Battalion +

    Core Battalion: Battle Regiment

    + Leader +

    Be'lakor [360pts]

    Glutos Orscollion [475pts]: 3. Dark Delusions, Battle Regiment - 1 Commander, General

    Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh [265pts]: Battle Regiment - 0-2 Sub-Commander, General

    + Battleline +

    Blissbarb Archers [180pts]: 11 Blissbarb Archers, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, High Tempter

    Blissbarb Archers [180pts]: 11 Blissbarb Archers, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, High Tempter

    Hellstriders with Hellscourges [135pts]: 5 Hellstriders, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Hellreaver, Hellstrider Banner Bearer, Hellstrider Icon Bearer, Hornblower

    + Other +

    [b]Myrmidesh Painbringers [160pts]: 5 Myrmidesh Painbringers, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Painmaster

    Slickblade Seekers [230pts]: 5 Slickblade Seekers, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Hunter-Seeker

    [b]+ Scenery +[/b]

    Fane of Slaanesh

    + Allegiance +

    . Allegiance: Slaanesh
    . . Invaders Host: Lurid Haze

    + Game Options +

    Game Type:2000 Points - Battlehost

    Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery

    ++ Total: [1,985pts] ++

    Any input would be appreciated.

  2. Hi all, I'm playing against a good Slaves to Darkness player in a league in the next few weeks. It is not an army I've played against before and I suspect archaeon will be there.

    I plan on bringing be'lakor and glutos for a 2-drop using battle regiment. This way I aim at going first and dark mastering Archie on his first turn.

    Do you have any cues for me in terms of list building and strategy for this matchup?

    Is Lurid hazing Sigvald worth it in your opinion?

    Any help will be appreciated, and I will try to take a few pics and do a little battle report.


    19 minutes ago, KrispyXIV said:

    Just wish there were a way to get her a reroll or casting bonus.  Infinite range Pavane is extremely strong against "dragon" type models - so long as you can roll dice. 

    Yeah it is very much a coin flip. Seems like we need to have as many flips as possible haha.

    Could infernal enrapturess force Teclis to roll for his auto-casts or does it have no effect since he does not roll?

  4. Loonboss on mangler squigs are pretty good, especially when you have bounderz around. It's just that you loose on synergy by having a command ability that only works on squigs. Replacing the loonboss for regular mangler squigs would not hit too hard while freeing some points that might allow you to take the loonboss on foot which you could get by also removing something like the cogs. This guy's command ability is just that good if you are running stabbas.

    Another thing which I know might hurt to hear is that gobbapalooza is a bit underwhelming. By removing them and the cogs you could replace them and get 10 bounderz which would make the loonboss on mangler better. Also you could give squig lure to one of your casters.

  5. 2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    The Loonshirne was nerfed. The rule to return units is mandatory with the Squig keyword too as it happens with the Troggoth or Spiderfang keywords. And the Loonshirne can't return the Hag.

    Wow, a nerf of all things... so you can't play Jaws and still bring back your grotz... it seems they actually increased the amount of bingo.

    I wonder if they even realised they were writing it differently than the way it was before...

  6. On 5/26/2021 at 9:43 AM, Ganigumo said:

    We're getting Grimscuttle rules at least (again?) but I wouldn't hold my breath for rules for any of the other destruction factions except maybe an update to the grand alliance destruction rules. Hopefully we do get some updated stuff in 3.0 to make up for it though but I doubt we'll see anything other than the new army in 2021 unless they start churning out battletomes in quick succession again.

    I've been thinking about this and I really hope we do get stuff for moonclans in BR:Kragnos.

    If the rumours are true and 3rd edition puts a cap of -1 on to hit modifiers it would completely remove the synergy of spiderfang shaman and madcap shaman with stabbas. Would be a big blow to all 3. And also to the gobbapalooza because of shroomancer...

    So hopefully they do have a plan for gitz... I guess we'll see on saturday.

  7. 48 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    From the initial reveal it sounded like this would be spiderfang related, they specifically mentioned grimscuttle.

    I think they mentioned spiderfang And gloomspite (as if they were 2 different things) so I think we can expect stuff for "both". Gobbapalooza would indeed be nice.

    I really hope they manage to lower the amount of bingo in the army.

  8. Hi people! Trying to bring some life to this sub.

    Are you excited about our BR:Kragnos? What would you like to see for the gitz? Simple changes that would greatly improve the faction.

    Would be nice if GW did with Skragrott what they did with lady Olynder (counting as a general even if she's not the general).

    On another note, Filip Nica went 4/0/1 at hammertime thunderdome  earlier this month with a jaws of Mork list including Grots and troggoths. Pretty exciting!


  9. I thank you both @Boar and @Newtype_Zero for the replies! it has been most helpful and I understand the issues with loonsmasha much better.

    I've started collecting gitz last summer but I haven't played a game yet. I'm almost done painting 120 stabbas with swords which will be the foundation of the army. I'll then add 6 rockgut troggoths, some snufflers and a few casters to the list.

    I'm thinking of adding a webspinner shaman on Arachnarok, a fungoid cave shaman and we'll see where we go from there. Maybe Skragott and a few endless spells.

    I'll definetely come back soon with more questions.


  10. I see it's been 10 days since the last reply on this thread. Surely as a member (a new one) of the gitz community I cannot let that happen.

    I want to run an army with 2 blobs of stabbas and I have a few questions.

    1) Positioning of nets. Is there any resources online with regards to the optimal positioning of nets for blobs of stabbas? Some way to maximise coverage so that battle rounds don't become logistical nightmares?

    2) Besides blobs of gitz (I'm not building a third 60 man blob) what would you deem the most cost efficient unit this army has to offer that can hold its own and/or do some damage. Bounderz? Fellwater or Rockgut Troggoths? Manglers? I'm not talking about supports here but key fighters that don't need them to be efficient.

    3) I see a lot of people complaining about fanatics and I don't understand it. How are they not  a perfect countercharge unit? they always fight first and are able to deploy right before the enemy charge.

    Thanks in advance!


  11. Howdy fellow wargammers.

    I'm looking at getting into AoS as well and am strongly considering the Gitz.

    I see a lot of gloom over the upcoming GHB though.

    I have a couple of questions then :

    1. Would you recommend getting into GSG given its current state?

    2. Even if they are not an S-tier are they an army that stands a chance and can be played against other competitive armies?

    3.  For a 1000 points army, and a first step, what whould you think of the following :

    - Loonboss.

    - Fungoid Shaman. - Hand of Gork

    - Webspinner Shaman (on foot) - Sneaky Distraction

    - 40 Stabbas

    - 40 Stabbas

    - 10 Boingrot Bounderz

    - Scuttletide

    Is this a reasonable 1000 point list?

    Any assistance will be greatly appreciateed.

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