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Posts posted by Ranzou

  1. 3++ is one of the greatest cancers of 40k (only 2++ is worse) and GW erased it from nearly all armies there.

    3+ ethereal sound awfull and too powerfull.

    5+++ ward we can easily have for 120 points, and I think it is a fair trade.

    One of the most hilarious things that "Frightful touch" already have ALL swamp orruks in dominion and all Teclis aelves, but not nighthaunts - creations of pure magic. Thats a pity.

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  2. Guys, you know what, Cogs contain big secret. Now wizardgain extra spell on slow flow.

    Take Reikenor, cast cogs, give him, Olinder, Guardian and Midnight Tome Carrier extra spell cast. It's like 4 extra bolts.

  3. Literally every game I take my 30 reapers. And it was my biggest fear of 3.0 - reapers which are not battleline. Now I'm happy.

    Rasps rip, Hexwraiths rip, banshees rip, stalkers went up in points - seriously?

  4. Tried today Emerald Host with Death Riders and Cruciator.

    Olinder, Cruciator, Torment, Guardian, Harrow, 30 reapers, 12 banshees, 2 chaingheists, 2x5 Hexwraiths, coach.

    Against Skryers stand and shoot:

    Tanquol, doomwheel, lightning canon, 2x3 fiends, engenier, bombardier, 6 snipers, 3x1 ratling gun, 5 acolytes.

    Man I love this bad boy. Cruciator effectively tripled deathless saves. With him five wraiths tanked 6 rat snipers, 2 rat machinegunners, 3 stormfiends for a whole double turn of fire.

    Second squad WoTed full Tanquol.

    30 reapers lost only 10 to fiends fire for a whole double turn.

    Now nighthaunts really have dakka - cruciator+chaingheists wiped half of snipers. 


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  5. 17 hours ago, DeVDL said:

    About Kurdoss...

    Don't have the model because too fragile lately in the meta etc... But in the emerald host procession he might have a use now?

    Giving, in a perfect world, the enemy general -1 to his save rolls with the curse and having Kurdoss in reserve with hexwraiths.

    Meanwhile Olynder with her battalion on the field.

    Summon Kurdoss with hexwraith bodyguards 9inch from general. If he makes the charge (potential wave of terror) rerolling hit rolls and potential juicy damage...

    Lots of ifs though, if he doesn't make the charge at least he wont die in one turn with the hexes near him...

    Something like this, creeping up with supported spirit hosts, bladegheists and sorrowmourn and backstabbing with Kurdoss

    Allegiance: Nighthaunt
    Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King (180)
    - General
    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (200)
    - Lore of the Underworlds: Soul Cage
    Spirit Torment (120)
    - Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind
    Dreadblade Harrow (90)
    - Artefact: Midnight Tome - Shademist
    5 x Hexwraiths (130)
    5 x Hexwraiths (130)
    9 x Spirit Hosts (360)
    10 x Dreadscythe Harridans (180)
    4 x Myrmourn Banshees (70)
    4 x Myrmourn Banshees (70)
    15 x Bladegheist Revenants (270)
    2 x Chainghasts (70)
    Sorrowmourn Choir (120)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 108


    Sorry, but Kurdoss can't. Don't expect him to do more than couple of wounds even if he throw 10+. D3=1, *sad trombone*

  6. As for me - Myrmourns one of the most effective nighthaunt units. They are suprisingly effective in close combat, especially with attack boosts from enemy casts and Knight of Shrouds. 

    Main problem is 4+ to hit, but with chainghasts it became less painfull.

    Twelve of them always do their work.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Cchalmers said:

    Hi all. I recently traded my Maggotkin for a nighthaunt force and would really appreciate some direction on where to go with them for a semi competitive list.

    At first - choose your direction.

    If you are fond of endless tides of ghostly flesh - Legion Of Grief is your choice.

    If you are fond of rapid strikes from above and tactical shenanigans - go to NightHaunt allegiance.


    If you wanna go to Legion Of Grief:

    1) Necromancer - must have for his unique spell Dance Macabre, which makes unit fight twice. Reapers, who fights twice - glorious

    2) Another 4 banshees - they are great in maximum count

    And you are ready to fight at 2000pts!


    Knight of Shrouds

    Guardian of Souls

    Spirit Torment

    Dreadblade Harrow as general

    40x rasps

    2x20 rasps

    30 reapers

    12 banshees


    If you wanna go to Nighthaunts:

    1) Lady Olinder - our lady of grief, our mortal spam, our mighty hero. One of the most beautiful models entire AoS.

    2) Vampire Lord as ally - for additional attack and revive

    3) Hexwratihs for Dolorios guard batallion - to keep our Lady bold

    4) Reikenor + Chonomatic Cogs - to make underword strikes much more accurate and deadly

    Something like that:

    Knight of Shrouds

    Guardian of Souls

    Spirit Torment



    40x rasps

    6x Spirit Hosts

    30 reapers

    12 banshees

    Chronomatic Cogs

    • Like 4
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  8. Here they are all together. Collected to be powerful enough for competitive level and still be pleasure for eyes.

    Black pads are magnetic shelves for transporting - 60 rasps and 30 reapers are too fragile for lazy transporting.


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  9. Good day to all!

    This is the first my post here, the real reason for it - new hero creation mechanism in GHB 2020.

    As for me - real problem for Nighthaunts is lack of out hero survivability. 5-7 wounds are too low even with ethereal rule.

    Also only one wizard has positive modificators to cast and unbind.

    So I decided to create leader which will close this problems - here it comes, The Black ArchCoach.

    1)Malignant leader (12DP)

    2)Weapon - great soulreach grasp (great bow) (2DP) - just to have 2d shooting attack

    3)Wizard archetype with cast "Rise the Dead" (d3 wounds/models to unit)

    4)Gargantian beast - our Great Big Black Coach (15DP)

    Option - vicious charge (d3 MW on charge) (1DP)


    +1 save (2DP)

    +1 cast and unbind (3DP)

    35 DP at all => 350 pts

    He will be general for Ruler of the Spirit Hosts WT and artefact Midnight Tome for one more cast and unbind.

    In summary - 13 wounds, 3++ 6+++, 2 casts  with +1, 2d3 models to rise, can do some damage in close combat, can be a long range support. With Dolorous Guard is nearly unkillable.

    Here is the warscroll - what do you think?


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