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Posts posted by Mattrulesok

  1. 1 hour ago, Orsino said:


    Stop trolling, act like you're an adult, and then we can have a meaningful discussion.

    I'm not sure there's meaningful discussion to be had, all you appear to be interested in is shouting down anyone who would like to see better representation in our games of battle barbies.  Claiming that women are over represented due to historical inaccuracies but seemingly having no problem with any other historical inaccuracies like seraphon and skaven really makes it seem like the problem being presented is not one of historical accuracy but instead women. 

    " As a male playing a nearly all-female CoS army I can't say I've ever felt alienated and excluded by my gaming pieces not having enough penises and it's hard not to see this need as little more than chauvinism." 

    Wowza, and you asked me not to troll?  

    AoS and the larger Wargaming community, as well as the majority of nerd culture  is predominantly male, we know this, however we are seeing more and more women joining these spaces largely in part to increases in representation and communities becoming more welcoming. Creating models that people of different backgrounds can identify with is one part of making a more open and inviting game /community, even if those players ultimately decide they would prefer a non representative team. 

    The fact that you and I don't feel uncomfortable with an all women team and don't feel unrepresented in the game is because, as males, we have had constant representation in basically all spaces since we were children, we have massive amounts of representation in table top games, movies, video games, you name it! Frankly it has gotten to the point that I prefer playing as women in tt games and video games because I'm so bored of playing characters who look like me, I have so much representation in my life I'm actually bored of it, that is not a common occurrence for anyone but men, white men in particular. 

    And ill finish by supplying an anecdotal counter point. My wife has always wanted to play Warhammer, she only just started this year at the age of 35. Her favourite model is Lady Olynder and that model is one of the biggest reasons she finally started. Just knowing that everything wasn't male and then seeing other women playing finally gave her the confidence to try. She now plays 2 teams, Nighthaunt and Deepkin, both armies have multiple female models and that was a consideration on her part. This is one story but you will find a lot more like it. 

    • Like 21
  2. We're playing historical games now team, I'm throwing out my seraphon and stormcast and replacing them with the 1809 Austrian army. No historical inaccuracies or women in site! 

    But honestly no one's advocating for a 50/50 gender split. Partly as some factions are not gendered but also because the way factions treat gender (and other social issues) is part of their lore and background. One of my favourite parts of AoS is the shades of grey within factions rather than just a basic good v evil. 

    I learnt through this thread that skaven have a brood mother, one giant lady rat who births all the other and that's great, keep that, it's perfectly thematic and tells a great story and tells you a lot about skaven as a faction and as creatures. Having said that if someone comes up with a way to integrate female skaven in a way that makes the lore cooler than 1000% do it.  

    On the flip side there are other factions with little female representation for no reason, where their absence is adding nothing to the world or lore. Ultimately though there are so many cool ways to add women units and lore in to flesh out the factions, that includes the way women are presented, are they not, are they objectified (e.g. Stormcast), are they an equal (elves), are they superior (DoK?) or something else entirely? 

    • Like 5
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  3. The statistics demonstrate a far higher proportion of lizard leaders in AoS than pretty much any real army in history

    I can hear people now getting ready to tell me "IT'S FANTASY" and yes it is but all fantasy has reference points in the real world. That's what gives fantasy a feeling of reality. All of our real world reference points for combat are human because almost all real world combat has been done by humans. Which is not to say that you can't have lizard combatants in a fantasy game, you can have as many as you like, it's only the idea that you must have more lizards that I take objection to, given that lizard combatants are actually grossly overrepesented in AoS rather than underrepresented. 

    The other argument that's made here for increasing the over-representation of lizards is that some people need their gaming pieces to be the same species as them or they won't want to play with them. As a human playing a nearly all-lizard Seraphon army I can't say I've ever felt alienated and excluded by my gaming pieces not having enough hot blood and it's hard not to see this need as little more than reptileism. 

    So yeah, more lizard models would be nice, more models are always nice, but the idea that it is some sort of fault or deficit of a game not to have parity doesn't make sense and the idea that creatures are being cruelly excluded by the species of their gaming pieces holds no weight for me. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Back to rumours, do we think Morathi will be longer or the same length as WOTE?

    I legitimately forgot they were releasing a book for a minute and was trying to work out why they would increase her model length 

    • Haha 2
  5. 16 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    Just a reminder for everyone on this line, GW is in total control of the narrative of every faction. They aren't bound by some external or historical force that tells them that there can't be female fireslayers or ogors or a group of orcs that present more feminine than masculine. They can and do write the lore however they want and can add new pieces whenever it's convenient. They could release three black library novels over the next few months that mention the inclusion of female warriors in the cities of sigmar and then bam, it's entrenched in the lore and when the models come out it's perfectly natural for the faction. They could encourage the next couple video games to have a female chaos villain and then make her a special character model and the focus of the next chaos narrative arc. The entire game can be shaped and molded however they see fit.

    Personally, I'm all for more female representation if it means more people playing the game. 


    For those who don't understand why lore reasons aren't good arguments for denying representation/change



    • Like 3
  6. @Docthe3rd

    So those lists look fairly even, the liberators are the weak point of the stormcast list. Don't sleep on the strength of the sequitor, those guys will tear through nighthaunt if you equip the max number of models with great maces, plus they become battleline if astreia is general. Castigators as well aren't great but benefit from 6s  to hit becoming D3 hits against nighthaunt. 

    Your original list seems well balanced to me, glaivewraith stalkers are weak but so are liberators so it evens out. 


  7. Just finished up gotrek, was excited to try some new painting techniques as I'm not much of a painter but I'd like to improve. 


    I'm most happy with his beard and the shadow/highlighting on his bicep. 


    C & C welcome



    • Like 1

  8. ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Stormcast Eternals) [1,990pts] ++

    + Leader +

    Knight-Heraldor [100pts]

    Knight-Incantor [120pts]

    Lord Kroak [320pts]

    Lord-Castellant [120pts]: Faithful Gryph-hound

    Lord-Relictor [100pts]: 2. Bless Weapons

    + Artillery +

    Celestar Ballista [110pts]

    Celestar Ballista [110pts]

    + Battleline +

    Liberators [90pts]: 5 Liberators

    Liberators [90pts]: 5 Liberators

    Liberators [90pts]: 5 Liberators

    + Other +

    Aetherwings [40pts]: 3 Aetherwings

    Aetherwings [40pts]: 3 Aetherwings

    Retributors [380pts]: 2x 5 Retributors

    Skinks [60pts]: 10 Skinks, Skink Alpha

    Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows [170pts]: 3 Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows

    + Allegiance +

    . Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals: Celestial Vindicators

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    + Command Points +

    Purchased Command Points [50pts]: 1 Command Point

    ++ Total: [1,990pts] ++

    Created with BattleScribe


    So the idea is no one is afraid of retributors. kroak snipes with his comets and generates cp but also exists as a distraction kroakifex. The ballista and longstrike drop into cover to snipe enemy units and create threats across the board, liberators capture objectives and try to steal points, aetherwings steal objectives and screen. Skinks screen the retributors and steal objectives where possible. 

    To make the retributors good well be adding a few buffs to them. Celestial blades from the incantor, mystic shield from kroak, castellant buff and bless weapon from relictor. The heraldor than helps the retributors to move quickly and make a surprise charge hopefully armed with all their buffs, than take the rerooll 1s with celestial vindicator on charge and cp +1 attack on charge. 

    The idea is the other team will be more concerned with more well known threats (ballista, longstrike, kroak) and dismiss the retributors as slow and having low damage output. The msu's exist to steal as many points as possible, its very possible this team will take heavy losses but still have grabbed enough vp's to win. I don't think you're going 5-0 but you might get some fun games out of this team and get a few stunned faces when the retributors tear a hole in something big and scary. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. Just now, Saturmorn Carvilli said:

    I would argue it does matter how long it takes to update since GW is charging a monthly subscription fee.  The longer they delay, the less worthwhile a monthly subscription becomes.  If GW wants to go the fire and forget route with few and far between updates then they should probably consider a flat fee instead of asking customers to constantly pay for a non-service.

    Sorry my apologies, what I wrote is confusing. What I meant was the actual time it would take to complete the update isn't important, just whether or not they have made the update and reason for delay. 


    Hope that clears it up, will edit my previous post for clarity. 

    • Like 1
  10. Honestly it doesn't matter how long it would take to update, could be 1 hour could be 1 month, the problem isn't the volume of work being done by GW, they can only do so much. The issue is how they have prioritised their time and the service provided to paying customers. 

    GW chose to work on a new product over supporting a product people were currently paying for. That's not acceptable. 


    • Like 3
  11. If you can get your hands on the nighthaunt portion of soul wars you've got yourself an army (be warned a couple of units come in the wrong size). 

    Mortal realms magazines are also worth looking at, one edition came out with 3 nighthaunt heroes (Knight of shrouds, spirit torment, guardian of souls) 

  12. Everyone should cancel their subscription until the app is up to date. I appreciate with the current climate things are moving slower and they probably don't have a full head count in the office but they chose to ignore a service people were already paying for in order to try and push the release ofanother paid for service. That's unacceptable and the only  way to let GW know that is to vote with your wallet, by all means resubscribe when it's updated if you like the service but don't accept paying money for nothing. 


    • Like 3
  13. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    'It won't be too long until we return to the Mortal Realms, and we know there's some pretty BIG things on the way when we do!

    Direct quite from WarhammerTv on Facebook!! Maybe an August release after all for the Sons?!

    Boy the look on your face when it turns out they just meant updating the app

    • Haha 2
  14. So this came up in a game the other day, I read it as you roll a d3 and every unit within the radius takes that many wounds rather than rolling for each but I asked my opponent to read the rule and pick what interpretation they thought fit best and they went for the same even though it meant they would lose 2 heroes from it, so take that for what you will. 



    • Like 1
  15. Eel spam is tough, the key to their game is using the tides so I feel the you need to control play and prevent them striking with the tides the way they would like. Aetherwings feel like a must to disrupt charges and prevent your best units being minced in the 3rd round. You will definitely outgun them but remember you always have to shoot the closest unit so you won't necessarily get to shoot where you need when you need. 

    Bringing a prime to drop turn 1 or kroak and using their ability to drop mortal wounds wherever you want seems like it could be a game changer. Using comets to remove Volturnos (im assuming he plays him) while holding up the eels with aetherwings might be your best bet. 

  16. Seraphon are a great team to get into, they are definitely a meta team at the moment if you want to win but I like them for 2 reasons:

    1. Range of models and teams, yes there is the kroak/salamander list expected to dominate tournaments but I play an all skink thunder lizards army which is very different but still plays well. 

    2. Easy to get started, both start collecting boxes are excellent value and contain core units you will want in your army. 


    Sylvaneth are an expensive team to play as you will need to buy lots of wild woods to be competitive 

    Destruction armies are not my thing but they have lots of options within them for different armies. 

    • Like 1
  17. Stegadon are conditional battleline and what could be better than a triceratops? That's what I thought, nothing. 

    All jokes aside (although I do play battleline stegadon) surely the eels are up there? Conditional battleline as long as Volturnos is your general (which he usually is anyway), most tournament teams are literally just these guys and it works, can't think of a more ringing endorsement. 

    • Like 1
  18. 4 hours ago, NauticalSoup said:


    1. Instead of removing this model, you can (meaning, may) heal 1 wound allocated to it.



    You can:

    A) allocate wounds to the model, it is slain and removed 

    B) allocate wounds to model, than heal 1 wound to prevent model being slain (hence why I refer to it as negating wounds). 


    This mechanic is very clear that you heal a wound as it is being allocated, nothing else matters, if you are not allocating wounds that cause the model to be slain than you cannot activate this ability 

    I do wish it was the other way around, I run a Lord arcanum in basically every list but the wording seems pretty clear to me

  19. Unfortunately I think the answer is no

    "Once per turn, when a friendly STORMCAST ETERNAL model is slain within 18" of this model, instead of removing the slain model, you can heal 1 wound allocated to it. This model cannot use this ability on itself."

    No wounds are allocated in battleshock, the model is just considered slain but does not recieved any wounds that can be healed, or more specifically, negated. 

  20. I was thinking about this the other day and how I would like to see behemoths and heroes count as their current wound total rather than just 1. This gives both more utility (granted heroes didn't need it) and I think on a fluff level works better, in the same way monsters get weaker as they take more wounds their ability to control a point is diminished by being wounded and logically (or as logical as you can get about a game of lizards on dinosaurs fighting underwater elves etc.) it seems to me my 12 wound thunder lizard bastiladon has more control over an objective than 10 chainrasp however a bastiladon with 1 wound left is clearly out matched by 10 chainrasp, model numbers don't make total sense for controlling points.  If my wife and I are in our loungeroom and an adult tiger gets in you wouldn't say we control the room because we outnumber it right? Facetious I know but it's what makes sense to me

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  21. 7 hours ago, Korazell said:

    Nicely done! It looks very natural with the mix. 


    ...Also that chain is- excuse me? Really? For true? You speak the true-true? 


    I need to up my sculpting game!

    Yep just green stuff, I'd like to tell you I'm a master sculpter but I just followed a YouTube video that had a really great method for easy chains

    Link if you're interested Link


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