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Everything posted by jeanfluflu

  1. what was your list? Are you missing sacro sanct chamber elements to get some punch in melee (sequitors, evocators) or does it feel good as it is?
  2. Hello everyone, here's some progress on his front legs, chestplate and i also started the rest of the body. Edit: Here's some work on the base, adding leaves and finishing the paintjob on the rocks and ruins.
  3. my big question here about the warden battalion is about the lord celestant that we have to take. Is this the one on foot or is it the lord celestant keyword? If this is the keyword it could allow us to take the lord celestant on dracoth and use his CA to create a 24" immune bravery each turn, combine this with staunch defender and the general rule for the liberators and we can have a pretty solid anvil line here (2+ save, rerolling ones ignore bravery tests). 2 drop army is good, but the killing units will be the raptors again, even though paladins are decent i don't count on them to flip a fight. To maximize it you want to take anvils of heldenhammer, which doesn't allow us to get the defensive buff i mentionned earlier... In this case, maybe protectors paladins can help right there with their -1 to hit to projectiles, and if you have 2 battalions you have the possibility to take the lantern too (reroll 6 to hit for missile weapons) which could help against shooting armies (even though i(m not sure it's enough). There's plenty of possibilities to boost up some low units but i'm not sure it's enough to make it truly powerful (liberators with 3+ save are nice, but they are not combat geniuses to stay polite).
  4. Never played it but looking at the warscroll the -1 to wound debuff aura seems a pretty big deal
  5. if this bonus is granted as a general rule yes, but i wouldn't be surprised if it only applied to melee weapons
  6. Damn guys some of the batallions are crazy nice, i don't have any idea of how it could go under competitive circumstances but imagine this. You get your stormkeep patrol setup on the table, you TP them close to an objective, securing it with liberators....Etc. But the battallion also allows you to bring up a "justicar" unit, and our vanguard hunter are in fact justicars, you can then make them shoot with anvils of heldenhammer AND use the translocation prayer to TP them elsewhere if needed to shoot something else during the shooting phase. stormtower garrison is good to get large untis in it (2 liberators, 1/2 palladins, 1/2 justicars) and significantly reduce drops on the table while offering some nice buff (+1 to save and hit on paladins is really appreciated). possibilities are vast and the buff to liberators was needed as it helps them to get better at their role (holding obj, make oponent loosehis time...etc). I know this is going nowhere and i'm just thinking into the void but i love that we can play in such a way! glad to get this book it's gonna be so great!
  7. Here's some progress on this one with better pictures. I removed the red on the fabrics on this beast to replace it with blue, i think it works better with a more limited palette. Here's the WIP Also i improved my bases by adding some crushed dead leaves with birch seeds on top to get the effect of an autumn forest ground. I'll do the same on the tauralon, the brown of the leaves and aded details works perfectly with the golden/blue colors.
  8. Here's some progress on the painting....lockdown sur is efficient at getting your models done Small update on the head
  9. brother this is insane work, very very cool!!!!! I love your bases and the glow, it makes the color scheme quite impactful and vibrant. How have you done your bases i'm curious? especially the little scraps of wood are they just small pieces that you glued on your bases or do you have any secret magic trick?
  10. Nah i don't plan to sculpt more feathers, the idea is to keep clean flat surfaces on the body to support the more detailled wings and armor pieces (and of course the character sitting on top of this). Here's the result with basecoat. For the color scheme i'd like to keep some blue/white/pink to fit with the rest of the army. I've decided to draw inspiration from blue jays, such beautiful birds and the rythm of blue/black/white on the wings will bring me great contrast and focus on these important parts. Body and belly will stay white with hints of pink on fleshy areas
  11. Hey guys, France is under lockdwon again but i managed to sneak into my local store to buy that magnificent beast that some of us call.....timmy. Well it's time for me to get some sculpting done since i can't have access to my computer where i sculpt the stardrake, so here it is. Basically i hated the fish like head the Tauralon had and got an extra lord arcanum on gryph charger from souls war box that i could sacrifice. The idea was to blend the head of the gryph charger within the tauraon face to make it look more reagal and bird like, i also replaced his front legs with the gryph charger claws to help get more details on the front. Last thing i added some feathers on the front side of the wings (which are truly magnificent) because due to mold constraint the base wings have some strange symmetry that makes them looks like tile and i think my boy deserve better. Sculpting is done with Milliput and i'll probably start painting job next week so if you're interested keep n eye in here ;); Have a great day guys, stay safe!
  12. I love that idea and would personally be thrilled to get more power added into base units with some forms of restrictions like ignore -1 rend as long as liberators are 10 or more on the unit for example. The big vanguard batallion is a great example of how much batallion can help, it provides big bonuses on key units and really drives you into a specific playstyle that fits the idea of a vanguard chamber. I would love to have more of these, i'm dreaming of an extremis chamber battallion with dracoth commanded by a big conclave of heroes smashing into enemy lines...etc. I think the base profile of our units are good but we are lacking the small combo and bonuses that other armies have so i'm hoping for some nice extra rules to pull them up.
  13. I don't see why they would change the warscrolls. I'm happy to see some castigators and gryph-hounds in it though, these units are severely under appreciated and maybe they'll shine with some extra punch or ability...let's wait. edit: i'm noticing the main character for this batallion could be a lord veritant, i'm also glad to see that this character can get a bit of attention too, he already give a buff to gryph-hounds but with ridiculous range (6") maybe some extra inches on this can allow our dogs to be decent.
  14. Most of the very powerful shooting units (skinks, flamers, lumineth archers...etc) don't do that much damages with the base profile of the weapon. Problem is more about the triggering of mortal wounds on an unmodified 6 to hit or even 5 and 6 for the elves archer. I think against these units a castellant with storm lantern is a better use for cheaper points (make the opponent reroll 6 to hit is pretty insane, you more or less divide by 6 the amount of MW for a 120pts hero that you will most likely play anyway). KO is another subject in itself, problem with them is mostly the mobility and concentration of fire power that makes them pretty hard to deal with (when 1200pts of army concentrate on 400 of yours well your unit dies and the boats can TP somewhere else and repeat the process).
  15. What kind of melee core are you thinking? The classical castellant/sequitors/evocators build?
  16. Yep that's my painting job, thank you very much i appreciate the compliment :). Even though i prefer the sculpting of the pallladors or dracolines i should say that the large flat areas of armor and drake scales were a joy to paint, so much that i am currently searching for more of them to add to my army
  17. I'm sculptin gusing Zbrush, it's a very powerful tool for these kind of organic sculpts and you can add or remove details without worrying about technical aspects too much, you don't have to worry about topology because plogyons are created as you go thanks to some plugins and you can go pretty high in terms of resolution as it is really well optimised (compared to mudbox for example who's a little bit more demanding for your hardware and can't allow you to go as high). About the fact that it may not fit with the rest of the army i'll see how it goes, warhammer models certainly have a very particular way to deal with details. As i posted it earlier i am currently painting the dracothain guards these models are typical warhammer stuff: simple shapes, bold crevices and flat surfaces with charp angles. On the contrary dracolines and palladors for example have very fine details on the faces and legs and better anatomy than stardrake or dracothian that are way more angular in the design, i guess having the armor done right will greatly help and i can get these simple shapes easily right there. We'll see how it goes on the way :). well i'd like to keep him thin and agile, i know stardrake are looking bold and pretty classical in term of design (long serpent neck, large hands and stompy legs) but i wanted to go somewhere else. I'm not sculpting it to redo what GW has already done, my idea for that is to get closer to what the dracolines or palladors are for example (fine anatomy, dynamic poses and expressive face with sharp details and small texture work here and there).
  18. Very interesting discussion, for those interested i'm currently sculpting my own stardrake and hope to 3D print it later so i've read all this with intense interest. Go have a look here if you're curious: Someone here told about the fact that the drakesworn templar can give +1 to hit to dracothian allies if he lands his 3+ bow attack. I did my math and with that ability combined to the celestial vindicator sub-allegiance our dracothian guards becomes really impactfull in close combat (a unit of 4 will deal on average 28 wounds when they charge against a 4+ save, 22 wounds with 4+ reroll). the mortal wound from dracothian breath also benefit from it, making it really interesting if you have some focus fire to do on something you want to destroy (etherial dangers or big monsters that needs to calm down a bit before you engage them). Quite a powerfull line breaker, but there's several problems: - Dracothain guards are quite expensive units, making the rest of the build less effective if you have to remove Kroak for example to fit your wonderfull dragons. - The stardrake is a much higher risk in that build: removing the staunch defender as well as not having the articaft to ignore -1 rend is making him much more fragile. On it's own that miniature is not killy enough for it's cost with just a 3+ naked save and celestial vindicator artifact does not makes it any better at killing something to get him on a big unit or else. - It's shifting away from the starcast build that revolves arround dealing regular MW imputs on key targets, and without that optic in minds i'm not sure that the build is coherent or even useful. - We don't have much projection either, let's say we have a knight heraldor, you can burn a CP and run 6 making your dracothian go 16inches and then charge but it's still not enough to reliably charge turn one. That said do you have alternatives to play dracothian guard with decent results? Can you go starcast using something else than staunch defender? Will Sigmar grant us batallions that can actually be usefull for them? What are your thoughts on this guys?
  19. hi there, nothing new concerning the stardrake but i got somedracoth to fill the list. Here's how they look, painting is pretty basic, i really love the hammer of sigmar palette. This is still WIP, i need to finish the base and add some dirt and other aging on the clothes and armor. I'll give more updates here for each piece i finish.
  20. my poor friend struggle a lot with his army. Now that he plays khorne deamon prince things are getting better for him as he has something to hit hard (and first that's a game changer) but most of the time i think stormcast have more tools to their kit. well it was the first time for me against these two, i usually play soft lists against my friend so we can have fun together but now that i know that they are competitive dudes i'll adapt and try to catch them, it can go for very intense games :). I'll see next time, frustration mostly came from the fact that it was a very one sided game.
  21. thanks a lot, that's what my opponent said while blasting bodies like a madman "get me in close combat and my army will disapear". Looking at the warscrolls the boats do look fragile and i do think i could have done things differently as i made some crucial mistakes. I also feel that vanguard units have all the tools at their disposal to fight against that. Maybe my friend's army probably needs some adjustments as most of what he plays except the deamon prince is pretty vulnerable and does not hit that hard. AoS is pretty new to me though and i still need to practice to get to know my army better and avoid positioning mistakes, i want to play another game now !!!!!!
  22. thanks for the reply, i got the same feeling as you. Not gonna lie my friend was on the verge of leaving the table after the first enemy shooting phase....BoKis an old battletome and it's difficult to play with this army against shooting opponents hat can TP. On our side I think with some dangerous shooting entries or surprise TP we have the tools to deal with some of the dangers KO opposes us (kill the big boat and the rest is free). I don't know be'lakor yet but he seems perfect against such army, magic seems to ne a weak point of them, thanks for the advice!
  23. Hey guys. I recently got baited into a game at my local gamestore, it was 2v2 with 1000pts each. I was playing stormcast of course with a fairly soft list and was alongside my good friend who's playing khorne and we were up against a duo made up of kharadron and sylvaneth. my list was the following: lord aquilor knight venator 2x5 hunters palladors 3 longstrike 3aetherwings 6 gryph-hounds And dear god that game was frustrating, sylvaneth had 6 kurnouth, a treelord and a couple of characters and dryads and the kharadron guy got a frigate and a smaller boat as well as some units. He deployed in a small corner far from reach from anyone, we got the first turn i tried to TP my palladors and aquilor close to his boats but failed the charges (which cost us te game). I managed to kill a branch witch and deal a couple of wounds on the kurnouth as my friend charges in with his troups. First turn for them the entire khorne army got melted, the dwarf TP his boats and the firepower he got simply anihiliated at least 700pts in one turn, treelord made sure the fight we could win got resolved last (thus making them a lost) and the rest is just pure ******. the 2+ bomb that deals mortal wound as long as it success got the deamon prince of my friend and the kurnouth decimated the bloodreavers/gryph-hounds and took the points back from us. Anyway we quit the game after turn 2 where the game was obviously not winnable, i think we killed 2 kurnouth (who got healed and resurected) one mage and that's all while on their sides the entire khorne army was gone except 2 heroes and i lost most of my heavy punching units (oh and the longstrike got nullified because of the woods). I know the frustration i got clearly comes from the fact that we played against very competitive lists but the matchup seems too perfect for them, i can't imagine how to counterplay those nasty dwarf, i mean they have it all it seems without any downside: low drops, insane firepower, TP, big rend and huge deal of MW...etc. I'd like to have your thoughts on kharadron, what are your tactics and tips against them? Is it winnable for stormcast or is it simply too OP and GG go next, i'll wait for my new battletome?
  24. That's a nice list but 3 ballistas have the same stats to hit that 2 with lord ordinator and costs 30pts less. but i love the combination of the cleansing phalanx and the ballistas, clearly does a great job to reduce drops and have your ballistas ready to go anywhere you'd like. I'd personnaly go with the chronomantic cogs as well, you can cast empower multiple times with your unit of evocatros and it allows them to get +1 to save rolls as well which is nice because you will not have a lot of bodies on the table compared to some armies and it synergize well with your staunch defender. something likt this: Lord Arcanum Lord castellant Lord ordinator 10 sequitors 10 sequitors 5 evocators 5evocators 5liberators 3 ballistas cleansing phalanx chronomantic cogs It's a 3 drop list, probably too few people on the table like i said but they are all very durable. especially the ballistas if you drop them on a cover. The ability of the lord arcanum as well as the cleansing phalanx makes your sequitors a good threat as well (reroll to hit, to wound adn to save). I don't know if people have already played such list but it has nice firepower, decent melee but once you commit you better be sure of you because i removed the priest and the translocation
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