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Everything posted by jeanfluflu

  1. the tool itself is great, i bought myself an elegoo mars pro for a pretty decent price, the printing quality is great as you can see (0,05mm layers) and the resin is not that expensive (arround 60euros for one liter and some of them are washable with water). I'll buy myself some scenery and print them, it could do some excellent tests as well.
  2. i'm slowly progressing on this one, made some slicing to separate the different parts of the beast and did some early printing tests to see how it oges. After several tries and a bunch of unavoidable errrors due to mys really noob experience with 3D printer i got some things off. I think i'll push the teeth to give them more thickness and maybe enhace some of the face details as well. The result you see here is just the base head with a simple wash of guilliman flesh, the resin didn't offer a good view of the surface work so i primed it and put a bit of color to look at how these minor surface details could be seen. So far i'm really happy, beside some work i need to do on the support pieces it went very smoothly without much troubles and i'm really impatient to continue my sculpting job. Next step is to finish the body and add the saddle and secondary details so i can get a good idea of the type of pose i want to give him.
  3. Hey everyone. It's been a long time but here's some progress on this very slow sculpting job. Working on the texture work and the scales, i've made some progress on the anatomy structure of the shoulders and added some volum to liiink the wings, it shoudln't be long before i sculpt them and add them to the model
  4. there's tons of options for you to start a new army. Here's two of them basing on the boxes we have at our diposal: OPTION 1: You can start a sacro sanct type army, buy yourself two "souls war" starter sets and you'll get a solid base for very cheap price. You can find used miniatures pretty much everywhere on the web and build something nice and fun for each turn of the game (hero phase and some magic tricks, shooting with the ballista and a solid melee core for the combat phase). I think you can have the stormcast part of the set of about 50 euros which would end up having an entire army for 100 euros, you can buy these two boxes and sell the ghosts to someone else or even share it with a friends who want s to play nighthaunt army, get yourself a lord castellant to go with it and you'll have a list like this. At 1000pts you can have something like this: Lord arcanum on gryph charger lord castellant 15 sequitors (one unit of 10 and one of 5) 5 evocators 1 ballista with this you'll get an initiation to magical phase and some of the best melee units we have right now. The core of 10 sequitors buffed with the castellant is something really solid and the evocators are no joke as well if you manage to protect them until they get in close combat, the ballista is not something very OP alone like this but it is in the box so why not play it and enjoy a little bit of shooting support. OPTION 2: Buy yourself a vanguard brotherhood box, you'll have some the most powerful shooting stuff and in my opinion some of the best looking stormcast models. The box itself is 130 euros and by buying a knight venator you could end up with an army list like this: Lord aquilor Knight venator 2X5 hunter 3 aetherwing 6 gryph-hounds 3 palladors 3 raptors longstrikes The list offers you a very strong shooting phase and some very nice movements tricks (the lord aquilor can TP units arround and is also a decent fighter itself, the hunters can TP closer to enemies if they are close from the table's edges and aetherwings as well as gryph-hounds have some movement rules that mekes them the best units to cover your backline). This list is probably a bit more expensive than the first one, you'll have to get the big vanguard box and the knight venator for a total of 160 euros on average but you'll have fun with a very guerilla style army. The two lists that i gave you right there are average i'd say, most of the units are good and some combos will be powerfull enough to help you in any situations (castellant/10 sequitors is very good at 1000pts and the 3 longstrikes/venators deals enough shooting damages to kill some scary monsters your army does not want to fight). I hope it helps, have a great day!
  5. I agree, they don't feel like the heroes they're supposed to be and it probably comes from the history of AoS, since liberator is the base metric from which the rest of the game was built their profile is pretty average. But then , AoS is suffering like most games from a real powercreep issue with the most recent armies getting crazy good units (those ****** eels with 2+ unrendable saves looks like a nightmare, i don't want to talk about vanari sentiel spam...etc). This said i think one option to get them to a better place could be to nerf some of these problematic rules like GW did with FNP on the last general's handbook or maybe some very simple unit limits for tournament plays can do the trick, things like: "a list cannot get more than 2 units of the same type in a tournament army"...etc. I'm far from the best person for this but i feel this would sanitize the game a bit and allow for more room for our chaps with golden pecs.
  6. I don't like the idea of liberators being killing machines, but i like the fantasy behind the "shield of civilisation" rule. Ideally i'd like them to get some bonuses when they are in big numbers just like chaos warriors (20+ units ignore -1 rend for example so it does not create some really stupid line units with 1+ save stacking buffs while still retaining some durability). Maybe they can get additionnal rules depending on the type of general leading them, they are supposed to be the spine of every stormhost and some custom rules could really help them to adapt to the flavor of each type of stormcast army: -If a lord celestant/castellant/relictor is the general they get reroll 1's to hit. -If a lord Arcanum is the general they get exploding hits (6's to hit deals 2 wounds.....magic thunder don't ask for more). -If a lord aquilor is the general they get +1 to run and charge. At 90pts for 10 wounds and a 4+ save they are pretty cheap and i like it that way, that's why minor buffs like this is a solution i'm hoping for.
  7. Hey guys. After the launch of the broken realms book i'd like to try to make a list for my dust heavy liberators using the broken realms new rules. I'm playing regularly against a friend who has a khorne army and two DoK/ nighthaunt players that are new to the game. My khorne friend does not seems amused to play against vanguard units (even though i never played more than 6 longstrikes against him, the constant tp and regular fire output is an annoyance to him) so i recently tried the sacro sanct chamber but the gav bomb of 10 evocators absolutely devastated his army. That's why i'm here, the goal here is not to get a top meta army but rather to find a nice army that is fun to play against and enjoyable for me too, also i'd like to use a maximum of the warrior chamber to get a nice theme. Here's the list: Stormkeep/Celestial vindicators Lord celestant on dracoth: Lightning hammer, stormrage blade, keen clawed. Knight vexillor: Pennant of the stormbringer Lord castellant: 15 liberators 10 liberators 5 judicators 10 retributors 4 concussors Stormtower garrison. For a grand total of 2000pts exactly, 4 drops and a total of 128 wounds. Let's talk about the lord celestant, or as we can call him mister 6: The single minded fury ability from the celestial vindicators stormhost said that for each 6 to hit the attack does an extra wound, does it means that the lightning hammer does 3MW instead of 2 for each 6 to hit? If yes it means that i can in theory use the stormrage blade to add 2 extra attacks and launch 5 att each round....can you guys confirm this? I think having keen clawed on the dracoth mount is really nice too, it means that for each 6 to wound the attack deals -3 rend AND d6 damages, not the most reliable thing but it allows for some fun and extra tension when it is time to launch the dices. Hi command ability that allows units to ignore bravery tests is great and would allow the liberators to fulfill their roles and tank objectives like the champ they are (TP them on the most important obj with a bit of castellant shine to give them the sweet 2+ save rerolling 1's if they do not move). The rest is pretty obvious and the list goes without much more explanations, i need your advice on the second artifact i would use in this list. The obvious choice would be the lantern of the tempest on the castellant but what do you think of the banners that we have at our disposal (the lichbone standard seems nice i guess but i've never used it). I wish i can have some advices from people who play against stormcast armies, i think that this list focusing on close combat would be nice to fight against even though some units hits really hard and have great saves. I'm not spamming MW or ranged units, i only have one per battle TP and i would mostly face tank and hit back. What do you think?
  8. which is even more frustrating when you look at dracoth rules just a page before (6 to wound result in D6 damages). I mean they could ahve gone the same way and the protectors would have been more reliable in this role.
  9. Hey guys, i'm playing a bit more with magic right now and wondered what are the endless spells you like to have on your side. The comet is iconic has a great impact and the AoE is great, i love to use this spell. The soulsnare shackles are really nice too, slowing down enemies is great and offer us a bit more board control (which is key cause we lack screening). The Shards of Valarghar creates the same effect almost, i think they are harder to use but the -1 to hit debuff is really nice. Question is did you used them? Do you find them usefull in a stormcast army? And of course, what is your favorite endless spells?
  10. here's a small update on the ballistas And here's "LENIN" the ballista worker ready to fight for the revolution!
  11. Mr Handsome is coming to town with his great mustache of neverending twirl and bald skull of knowledge. I'll polish this dude this weekend and progress on the ballistas
  12. THIS! It's really fun and satisfying to unpack new rules and find the "secret ingredient" to maximize our army but most of the time we'll be playing against our friends. From a relaxed point of view, well at least it's a reasonnable treat to dust off your liberators and plays something else with your friends.
  13. in terms of stats it more or less the same thing, you can check here pretty easily: https://aos-statshammer.herokuapp.com/ With 30 attacks each a sword hitting on 2 and wounding on 4 would do 6.25 wounds on a 4+ save A hammer hitting on 3 wounding on 3 would do 6.67, slightly better but not gamebreaking. Even with modifiers such as reroll ones to hit for example the difference accross saves is at 0.5 more wounds advantage for the hammer (again on a volume of 30 attacks). Not that big of a deal.
  14. yeah it creates a silhouette kinda clunky but it is more or less invisible if you pick a hooded head for example. Also haircuts are you're best firneds i guess, a little bit of sculpting work over a bald head can help to create a very nice braids or half shaved cut
  15. Thinking about what you guys said and here's what i come up with: - Tauralon: staunch defender/azyrite halo/celestial blades - Lord ordinator - Lord castellant - 20 sequitors - 2x5 liberators - 4 concussors - 3 ballistas Prismatic palissade The palissade can help block a charge like hte aetherwings could, i'm not counting on the debuff since it can happen on my units as well and it goes on a 5+. I had 30pts left and thought it could be a good idea. The rest of the list plays similarly expect for the comet that i removed, we'll see how the balistas goes. I also removed the knight heraldor . I can build almost the same thing with judicators if i remove 5 sequitors, maybe it's something that can help me i don't know yet: - Tauralon: staunch defender/azyrite halo/celestial blades - Lord ordinator - Lord castellant - 15 sequitors - 2x5 judicators - 4 concussors - 3 ballistas Prismatic palissade
  16. Also if you want some female heads you can take a look at adepta sororitas, if you have a friend who plays this army he's probably have tons of naked heads with badass features and variety of haircuts and expressions (bald head, square cut, hooded head...etc). That's what i did to create some home made custom heroes and it's something i recommand. Also you can probably find some of those on Ebay at a pretty low price, look at plastic kit such as seraphim for example, they have great heads and there's not a lot of futuristic elements on them.
  17. Damn i didn't read that... Without comet i need something else to spread mw everywhere, also what battalions where you thinking about? If i remove the raptors and the comet, it leaves me 460pts that i can invest into 3 ballistas and lord ordinator (470pts). His command ability can really help me to get things stucked into combat and they could also greatly benefits from the LA +1 to hit buff (making them hit on 3+, they're also greatly resilient, especially if i drop them into a cover). The list lose a bit of it's power though as i can't assassinate support heroes as fast as i would like to but i think i can still apply this strategy against big center piece by creating a big saturation of rend -2 shots if i focus fire (we're looking at 20+ wounds rend-2 on average if we consider hitting on 3+ but ballistas are swingy).
  18. Hey guys, i'm currently building an army centered arround a Tauralon, my list is the following: Tauralon: staunch defender/staff of focus/everblaze comet Knight Heraldor Lord castellant 15 sequitors 5 libs 5libs 4 concussors 2x3 aetherwings 6 raptors longstrike Lots of drops here but our batallions are ****** anyway, here's the strat. Tauralon is the big fast support piece, ideally i'd like to cast the comet early and drop it arround the support heroes of my opponent then finish them with the raptors using scion of the storm. Staff of focus helps me to get some breakpoints easier and having at least 2MW for each piece under the 10" radius is key here. Castellant will shine his lantern on the sequitors or concussors depending of how aggressive i want to go. If i play defensively i'll keep the concussors out of reach and boost sequitor's armor to shield the army core and get the sweet 2+ reroll with lantern and staunch/cover. Dracoth combo quite well with the tauralon i believe, the sweet +1 to hit when tauralon fly over a unit is really helpful on their breath attack and the lord arcanum ability to save seomeone by negating a crucial wound is really helpful on such solid models (you can easily have a 2+ rerolling 1's or even more if you combine the right bonuses ). lastly i like to get some aetherwings on my side to cap points early and/or play the sacrifice units and libs will stay in the sky to make them drop where i need them, either to fill a gap in the frontline or to get objectives early if i really need to iinstead of aetherwings. I'll probably suffer with that kind of list against a heavy shooting army and i'm really vulnerable to MW myself but what do you think of this?
  19. Here's a small update on these sequitors with better pictures. 5 done....15 more to go! Also small update on the dracoth bases, adding leaves and other details.
  20. Here's a bit of progress did these days. My goal is to get two squads of these bad boys, of course following the base techniques i experimented. hope you guys will like it, i'll take better pictures when i have time to do so. H
  21. Good idea, it makes me think that skyborne slayers is probably a great idea too, it's easy to build a 1 drop list and get 20+ paladins to charge right away. Also decimators vs boat is just insane, 10 attacks per model if there's dwarves in them (and there will be) makes a squad of 15 something like 90 att+ 4 starsoul maces !!!!!!! Thinking something like Celestant 2X10 libs 2X5 judicators 15 decimators 15 protectors I'm also thinking that the new battalions present in broken realms could really help us on this matchup, thinking about the one that allows you to TP 9 inches away from the enemy before first turn. Someone pointed out that sequitors could be a part of it, i know a squad of 20 sequitors does not have the same impact than 10 evo but it is something to try out :).
  22. It may be real hard to pull out, i think the unit has to be wholly within the lord to get this so not gonna happen a lot of times.
  23. I agree, although i'm not a pro at playing against kharadron, the "squishyness" of the ships is quite relative. We'll se next time how it goes, and if i go against the same man i'll just pop the 1 drop vanguard list to fight with something that can anwser his shooting style (And yes despite the miniature it looks like a 40K game :D)
  24. Not gonna play this dude a lot but i loved the miniature so here it is!
  25. And a unit of gryph-hounds using the same technique, i'm going to update all my army with this, i think it will have great benefits when seen from afar.
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