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Posts posted by TerrorPenguin


    Are rumours of new death stuff this year based on anything other than 'they haven't had much' ?

    Anyone know anything? I'm a bit concerned I just bought a deathlords list and if everything gets split up by Mortarch it might be rendered useless before it even gets its first outing (I am not fast at painting :( )

  2. 24 minutes ago, Ollie Grimwood said:

    Seems entirely sensible to get a popular faction that sells complete. It'll keep the money coming while they do the other stuff. It seems Stormcast are the perfect candidates. There's still plenty of stuff to be getting along with in the other factions and grand Alliances, I think Death is the smallest and has 50+ units.  

    43 ;)

    • Like 1
  3. 55 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Where do all these decapitated heads come from that there's always a skull or two on every single GWs base!?....

    Nagash could raise an army of just skulls and over run all the realms! Heh.


    Could do if he had a battletome ;)

    • Like 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, L.Bromley said:

    Cheers Jon, it's really good pack that you have made, anymore players signed up?

    The only tweek I personally think you should make to the day would be to make painting a players choice rather than a raffle, I would get everyone to set there armies up at lunch than get all players to vote (whilst I know this is something I won't win or deserve, I would feel a tad embarrassed if I won a raffle and someone else had put loads of effort in over a period of time) just my opinion fella.


    No worries - it was Imps decision. I think the idea was to encourage fully painted armies at whatever level and reward, but not discourage non painted stuff.

    The raffle isn't really a reward for your standard of painting - it's a reward for your commitment to painting the whole army! 

  5. 22 hours ago, L.Bromley said:

    Hey Jon is it three or four games? The time schedule says three but the scoring sheet suggests four?

    Also I have heard at imps about the "imps house rules" are these in use on Saturday and if so what has been ruled please?

    I think it's three at 2000 points.

    Rules are in the tournament pack linked above but basically:

    Base to base measurement

    Nothing can affect turn roll (Kairos)

    6 always hits but abilities not activated if true to hit roll was e.g 7

    Any unit that cannot be targeted cannot hold an objective

    Same spell doesn't stack

    mystical terrain test is taken at start of hero phase before anything else


  6. 2 hours ago, mhsellwood said:

    Just a quick note on the maths re. the stomps - it is not a 50% chance of rolling 6 mortal wounds, it is about 1.5% as there are 64 possible outcomes rolling 6 dice with 1-3 doing nothing and 4-6 doing 1 wound, of which precisely one is 6 wounds, or 1/64 or 1.5%. 3 mortal wounds is pretty much it.

    My gut feeling though is that Kurnoth Hunters are currently slightly undercosted along with Morghast being slightly overcosted rather than Hunters being right and Morghast massively over costed.

    You're right apologies, I meant on average you will do three mortal wounds, but phrased it badly

  7. Unit of 6 Kurnoth Hunters = 360 points. 30 wounds; 18 attacks 3's to hit and wound, rend 2, d3 damage. 50% chance of causing 6 mortal wounds to the unit is in combat with. (I'll give you they won't get the re roll saves often).

    Equivalent unit of Morghast Archai is 3, recognising that you can't take this, but for illustration. 18 wounds, 9 attacks, 3's to hit and wound rend 2, damage 3. Extra 4" move and flying. 33% chance of ignoring wounds. 60% chance of being summoned. Chance of summon being dispelled. No options for ranged attacks. No mortal wound output.

    Would Sylvaneth players be happy to double the points in exchange for a longer move, more reliable damage and a ward save, but lose the mortal wound output.

    Archai should be 240 for three, imvho 

  8. Event Title: 2000 Point GHB - Lincoln - Imps Gaming
    Event Author: TerrorPenguin
    Calendar: Events UK
    Event Date: 01/14/2017 09:45 AM to 01/14/2017 06:00 PM

    Hi all,

    Kicking off the year Imps Gaming will be running the first of what we hope are regular tournaments in Lincoln.

    Its a straight up 2000 point matched play event with space for 20 players. Tickets are £15 on the door or £10 if purchased before the day. 

    Ill get a tournament pack finalised and up soon, but unpainted models will be allowed, usual house rules - base to base; nothing affects turn dice etc.

    Tickets available at: http://shop.imps-gaming.com/t/tournaments
    Over the phone on: 01522 535103
    Or in store.


    1. Jon Rouston

    2. Jonny Statham

    3. Matt Shepperson

    4. Lee Bromley

    5. Alex

    6. Jorrell

    7. Will

    8. Ernest














    Tournament Pack

    2000 Point GHB - Lincoln - Imps Gaming



  9. On 08/12/2016 at 3:08 PM, MongooseMatt said:

    Without, a word of a lie, and only counting a) models that are fully painted and b) done specifically for AoS (not counting the WHFB lot), I passed 70,000 points last month :)


    Ok, so the amount of AOS you have is mad, well done (I think!). Tell me some of this is converted from WHFB stuff otherwise what you've collected and painted in 18 months is bonkers. If not getting everything into round bases is still impressive!

    Alao re reading your post it looks like you also have other WHFB stuff? Bonkers

  10. 4 minutes ago, MidasKiss said:

    You're a hobby hero ^_^

    Is it hard to do? I went to read the instructions and they were in French, I've been meaning to do something like this for my Sylvaneth as I appear to forget everything I know during my games sometimes haha

    No they're not hard to do once you get it set up, which admittedly did require a bit of trial and error from the French! I will put a post up on how to do it when I've finished watching Westworld :D 

    • Like 2
  11. On 06/12/2016 at 9:38 PM, ElectricPaladin said:

    One thing to consider: both Tomb Kings and the vampire lord on abyssal terror are really popular Death legacy units that get sprinkled into a lot of serious Age of Sigmar armies. You might want to consider making unit cards for them, too. If you were a completionist.


    On 06/12/2016 at 10:47 PM, MidasKiss said:

    Awesome, I'll have to do some for Blood Knights and Vargheists, and VL on Abyssal Terror as commented above to fill out the soulblight. I'm doing a vampire slow grow campaign next year and these are great.


    I think I've done these due to realising I could copy and paste the text rather than typing it all out (doh!). Let me know if I need to add any others.

    3 hours ago, David Griffin said:

    These are awesome!! Really well done.

    Am I just missing it, or have you not done Blood Knights yet? 

    Added them tonight

    • Like 3
  12. 3 hours ago, ElectricPaladin said:

    One thing to consider: both Tomb Kings and the vampire lord on abyssal terror are really popular Death legacy units that get sprinkled into a lot of serious Age of Sigmar armies. You might want to consider making unit cards for them, too. If you were a completionist.

    You found my weakness! 

    • Like 1
  13. Hey all,

    I made some death unit cards for the units I'm currently playing. Thought I'd share in case anyone else finds them useful. Can be printed out A5 or four to a page just open them in windows picture viewer and choose four to a page. Some of them may be difficult to see at smaller sizes (see VLOZD). I hand typed them so am sure there will be typo's etc. - let me know when you find them and I'll edit.

    I will try and complete the set for Death if people want


    Black Knights

    Grave Guard

    Skeleton Warriors

    Wight King (Tomb Blade)

    Wight King (Black Axe)

    Legion of Death




    Mortis Engine



    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon

    Vampire Lord

    Bat Swarms

    Blood Knights

    Coven Throne

    Fell Bats




    Abhorrent Ghoul King

    Abhorrent Ghoul King on Terrorgheist 1 Side 2

    Abhorrent Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon

    Crypt Flayers

    Crypt Ghast Courtier

    Crypt Ghouls

    Crypt Haunter Courtier

    Crypt Horrors

    Crypt Infernal Courtier


    Varghulf Courtier

    Zombie Dragon






    Cairn Wraith

    Tomb Banshee


    Spirit hosts




    Corpse Cart

    Dire Wolves



    Bone Giant


    Casket of Souls

    Screaming Skull Catapult - Catapult Crew

    High Queen Khalida

    Khemrian Warsphinx

    Liche Priest

    Necropolis Knights



    Prince Apophas

    Royal Warsphinx

    Sepulchral Stalkers

    Settra The Imperishable

    Skeleton Archers

    Skeleton Chariots

    Skeleton Horse Archers

    Skeleton Horsemen

    Tomb Guard

    Tomb Herald

    Tomb King in Royal Chariot

    Tomb King

    Tomb Scorpions

    Tomb Swarm


    Tomb Legion

    Royal Legion of Chariots



    Count Mannfred

    Heinrich Kemmler

    Isabella Von Carstein

    Konrad Von Carstein

    Krell, Lord of Undeath

    Vampire Lord on Abyssal Terror

    Vlad Von Carstein

    Charnel Pit Carrion

    Deathrattle Horde



    Arkhan the Black


    Morghast Archai

    Morghast Harbingers

    Nagash - Nagash Magic


    These are made using the method here (not my original work).

    • Like 12
  14. 47 minutes ago, Squirrelmaster said:

    Trouble is, they've already printed all those books with a “to wound” characteristic on the warscroll. No amount of re-wording the core rules is to going to change the fact that a roll using the “to wound” characteristic doesn't actually cause wounds, and that's just going to cause confusion until they completely re-do the game.

    They have indicated before it should be a living game e.g not an update every three years but an evolving game. Some of the warscrolls originally printed in the grand alliance books are already out of date. 

    Yes it's an effort but an FAQ answer plus a gradual update of the warscrolls should cover it.

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