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Duke of Mousillon

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Everything posted by Duke of Mousillon

  1. this also still stings me a bit that for a non named combat hero youd need to ally in smth from Idoneth Deepkin
  2. Yeah I feel like @Falkmanon this one. It is like: well i got the units anyways so do i want to lower drops or pay the points for 10 more wardens. The battalions are nothing to build towards. Though I dont even know if I will have enough lords for a second artifact. With most of the lords being named idk if I would have 2 of our generic level 1 casters in many lists. Its not even like you need them to cast spells. They arent better at casting then any of our infantry. Not to say they are bad just mentioning that I dont know how many generic lords id play.
  3. Has any other list been expanding in the past after the battletome was already done?
  4. Think it would be decent enough to try out. Depending on how much points the actual army itself soaks up to work properly but having something to ambush is always worth cosidering.
  5. yeah i also feel like the stoneguard is not particularly exciting. which for me on a side note is good news since i definetly do not like those cow helmets and elfs with hammers but that is personal taste. So i would have to proxy them but i imagine proxying them into white lions or smth more highelfish would be a pain in me bum. What i can maybe see them as MSU first rank off wardens to take the charge? you could buy more wardens yeah but if the more wardens take the charge theyll probably take more then just the 10 more dmg. The 5 Stonguard will soak up all the damage from being charged completely. And with the double fighting you could even have the stoneguard and the (second and third rank) wardens of that 2 unit formation fight at once? Idk if that worth it for the investment. Depends on how much we really rely on those wardens in melee. 100 points for a meatshield isnt the biggest thing but aditional drops may be awkward.
  6. The thing is with just playing for fun with which is nothing wrong. Playing down at your local game store just having some fun is totally awesome. But the thing is you can more or less do whatever you like. If you are just playing for fun just play what you think looks cool or whatever model's rules you like the most you know. I think that is why most people who talk here about lists talk about a more competitive scene when they wanna play just for fun they already know which model or rule they think is the coolest.
  7. Something i am still trying to figure out in my head is if the cowhelmets can actually be used in MSU to screen for wardens as there first rank so to say or if its really just too cute to work. 100 Points isnt the world necessarily but it would also increase the drops. Thats a bigger concern i have.
  8. They can be. Not in general though. The rules are given that Wardens are battleline but in addition to every unit of wardens you have in your battleline you may take one unit of sentinels or dawnriders as battleline. So you can have max 1 unit of dawnriders as batteline since for the second youd need a second unit of wardens which would already complete your 3 unit battleline requirement.
  9. @TeclisGodi dont think the silverhelms are weird they are a necessity. Pretty sure that I would try to fit at least one unit of them into every list I do with the mobility advantage they give me compared to the 6'' acros the rest of my ranks.
  10. @Acid_Nineif you talk about the stoneguard . Rockpicks add 1 to the damage of a 6. The diamonds to a mortal wounds on 6 and yes the attack sequence ends
  11. but have you looked at the wardens and silverhelms? they got nothing as far as i can see on the sprews shown at the preorder. Except 2 helmets on the leader in the silverhelms and 2 left hands for the leader in the wardens. Idk. I mean. I dont mind. I am just baffled by advertising full customisable in bold like this. Whatever i guess.
  12. I dont think so. But I think if you wanna play more you also wanna play more stonemages so you can keep them seperate with each of them having there own little top bracket buff going on.
  13. As far as i can tell i call ******. from GW predorder Page: "a fully customisable set of aelven infantry armed with massive pikes that make for the perfect objective holders and defensive troops in your force" "a fully customisable set of aelven horsemen capable of carving through enemy infantry with contemptuous ease" From the GW WarhammerCommunity Article: "The Lumineth Realm-lords Army Set is packed with full, customisable kits for some key units – the Vanari Auralan Wardens and Vanari Dawnriders – led by the breathtakingly awesome Light of Eltharion. " (they did the bold lettering. not me. they did that.) I was already doubting it when i saw the pictures of sprews in the article not finding any customisable parts exceot one single bit namely an alternative left hand (sword hand) for the leader of the Wardens. Then i looked through the sprew images on the preorder at GWs page and found a single second head for the Dawnriders Leader. And in that image the resolution isnt even good enough to tell the difference i can just say that there are 4 normal helmets and 2 helmets with the leader head gear. I didnt ask for fully customisable kits but if they come around with bold lettering to praise customisability they are taking the ****** for not delivering. They are literally advocating customisability in the actual preorder itself. Please somebody tell me what I am missing on the sprews. Like i missed a whole different set of helmets or a whole different set of shields. Tell me I am blind please.
  14. @Sin_ozono oi i found your solution! The spanish version is shortened. In the desrciption off the spanish preorder bundle it is written "con la edición especial resumida de Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords". resumida is shortened right?
  15. yeah i feel like the silverhelms will be realy usefull with the huge jump of movement difference between the baseline units and our cav. It seems like even just having one of them is worth the cost.
  16. I actually did the same thing after we two agreed on the thing with removing models on a one by one basis ^^ but thought it would be weird posting it here
  17. @Siegfried VIIexactly this was what i am concerned. So removing models in a lets say block formation becomes extremetly awkward after a couple. Say you have a 2 row formation you cant remove a whole rank because when 2 are left in the second rank you need to keep them both there or loose shining formation. When a row is left with 1 man in a normal block formation then it looses shining formation instantly. so we can go down the second rank to 2 models but then need to start taking models from another rank to keep up the shining formation.
  18. I asked this before but this is important for unit formations in this army so i will ask again. On another note. Am i still correct that we have to allocate wounds one after another? That if going by normal rules for example if a unit with 1 wound per model take 5 wounds you allocate 1 wound. Then remove the first model. Then allocate the second wound. Remove the second model. etc. Is that still how the rules work? I remember it like this since there were janky shield mechanics in other factions.
  19. @Sin_ozonowell i just looked at the battletomes since Ossiarch Bonereapers. Ossiarch had the same number of pages for Spanish and English. So did Mawtribes. But after that all Battletomes had less pages in it in the Spanish edition. Meaning Disciples of Tzeentch, Karadron Overlords and Lizardmen. I dont know what this is about. I mean GW does weird things sometimes but i coudnt imagine them cutting pages for a different language? You could maybe argue that spanish needs less words so it falls short a couple of pages with the same content in it but the Disciples book had 88 pages in Spanish but 120 in English. Thats more then just falling short a couple. I am afraid considering that trend that it will be the same for this book then? but I would really not know why it should have less pages.
  20. Pardon me? Thats the first time i heard of this. May i ask what language your local versions are and what was missing from them?
  21. @Sin_ozono i dont know what you mean with "length" but if you refer to the content within the battletome then yes. Every battletome has the same content only in different languages.
  22. That is sad. I mean balancing is another story but just typos and obviousloy wrong written rules is meh. That should not go through prove reading that easily.
  23. I decided against preordering. I am still struggling if I wanna play them so i decided if i would need to wait for the actual release to at least play 1000 points then i can wait for it since no unit is exclusive.
  24. That is hopefully only a problem in the German version. I dunno the real proces involved in creating these books but i can imagine that there was a rules change and warscroll overhaul for Eltharion but the German version forgot to edit him out of the spellist as already guessed by @LuminethMage
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