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Posts posted by Fyrenn

  1. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Well maybe the AoS datasheet FAQ will lift them up in December. It also may hint at which army times are coming out sooner then other judging by which army get changes and which don’t.

    granted some Madlad went 4-1 with a Troggoth list with Gitz and a few BoC have done 4-1 too. So I dare say they are playable and can still win games despite the meta watch article stating otherwise.

    I'd love it if that were true, but I also feel that's one of the things we say to ourselves year after year.  BoC was looking at changes in the December (January) FAQ 2020, then of course the 2021 update.  to assume that no changes means something is coming seems folly at this point - it either will or it won't, but i'm not convinced it means anything.

    Likewise I really thought the Tome Celestials indicated what was or wasn't coming out, but now i'm not so sure - certainly some of these (admittedly) less popular armies that absolutely need it that could have had updates that way.... it's all a big :shrug: at this point!

  2. 13 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


    @Whitefang no Ogor Refresh 😨 I'm honestly shocked by that. Truly I was hoping for and really believed that Ogors were getting something this Edition. What is the Era of the Beast if not for Destruction!? 

    my-disappointment (1).gif

    Destruction? No! This is the Era of the Beasts (of Chaos)!

    ...no, wait...?

  3. 1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

    They said that Nurgle would be out in December just in time for the grandfather to spread his gifts around the world. It was probably just fancy wording but at the time i figured it meant they'd be out just before Christmas, which would mean release on the 18th and therefore a preview on the 4th. I'd be more than happy to be wrong but that's what I'm expecting until proven otherwise. Plus if we get dragons today and they come out on the 4th it'd line up nicely to have Nurgle previewed that weekend.

    Mm, date-wise, that's a dangerous game tho.  There are so many shipping delays expected, if they have them available to release before the 18th, i would expect them to do it by the 11th.  Shipping is already a mess, and if people suspect they might not get items in time for the holidays they may not get it right away...  

  4. 1 minute ago, novakai said:

    i remember it from Grimdark live when they leak Dominon had a source that said a wolf rider like unit was somewhere in the release. or course they got everything right on Dominon except for that one part with the Hobgoblin esque wolf rider

    not to fan the chaos dwarf flames, but i wonder if it's possible they decided to move any additional hobgoblin units / leaders to a future Chaos Daurdin release?  If they have 2 or 3 kits in their back pocket, it helps flesh out a fuller release in a year or two?

  5. 1 hour ago, Doko said:

    We knew this this,its the same that got the other tome celestial updates.

    But we hope we get something usefull as sons of behemat got and not the rules updates of seraphons that never gonna be used before regular generic grand strategys and tactics.

    Also citys behemots gonna be bad in 3.0 even id they get good mount traits due to have saves of 4+1 and not 3 as the other armys behemots

    BoC would like a word.

  6. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Fingers crossed for New Model Monday to be for AOS or AOS aligned!!

    as much as i'd like this - is it likely to preview anything new before the nurgle tome even comes out?  i feel they're not likely to reveal something new (like for a faction where a book hasnt' even been announced) or something like that... but idk.

  7. 9 minutes ago, rattila said:

    Right now we have no true rumor at all for AoS (excluded specialist games), right? 
    I mean we know only that the dragons are coming in december, but we have nothing for november and nothing else for december…

    We don't even know what the tome celestial is for november, do we?

  8. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    I think out of the 4 armies that need major range refresh, Seraphon is probably the one that is most likely to happen soon. I felt that Kroak being release in BR was not likely to been a stand-alone model release and that he was design with a batch of other stuff by the model team.

    plus they have gotten a lot of narrative development lately.

    more likely than BoC? PSHAW!

  9. anyone have any idea of what the tome sentinel for november will be?  I feel they usually have the preview around the end of the previous month, but I don't recall if they announced this one was completely delayed?

    I thought they might have been actively waiting until after the preview so we didn't know another tome not expected to be updated anytime soon or something.. 

  10. 53 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Maggotkin could really benefit from getting a few old finecast kits replaced, like the Harbinger of Decay. Not sure if Nurgle really needs any more new heroes, they are pretty skewed in their troop/hero ratio as it is. If we are wishlisting, I think another non-hero unit of Nurgle mortals would be cool. But I don't think they add those outside of larger reworks anymore.

    If it was nurgle, I would fully expect a unit of pestigors.  I think with the slaangors and tzaangors, it's only a matter of time before the rest appear.

    I would expect them to be mortals and a bit tanky and probably somehow redundant in nurgle lists, but unable to be included in BoC lists 😉



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  11. 26 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    All I need is Ogor Pirates and a Roadmap for AOS Battletome releases. Not even dates, not even quarters. Just the order for the Faction releases.

    you ask for too much.  but i guess that's just a negotiation tactic, isn't it?  they'll give you pirates and no more!!

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    I think that like brets, they've hit a creative roadblock with them.

    Beasts for many editions and years have been nothing more than chaos cannon fodder, and this was since 8th edition.

    If souping them means they survive then I'd rather that than lose them altogether, and I bet when that happens there will be a lot of god armies with bestigors as the rank and file.

    As a faction they just need some real love, not just model wise, but also narrative wise, and where their place is over and above "and then a thousand beastmen charged into the oncoming army and were destroyed after inflicting heavy casualties for no real reason other than you know.. beastmen".

    I believe that like some of the destruction factions, beasts are in an infinity loop where their models need a massive over haul, after all, they're what 12 years old now, and like everything old world were designed around rank and flank so quite two dimensional in order to rank up.

    AoS has teased some dynamic offerings in the form of warcry warbands and the like, as it did with chaos warriors - fluff them up a bit and give them a polish and people go wow once again.

    Surely there's someone in that studio, both writer and artist who has a lot of love for beasts with some vision for them.

    In fairness, beasts could become chaos' chaos.  In the very old fluff they always were the true children of chaos, not boosted by worship of gods or praying for favour. They were the very first children of chaos created, the very first mutations of chaos seeping into the world, and worshipped the raw essence that was chaos rather than the divinity of the chaos gods themselves.

    It wasn't until Realm of Chaos : slaves to darkness in third ed whfb that we see them throwing their lot in as champions and followers of a given god, and picking up marks.

    Ultimately one could say that they hate even archaon and the chaos pantheon as to them it's not the true essence of chaos in its purest mutable unadulterated form - as has been said before using the D&D alignment analogy, Beastmen are truly chaotic evil, but the gods of chaos and civilisations worshipping chaos are perhaps seen by the beasts as lawful evil, so still something to be torn down and destroyed.

    But whichever way they go, a redesign and a proper rethink is necessary, or if the mothership can't be bothered, then I'd rather see them thrown in with chaos factions as pickable troop choices than lose them outright to squatting.

    Mmm, good thoughts in general; but as much as we (as a community) tend to complain, I do hope that GaW does have some creativity in them to resolve these issues - if they want.

    I think you're right about the vicious cycle they're experiencing, but i think a lot has to do with money numbers - I do not believe it's a narrative dead end.  All they really need is any sort of leadership, which they do not have right now.  They've implied Morghur has been 'speaking' to some in their dreams, etc.  A shift towards a more true monstrous and mutation chaos would, in my opinion, have a niche.  They could also focus more on the dragon ogors - they have  rich history that can be used, and have the potential to be a true monstrous infantry focused faction like mawtribes for chaos.  There are definitely options - Like you say, they just need the will to bother picking an idea and going with it. 

    They need only two things:  a unique narrative focus, and a unique mechanical focus. I think the frustration gets worse and worse because i feel most people can sense opportunity for both... it's just always a little out of reach.

    But in the end, that's why i made up 'resignlisting'.  i'd also rather BoC be souped then gone, but I can't imagine it's the wish for many people.  Frankly I think if there is too much faction bloat, there are other factions to merge that make more sense to trim things.

    I think at this point my biggest fear is they'd never truly be squatted - they'd just never again be supported beyond tangentially.  We'll still get pestigors and such by association, but no updates, no books, no models.  No official squatting, but just forgotten about like the brets, but without the end of fantasy to take them off life support.


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  13. 4 hours ago, novakai said:

    I mean are there really any implication that any of these three would happen either way? Souping BoC into S2D or putting Chaos dwarf into S2D seems to just communal wishlisting/theorycrafting then real guesswork of what GW would do. Chaos dwarf may eventually happen but it would seem to be a bit ways off from happening.

    i don't think that many people are wishlisting poor BoC get themselves souped 😞  maybe resignedlisting or something.

  14. 1 hour ago, willange said:

    So on the topic of souping tomes…

    I’ve generally been vocal against souping. The reasons are obvious. I prefer each army to be as unique as possible and get as much individual attention as possible. That said, I’ve recently had a change of heart in the topic. 

    The orruk warclans book, while not perfectly balanced or executed (seriously, who wrote bonesplitterz?), is actually in the vein of what I’d like to see. Why?

    1) While there is a decent set of rules for soup, the most interesting rules IMO are the non-soup ones, meaning that the factions manage to retain their individual identities. 

    2) Effectively, 3 armies got a book at once. (Yeah one of them was ******, but that happens to mono-army books all the time too). At this point we have ~22 more battletomes that need to come out this edition, assuming no additional souping occurs. Given Covid and international shipping issues, that might never actually happen in time for 4th edition (assuming they stick to the 3 year edition cadence). 

    3) My group is being silly and doesn’t want to play PtG until “more armies get cool books and PtG rules like the new ones have. Yeah white dwarf helps there, but they’re mad about needing to buy a $10 magazine for rules (I guess a $50 book is preferable to them). 

    Basically, I think souping partially can solve our new edition battletome delays as long as the amount of roles doesn’t get reduced too badly

    Honestly, it's why the decision of not doing a roadmap has me pulling my hair out sometimes.

    At this point, just knowing what's happening in the next 6 - 12 months roughly at leasts lets me feel comfortable playing.  As a quick example, i've wanted to custom build a shaggoth because I don't like the resin shaggoth. BUT, i keep thinking there's a possibility there will be new kit, and I don't want to buy multiple kits for my mediocre skills at customizing.

    So instead, I do nothing.  If I knew BoC was coming in 3 months, i'd build up other elements.  If I knew they were coming in 6 or more, i'd make my centerpieces because that's plenty of time. 

    Instead, I do nothing - I sit on things, don't model, don't paint... just WAIT. constantly waiting for an inkling of what and when.

    It doesn't matter if it's soup or not soup, but its maddening and sometimes hard to play at all without knowing what is happening (roughly speaking).  

    • Like 6
  15. 6 hours ago, Praecautus said:

    While not GW specific. This article talks about the big issues with shipping containers and the impact on board game makers. It will be impacting GWalso. Strap in for some price rises as they claw back costs on containers which cost 3k but now cost 40k



    It's worth noting this is largely from China - container costs are definitely higher worldwide, but they're not nearly that high from other ports like in Pakistan, India, etc (source, myself - because I import stuff).  Stuff from Spain/Turkey/Greece/Italy was maybe double what it used to be.

    If most of their production is in the UK, i'd say it's the UK trucking / difficulty getting materials / etc, as opposed to specifically the container issue?

  16. 3 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    Thanks for explaining!

    Although I have to say that this doesn't convince me. The oldest book never meant much to GW, in fact we have seen with Slaanesh and LRL that GW has no problems with providing new books to factions regardless of older publications. As for the AoS App I would assume it is rather just an issue with the App rather than a secret hint. Althrough I would be glad for Maggotkin players if it came true. 

    I feel there is equal chance for Maggotkin or BoC at this point.  there certainly are reasonable possibilities of both amounting to:


    Nurgle: doesn't need much in models, but needs a new book - so if it's a filler / small release it makes sense.

    BoC: needs a major overhaul with the book, fits the "era of beasts" theme.

    Both apparently have been left out of things recently.... what boggles my mind is the possibility that one of those is looking at another 6+ months for release.

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  17. 8 minutes ago, novakai said:

    That lore was written during AoS and in their first battletome, I think people are saying that they could have given Beastmen a clean slate before AoS started and put them in Destruction just to: 

    a) make the GA makeup look more even at the beginning

    b) since GW narrative put emphasis on Destruction with Beast and Ghur it kind of clash and competes with Beastmen in the lore. In someway they get overshadow by destruction

    c)  there a sense of competition and crowdedness with in the GA Chaos, that it’s hard for every army to get the spotlight and it seem GW favor the monogods armies or Chaos undivided, while people view destruction as less competition 


    though I do think it also that Beastmen have never really been popular or given much love to begins with by GW and the players just want something to elevated them.

    I think part of the issue is a lot of what they seemed to be good at originally - being a fast and monstrous faction got dilluted greatly in AoS.

    If I remember correctly in fantasy there were Chaos Warriors, which were most of the mortals.  Chaos Demons, which were all of the demons,  then Beastmen, which were not like the heavily armored Chaos Warriors but more glass cannony.

    There was overlap, sure, but they felt distinct.  

    By making each of the gods their own faction with more or less a focus (magic, fighting, sturdiness, and speed)  alongside a well varied StD roster, it is no longer clear to me what niche BoC is supposed to play that someone else isn't able to do better.

    I don't even know what role they're supposed to fill, which makes them feel lost.  I don't think GW knows what to do with them either, which is what's really sad.  Maybe focusing more on Dogors to be a heavy army like a chaos ogor equivilent with lots of monsters where the gors are relegated to chaff between big monsters?  That is the one thing that I think might work and be sort of cool.

  18. I mean, i don't think anyone has mentioned it yet but....


    All the talk of a BoC vs Spiderfang box for AoS as a rumor awhile ago? 

    Think maybe that's red harvest, and the warcry box?

    Like with other things, be it actual spiderfang or chaos spiders, if someone saw it that would line up rumorwise, potentially?

  19. 1 hour ago, Kurrilino said:

    Well i would challenge you to a contest then.

    I take the a Stormcast Chariot and you take a Warriors of Chaos chariot.

    12 wounds, 3+ Save, 2 attacks 18" 3+3+, -1rend/ 2 attacks, 3+3+, -2rend/ 2 wounds


    7 wounds, 4+ save, no range, 2 attacks , 3+3+, -1 rend/ 2 wounds


    I wonder who will win every time. In fact you won't even make it to my chariot.

    If they leave it like that, the game is broken. If they fix the other faction, we have powercreep.

    It's a wonderful choice

    and what happens if the stormcast chariot costs twice as much as the chaos one?

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