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Everything posted by Molkaice

  1. I actually asked my friends that recently, because I'm pretty sure we're the only army that has 1 command ability army wide that is also restricted to 1 phase as well. if we had more command abilities, better artifacts, and definitely a rework of prayers I'd say that would meet a lot of my dreams. However I'm just holding on for the likely point increases to eels
  2. I'm actually speaking more to the "gift" that volturnous receives. I was just wondering if maybe we'll see more cythai level heroes. I can't remember if there was a clear resurrection or soul placement in new vessels with IDK. Just want to be hopeful that we won't have just one useful and one useless named hero only.
  3. Considering the events of Broken Realms anyone think more named heroes are inbound for IDK? It seems they wrote in path to adding them at least.
  4. @Nico, @PlasticCraic thx for the knowledge. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with my groups armies and play my orruks. I guess I just need to get better running pure IJ
  5. Thanks for the knowledge, however what happens if you have two "go last" abilities (sylvaneth stomp, slaanesh, or warcry, etc.). Does the person who is activating go first in the "last" part of combat phase before the other goes like normal turn order or is it trumped by the later "go last". I may have confused myself with that entire sentence lol.
  6. How well does Gorkmorka's Warcry spell work against fight first abilities (i.e. fyreslayers, deepkin, FEC) or fight last abilities (slaanesh, sylvaneth, etc.)? Does it make the the unit fighting first go to regular turn order? does it make the opposing unit that made you fight last, fight after your unit since they fight last as well? I know it has no affect on "fight immediately", but wasn't sure on other interactions. I could also just be super wrong about the spell.
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