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Everything posted by Captaniser

  1. The only thing I was better about underworlds and warcry is that the units that are native to those game systems usually don't translate that well into AoS, they're usually just too unwieldy with underworlds and warcry tends to just be a low-cost filler unit
  2. On the topic of the KruleLads, they mentioned Swamp dragon eggs being stolen and raised by them. So now we have 2 references for their inclusion with the Belcha banner
  3. In hindsight, it kinda makes sense that they didn't reveal anything for the next Dawnbringer book since that might make people not purchase the new sets they came out with today.
  4. A massive leather apron to protect the body from the flames and spark, but still chooses to wear no shirt at all. Did this guy try out for the DoK before he joined the Cities?
  5. One of the hog riders has a helmet and steers the pig, while an alternative build, probably a hero variant, has no helmet and dual wields some choppas
  6. Still not sure how people can guess Fyreslayers from those generic axes, if I look in my shed I can probably find some that look exactly alike.
  7. My guess is that the preview will show off a little bit of the next Dawnbringer book, and the chaos part of it will be Skaven. The Big Pig for the Iron Jawz has been shown, so maybe a new monster for the Skaven to hammer home the theme of the second book?
  8. The 40k campaign is so scuffed it is actually insane. Most people are fans of space marines and as such, more games will be played with them, most 40k communities around me had endless posts about people who wanted to sell their Tyranid half of the new box. And also the box is super in the Marines' favor by like 250 points. Unless the community artificially increases the number of Tyranid victories, we can look forward to a Marine showcase on the 15th.
  9. Makes sense, the reveals are spaced out in 2 - 4 week segments.
  10. Story itself was nothing special. Grudge, slighted honor, destroyed Magmahold and oaths of revenge. Typical Slayer stuff.
  11. Another allusion to a mysterious being that sets the events of the short stories in motion. GW rarely refers to units and characters that aren't a part of the game, so i could see these small lore snippets as more than just marketing for the Harbinger boxes they will soon sell.
  12. GW has released Ogor models that follow the more traditional "pudge-y" look with the underworld warbands and Tyrant, and I think that a noticeable difference in size is fine, as long as they keep it consistent between the native ogors and the ones that are more integrated into other civilizations.
  13. The skull is the same as the one you can find on the pants of the kraken eater gargant. Too small to be a weapon for one of them, but seemingly the right size for an Ogor-sized being. I will wager and say that this is at least part of a destruction faction of some sort.
  14. So far, so...Better than I dared to expect. I was initially a little scared when the developers said that it would also be a console release, but the control scheme the game has does seem to allow a great amount of battlefield control for a console.
  15. Probably means that nothing new is coming, we are still in the pre-order phase of Leviathan.
  16. I wouldn't expect anything new until post Leviathan and its new releases that will follow shortly after. Just take this time of peace and tranquility and use it to finish your backlog without having to worry about what might be put in it next.
  17. Big think. Book one is called Harbingers, could that mean that each of the four characters are a prelude to a new special individual entering the setting? The short story name drops Ushoran, so if next week's story has a reference to a special someone, then perhaps some credence could be given to this theory.
  18. Do any of you know how the new screamer killer and Psychophage size up against the stone horn and thundertusk? I am thinking of picking up a few of them when they become cheap and use them as an alien-esque BCR army.
  19. We should, it is 2 weeks since the last showcase, and that was the amount of time between mini-showcases for the Seraphon. Unless GW is in full 40k mode right now, then it would be weird if they decided to only show the Marshall and suddenly stop the drip feed.
  20. I am rather confident that each of the Dawnbringer books will feature each of the grand alliances. The big Warclanz release for book 2 will probably only be the monstrous hog, but maybe that will be the theme of the second book. A large center piece for an army. The remaining 2 might have something like a war machine or a regiment of soldiers to for each alliance.
  21. 'Eavy metal paint scheme strikes again. I wasn't a huge fan of the crocodile heads when they were showcased, but the unpainted ones show so much more detail than the paint jobs allow.
  22. Thought: Could this picture on the front page be a teaser for the Seraphon vanguard box?
  23. Man, does GW really have to let every developer with a license show up for this event? Some of these weren't even updates or anything, just some merchandise for abandonware titles and a vinyl
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