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Everything posted by edmc78

  1. Unlikely wildcard, what about exclusive STL files?
  2. Lack of bits for conversions is one reason, but personally I love etb and ptf stuff.
  3. Well GW need to honour the contract and transfer them to the new platform free of subs or keep the current app up. Personally, I probably sunk £1k into digital comics. I hope they keep the platform up there. My job involves licensing digital content (Academic Librarian) and we have industry agreements in place to retain content if a platform goes under.
  4. Got mine from a not so local FLG. Here is live footage of myself and partner hitting that refresh button at 10am ...
  5. Betting Warhammer + will have all digital rules on subscription.
  6. Same here, I've been provisionally allocated a pre-order 'for the autumn' so I wonder if there will be waves of releases or some made to order stuff? -Never mind, caught up on the other stuff.
  7. What about local game stores with websites? Are they normally 10AM?
  8. Does the allocation after 10 come sequentially after the random allocation of the pre 10am sessions? Or are they truely random?
  9. Hard to do a deep dive tbh when your editor wants all articles to be read within 5 minutes.
  10. So do you rail on 40k for Lost Crusade or Indomitous Crusade? The article noted that those loosing a coin may get hanged, so we can say the Dawnbringer Crusades are morally dubious, as is all of the Warhammer fiction and trope since the 1980’s. That is not a defence, but it should not invalidate is existence and invite instant censorship. There are better battles to fight when it comes to championing inclusivity.
  11. IIRC the bad guys took it a while back from the good guys in the Age of Chaos so its all up for grabs right?. Furthermore, Warhammer has always been grey, no total good or bad, just factions in conflicts. That is all this represents. Personally, I think Sigmar is big on inclusivity by letting Elves and Dwarvises into his cities and allowing workshop of other gods. Also he lets ladies fight. And it is Toy Soilders. On a side note, I work on Decolonisation in my role and personally I find this kind of reactionary attitude to pop culture trivialises an important issue. I'd take time to consider the issues before jumping at a few words.
  12. Looks like a Sigmary building site for the DawnBringer Crusades Very cool.
  13. At least one UK retailer is taking a register of interest.
  14. Stormcast are now a bit more explodey - this sounds fun
  15. There was some Irpnjawz rumors a while back - may get wrapped up in a new Wartribes tome release?
  16. Honestly Frontier need to sort out Elite so I suspect we will not hear anything for another year on the rts. I wonder if it is related to the DawnBreaker Crusades and base building. I would personally love AOS Total War tho.
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