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Everything posted by Jammeg

  1. I have been spending a lot of time recently painting some sylvaneth. I generally got them for there aesthetics, but I was wondering if they would have any competitive value- if so, what tactics and artefacts/ command traits should I use. (By the way, I know this is a bit over 2000pts, any help cutting it down and that sort of thing would be appreciated) Alarielle Spirit of Durthu Treelord ancient 2x Branchwych Tree Revenants x5 Tree Revenants x5 2 units of 20 dryads 3x Kurnoth archers Geminids I know that taking alarielle is generally not the best use of 600 points, but I really like the model and the treelord summon is basically 260 points of her cost. With the healing from alarielle and and gnarlroot d3, it would be pretty hard to take much of the table. THis probably won't be used to competitvley, but i'm still looking for thoughts- as well as artefacts ideas etc.
  2. Okay, so I've made my first full army list for this army. It's not finished and there are a few problems with it, but here it is Chaos Lord on manticore- eternal vendetta and cloak of the relentless conqueror Chaos Sorcerer lord- bolstered by hate and master of deception, with mask of darkness spell Thredda skull scryer- master of deception and mark of the high favoured also knows mask of darkness spell Darkoath chieftain- flames of spite and desercrator gautnlet 15 man unit of maurader horsemen (with javelins) 5 man unit of knights (ensorcelled weapons) 15 man chaos warriors- paired hand weapons 1 Chaos Warshrine 40 mauraders Godsworn hunt 2 command points Which battalion should I use? I will also try summon on mauraders and iron golems every turn. I'm full open to feedback!
  3. Thanks for your feedback. The reason this is a Ravagers army is that I already have an effective despoilers one, so I want to experiment with new things. I probably will get rid of the gorebeast and replace it for command points ( I am simply doing this so I can use Rally The Tribes each turn) As for the Karkadrak, he’s fun and a great line breaker but is just to many points for me to use competitively. Would a darkoath leader and possibly Thredda skull scryer with her band of warriors make up for that? Although vulnerable to range, using the mask of darkness spell could get them in combat quickly? I will also change my 3 units of 10 warriors to two of 15 ( thanks, good point) With was the Nurgle touch, it is definitely useful but I would like to be undivided, as that aura ability of ignoring Battleshock and the ignoring damage on 6s if the model is a general can be useful as you can change general every turn. The second reason is, most of my painting last year was devoted to the guys with patterns on there armour and all that, it would probably give me a breakdown to paint over that. I’ll have the Warshrine, and depending on weather or not I’m fighting death I’ll either take the daemon drift or more marauders. My goal will be to use extra command points to summon on iron golems and more marauder, taking objectives with sheer numbers. Good old chaos As a final note from this post I probably won’t be playing ultra competitive and I will give it lots of more thought listening to you but I really want this to be a rabble of undivided jerks with some tactics behind the war horns
  4. So I want to begin a ravagers sort of army, with a few of these requirements- 3 units of 10 chaos warriors (paired hand weapons) Sorcerer lord (on foot) Iron golems (probably just 9 for objectives) Gorebeast chariot 5 chaos Knights (3 lances 2 ensorcelled weapons) Godsworn hunt and Theddra Skull scryer- I will be fighting stormcasts and I really feel like these people have potential as long as they hide from judicators(and other range) I would like to probably also have some marauders (foot and on horse) as well as a total of 6 leaders for ravagers. Anyone has any suggestions to fill in to 2000 points? I am opening to feedback on my existing list
  5. Sorry for coming late... I collect slaves to darkness, but more of a heavily armoured type, with a lot of warriors and lords. I shocked myself at how effective 800 points of warriors is , but I am currently working on a more barbarian horde. Just one tip- always have a warshrine.
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