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Posts posted by Oak7603

  1. I have yet to get anything like that for BoC but I was going to get the Chimera as I'd heard/read/seen/cant really remember how that it was the best one to get, followed by the Cockatrice with the Jabberslythe being a complete waste, other than the 'normal' BoC army units of course.


  2. I don't use Grimghast Reapers and have seen a few comments and reviews saying that they're not as good.

    I went Bladegheist with their +1 attack on charges, retreat and attack in the same turn and their Battalion which gives them a 5+ deathless save on top of them having a better model. Put a Spirit Torment or Chainghasts nearby and you're rerolling hit rolls too. 

    Others here will have their views and could advocate for Grimghast and how 2" range benefits them better or the Mortal Wound output from the Death Knell and so on. It all depends on what Army you're looking to build. 

  3. I guess that depends on how big you want it to be, what you want it to do and what you want it to look like.

    Ive spent about £200 on about 1500pts worth but had a specific unit list. I've still got a bit more to spend to get it right. Then I'm going to want to add extra. Then I'll want to upgrade.

    How long is a piece of string again? 😂😂



  4. 1 hour ago, Kindred Fear said:

    Thanks, Dankboss. That narrows it down quite a bit.

    I'll look at Ironjawz, Ogors, Slaves to Darkness, Daughters of Khaine and Khorne Beasts of Chaos or Nighthaunt a bit more closely! Cheers!



    You made a mistake with your post. I've edited it for you 😁

    All joking aside, @Dankboss is right. I would add that on top of this, there will be certain models, units, powers or abilities that will allow an army to play in almost anyway you want. So even if you look into a particular one, it may be that the same army made up of two different sets of units, acts and plays completely different.

    Whoever you decide on from the two you're looking into... welcome to the forum!


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  5. 1 hour ago, Coyote said:

    And as a non-40k player, personally I have no interest in anything 40k except as a release hurdle to get past to get more Skaven.

    Me too. The most I want to do with 40K is to win one of the sets being given away by MiniWarGaming so that I can sell it and buy more AoS.

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  6. Haha I was typing at the same time!

    The buffs last as they would as per the spell so for example - until the next hero phase. 

    Endless spells stay until dispelled. 

    Aura effects stop as soon as the wizard is off the table. 


  7. 8 hours ago, Euphanism said:

    Nighthaunt folks! I've realized that I have a 2000 point list for every Death faction except this one. However, after painting 90 skeletons and 80 Mortek, I'm not really wanting to do another horde list. Is there a way to play Nighthaunt somewhat-decently at a lower model count? Most of the lists I see tend to have 40-60 blobs in them (and at $50 for ten my wallet weeps). I'm not looking to take a top table or anything, just not die in the first turn.


    If it helps I really like the idea of having Olynder, Kurds, and Reikenor on the table at once, but I realize thats probably hindering my list for artifacts and whatnot.

    IMO, it's a horde army with a lot of low point models and so you will inevitably need some blobs somewhere if you want to play rather than just collect a specific number of points. Chainrasps are easy to paint though so can be a quick way to bulk up numbers and there are loads of people selling them second hand on sprues, or built unpainted, to get them a lot cheaper. My NH army is 2200 when I play it with 2 Battalions and I have 40 Chainrasps and 20 Bladeghiest as my main blobs. 

    There is the Black coach (220) , Mourngul (280?), Lady Olynder (200) and Kurdoss (180)/Reikenor (170) and you're already half way there. Spirit Torments (120) and Guardians of Souls (140) are generally needed in any NH army too with the Knight of Shrouds (120/100) the 'normal' General. Add on the Bladegheists (20 = 320) and the Chainrasps (40 = 280) and you're very nearly there. The thing with NH is that one Army won't rule them all. You need to change the lineup to fit the opponent and the battleplan.

  8. 11 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    You'd be paying £83 for an ingress into those other units that you might want to fill out later, at a significant price discount. But, I'm also someone who has over 8K of models, so I may not be the best source of advice there.

    HAHAHA! That is crazy. Good crazy, but crazy!

  9. 6 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    If you can swing it, this: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Nighthaunt-Court-Of-The-Craven-King-2019

    That will give you a few more units to make other battalions with. Otherwise, what you're already considering sounds good to me.

    Yeah I saw this but I figured that for me it's not that great value for money.  I'd be getting Kurdoss,who I would like to have but that's it.  The Harridans and Grimghast are only 10 models and so I would need more to get the best out of them and from a game play perspective, the Harridans would cost me CP's to buff that I prefer to use for WoT. The Hexwraiths would come in handy but they are the models I hate in Nighthaunt, aesthetically speaking, and I didn't enjoy painting them. Lastly, although 10 more Chainrasps and 10 more Bladegheists wouldn't go amiss, they don't add anything new.

    So I'd be paying £83 for a £23 model I want and the other £60 pays for units that would need more models adding to them therefore costing even more.

    Would the Black Coach be better if I had £83 to spend?

  10. 11 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    If you have some stuff in your house, it need not be money.

    Packing foam can easily become hills, columns can start from pvc tubes, cardboard can make you a house. Mod podged with wood glue, Painted with craft paints.

    Look up blackmagic craft, and you can, with a bit of effort and lesser result, supplant cardboard for foam.

    Good thinking. I'll have a look around and see whats on YouTube for some ideas.

  11. So as you may have seen from the other forums I am now officially painting back log free. But also money free. I will however eventually get more money to get more back log!

    So my question is - with the following NH army already. What could be good next purchases, other than the given which is the Black Coach, that will take some saving for :)

    40 Chainrasps, 20 Bladegheist, 5 Hexwraiths, 3 Spirit Hosts, 4 Grimghast Reapers, 5 Glaivewraith Stalkers,  2 Spirit Torments, 2 Chainghasts, KoS on Ethereal Steed, Lord Executioner,  GoS, Reikenor and Lady Olynder.

    I currently play either Chainguard or The Condemned , mostly Condemned to be fair, and the Shroudguard.

    My thoughts are The Kraven King, 3 more Spirit Hosts or maybe some Dreadblade Harrows? Mourngul would be good for the model, but not necessarily worth it to play.

    Let me know what you all think.


  12. So that's it. All my painting complete :(. No back log. No grey plastic.

    So during lock down I've painted all my BoC army - 30 Bestigors, 10 Gors, 20 Ungor Raiders, 10 Ungors, 3 Great Bray Shamen, 2 Ghorgon, 1 Cygor, A Beastlord and 2 Chaos Spawn! I also finished painting the Azyrite Ruins and the Sigmarite Mauseleum.

    The pic is of the last ones I've painted and has the kit bashed standard to wind my son up with too 😁

    Now I'm skint and so I'm going to see what I can sell... 😉


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  13. 8 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Sure, but lazy players will just state "hey, assume I pick that option every time all game" and pressure players will ask you to let them have a go-backsies.

    In either case, their opponents will not want to risk looking like bad guys for daring to want the elf player to take ownership of their own error and forgo the bonus.

    The rules always say... "at the start of the so & so phase..." I've not seen one that says pick this at the beginning of the game and it lasts forEVAH! 

  14. 1 hour ago, Popisdead said:

    If anyone heard Joel McGrath's interview on a couple podcasts recently (Honest Wargamer and AoS Coach I think?) he echoes the same sentiments as @Maddpainting.  Bestigors, Gavespawn, Ungors.  Ungors are there to score objectives and die as slow as you can make them. 

    He was on Aos Coach with Ryan Kirby for the BoC Faction Focus video and he was also on his own on 2+ Tough talking about the same stuff (I didn't rate this interview. The AoS Coach was much better). 

    The AoS Coach interview was what made me pick BoC and I built my wish list on the Desolating Beastherd and his list 👌

    No regrets so far. Just need to be allowed to be within sneezing distance of someone to actually get a game 😂😂

  15. Well after having NH and BoC I've been looking for a more model light army. I'm guessing that 3 giants and some aleguzzlers will fit that bill quite well 😂 In fact I've just finished the leadbelcher on more Bestigors than the whole gargant army! 

  16. Playing testing has no comparison to what happens in the real world, there just isn't the time to simulate every game and every play style and every unit combination and every artefact and on and on.  It's a benchmark but not a true indicator. They have a boundary for rules and mechanics, they've spoke about it a lot in the podcasts so there are some restraints. 

    As for those armies that come out seemingly overpowered because of some brand new abilities or powers, I would guess that if that new army came out and it just had the same rules and powers as an older unit from a different army then there would be complaints that the new unit is just a re-skin of another unit and questions would be asked about where the progress is and what is the point of paying for something already in the game. 

    New rules, new powers, new units will always be new and it just takes time to work out how to beat them or how to beat them. Tweaks come out in the GHB but every tweak will also change something else in the game... 

    Petrifax is the main one I think that seems overpowered red. and yet I've seen games where they've lost. No one is invincible. Some are just bloody annoying! 

    I've also said before that in my opinion, trying to get everything the same is not just a fools errand but it would also just lead to stagnation. 

    Give me a new army to fight. Let it beat me. I'll learn. And I'll be even more satisfied when I get them back. And I'll enjoy working out how to do it too. 

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  17. There will never be balance though as there are too many units and armies, with more coming all the time, let alone all the variables that each unit can have and could be invented in the future. Add this to the ability to update older armies all the time without customers complaining that they've had another rules update or they need to buy a new battletomes.

    Spikes and troughs can be good to keep things from being bland although the pain of an army being stronger is something I feel being a BoC player. But I like having to think of new tactics and ways to play to sometimes just minimise my losses or maybe even scrape a win.

    I'd rather lose well against a superior army than be that superior army and trample over everything.

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