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Posts posted by kaaras

  1. So, I ended up running the list I put up a little while back in a game against Sylvaneth. 3 x Treelords with 1 as Durthu is not fun. I lost but it was pretty damned close and the main reason I did was the deployment and then feeding my army piecemeal into the grinder. Saying that, some observations:

    3 x Gore Gruntaz is not enough, but man do they hit like a freight train. Turn 2 charge and destroyed a hero, a bunch of dryads for very little damage returned. They then got smashed as they were the focus of the entire army, but they certainly showed their value.

    MK is a beast. 30 Dryads were kindling, and if I had remembered his bellow, I reckon the treelord, arch revenant and/or Kurnoth bow dudes would have been in a lot of trouble as well. He also died after the entire Sylvaneth army poured everything it had into him. If it wasn't for my poor save roles, he would have survived...

    Ard boyz rock in turn 3. Buffed up and ready to rock, they are great. Slow though, so I think I need to look at deployment and movement shenanigans to use them better. 

    Boarboy Maniaks managed to tie up a Treelord, Durthu and three Kurnoth Hunters for near two turns. Good unit in a pack of 10. Would be more effective screening a unit of 6 Gruntaz, or maybe 2 x 5 and 2 x 3 split to be able to send them all over the place to smack things in the face...

    Arrow boyz did what they were meant to do, camp my backfield objective. Wardokk helps, Savage Boss does not, need to swap him out. 

    Overall, I was pretty happy (and a bit annoyed as I struggled to recall everything that was in the book... so many rules) but for my first hit out it over a year it was ok. Sylvaneth have some nasty little tricks that I didn't know about which never helps. 

    On another note, I was playing with an all cavalry list:

    Maw Krusha (no idea what traits yet)


    3 x 3 Gruntaz

    Snaga Rukk

    2 x 10 or 4 x 5 Boarboy Maniakz

    2 x Maniak Weirdnob

    Looks like fun to me, but that is a lot of pigs... objectives would be awful but it would be very fast...


  2. On 12/16/2019 at 9:41 AM, DestructionFranz said:

    I would put out the Boarboys Maniaks (280) + the Brutes (140).


    I would put in instead, 3 X Goregruntas to maximize to Ironfist effect in a unit of 6x. (160)

    Then I would put in 5x Ardboyz in a unit not of 20x to maximize tha Warchanter buff (in the Big Waaagh Ardboyz are better than Brutes). 

    I would spent the last 50 point in a command point or in an Endless Spell. 


    Hi @DestructionFranz thanks for taking the time to respond. Not sure I quite follow you. Taking out the Maniaks and Brutes leave 420 points to play with (almost another MK...). 3 Gruntaz is 160, so that leave 260 to play with, and 5 Ard boyz is 90, so I still have 170 to play with. Did you mean I need to plus up the Ard Boyz but not to 20 models? I think that is what you mean, but that would still leave me with 80 points spare, so I could feasibly add both an Endless spell and command point. 

    The only kicker to all of this is that I only have 3 piggies, hence why there are only three here and the Maniaks to use as a screen for them.

    Sorry if I am misinterpreting, just not quite following your train of thought here.

  3. Hi all, I have a game coming up in a couple of weeks and would like some critique on my list. I am running Big Waaagh as the following:

    Allegiance: Big Waaagh!
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Brutish Cunning
    - Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
    - Artefact : Destroyer
    - Mount Trait : Big 'Un
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    - Warbeat : Killa Beat
    Wardokk (80)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast : Kunnin' Beast Spirits
    Savage Big Boss (100)
    - Artefact : Greatdrake Toof
    15 x Orruk Ardboys (270)
    - 1 x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers
    - 1 x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
    5 x Orruk Brutes (140)
    - Jagged Gore-hackas
    - 1 x Gore Choppas
    3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)
    - Jagged Gore-hackas
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (280)
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    Ironfist (160)
    ARTEFACTS: 2/2 ALLIES: 0/400

    I think its ok. I like the maniaks over the normal boarboys. I figure I would run them out in front of the gruntaz on one flank with the Krusha in the centre, the ard boyz and brutes on the opposite flank with the warchanter trailing them, the savage boss sprinting up with the maniaks and the wardokk keeping the arrow boyz company in the rear. 

    Thoughts and comments welcome? Its against Sylvaneth if that helps.

  4. 38 minutes ago, ThalmorRepresentative said:

    A question: are we supposed to save our finished models for the month till the end of the contract? Or do we just continue to post as we progress through our pledges?

    Its generally personal preference. I tend to wait, others like to do progress shots. Choice is yours really.

    • Thanks 3
  5. Well, failed miserably in November. I completed one whole model and am about half way through the second one. So, I will pledge to complete my Gore Gruntaz, and as punishment for my lack of effort, get some converted Greenskin Ard Boyz done as well. I think there are seven of them... that will leave 10 ard boyz to complete my current collection. Will do a whole family shot when its all done.

    Update 15 Dec: well, the 3 Gore Gruntaz are done. Not sure if anyone else has painted these but man did they take some time. I have 8 days to finish 5 ard boyz for a game on Christmas eve. Lets see how it goes. I will post pics once they are all done.

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  6. I have been working on this idea since the start of AOS, so it is great that the new tome gives some boosts across the board. In terms of list combinations and complementary lists, it hasn't gotten any easier to find a list to maximise the potential of both factions. For mine, the savage boar boyz and gruntaz combo should work well, using the savage boyz to screen the IJ. I think back field, the arrow boyz work well and could be screened with 10 ard boyz but seems expensive. I run cabbage boy coz its cool, a warchanter and wardokk. Right now, i think the IJ survive just fine on their own, and the BS aren't really any better than they were and need to be rolled in somehow to be effective. My concept is:

    Maw Krusha



    30 Arrow boyz

    2 x 3 Gruntaz

    2 x 5 Savage Boar Boyz

    2 x 5 Brutes

    after that I run out of ideas. I think this strikes a balance between the two forces but is sub-optimal.

  7. After three months or so out of action (might be four...) I will jump in again. I am going to aim super low and finish 3 Gore Gruntaz. Not even gonna try for a stretch goal.

    Edit: so, motivation failed as these guys take a lot longer than I anticipated. I got only one complete and one about 40%. Not unhappy with how he turned out. This would be the boss one in an Iron Fist or herd of gruntaz...


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  8. Putting this up as it doesn't seem to have dropped yet:

    Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for August 2019!


    If you don't know the rules they are:

    Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower / Shadows Over Hammerhal, or Gorechosen.

    On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.

     I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress!



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  9. So, from an academic standpoint, has anyone started playing with army lists yet? I have been mucking around with some options and they seem to be expensive; BUT, there are an awful lot of wounds to chew through...

    Maw-Krusha Megaboss

    Wurrgog Prophet

    30 x Ard Boyz

    30 x Savage Boyz

    30 x Arrer Boys

    This lot is 1700 straight up; however, there are 180 wounds worth of troops, which seems like a lot. Add the Savage Boss for the extra shooting attack and perhaps the Warchanter, leaves 100 points spare for endless spells or terrain or whatever may come down the line. Pure speculation at its best as we know nothing about how the two will interact, but it is fun. Swap Ard Boyz for Brutes perhaps. 15 Brutes instead brings you in at 1990.

  10. 18 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Conversions are the way to go. You could easily make "wild ironjawz" that have gone mad and reverted to a more bestial nature. Half naked with only random bits of armour still attached. Big stabba as a single brute with a massive pike twice the size as it is.

    Thats just it. I think for those of us that are rocking Greenskinz, using savage parts like the stone spears, bows and axes will help with the aesthetics piece, add in some warpaint on the face and some bone totems here and there and you now have a Bonesplitterz looking bunch of Greenskinz that are on their way to savagery. Alternatively, you could add some of the armoured faces, bigger weapons and shields from the Ard Boyz kits to send them that way. 

    To plug a little, I have been playing with this over at my plog and it has gone ok so far. These are the boar boyz I converted to be a bit more savage


  11. I am happy with this. I do this anyway with my Orruks and built a mixed Orruk army from the beginning to have all three factions represented (Greenskins RIP). Only thing that annoys me is that I painted the Greenskins chariot recently... 

    I have 30 normal boys that will sub in as arrer boyz for the BS, so thats all good, just a bit of warpaint and all is well. It will also come down to how the Great WAAGH works and the points cost. IJ and BS are both expensive armies points wise, so that will be an interesting challenge. I think it will be fun and interesting.

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  12. In the theme of variety, I managed to find a BNIB (shrink wrap and all) copy of Dreadfleet. I will aim to assemble all the ships (now, this is a bit dodgy as they are mostly assembled) and get the terrain pieces painted. If I get a ship or two painted, that will be a bonus.

    EDIT: all ships built and first game played. I understand a bit more why it was slammed at the time, but a few minor modifications will make it play a lot better. Its very cold here so spraying is somewhat problematic but the aim is to get everything into undercoat.

    EDIT 2: everything assembled and the terrain and smaller ships undercoated black. I need a grey spray for some zenithal work I want to do on the ships, particularly the sails. So much detail, Dreadfleet really does have some great models. As an aside, I also added warpaint to my Orruks (RIP Greenskinz, welcome to Savage World...) in anticipation of the new tome coming out...

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  13. So, despite much procrastination and logging a ridiculous number of work hours, I did get this lot done. The chariot is complete and looks ok. Not my finest work but it will do. 

    One way:


    Or another:


    Something a bit different I worked on this month. My brother gave me an idea to kitbash some 40K Nobz into Ard boyz to give some variety to the unit. 

    So here are some Ard Nobz... Or Nob Boyz... hmmm


    and a bit lower:


    As always, any comments are welcome. I did just push up my model count for completion of this project tho... damn.

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