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Posts posted by KingBrodd

  1. 1 hour ago, bethebee said:

    i'm very curious as to what they will do with ogors.  they've never been unpopular per say but it seems like as of 3rd they've had a bit of a growth spurt in player count and now i'm consistently seeing them as a top 10 (if not top 5!) most played army in tournaments, and they're nothing special power-wise.

    they've also been very bare with the lore for them, and they've had essentially zero impact on anything since day one.  they are also an army that needs 50% of it's kits refreshed as a bare minimum, or 35% if you make some cuts.  all that, and they're one of the armies that has significant overlap with ToW.  i don't imagine they'll get rid of them, but they do have quite a ways to go on most fronts.

    After seeing what COS and Cursed City did with Ogors I am beyond hyped to see a range refresh for them.

    New Gluttons, Ironguts and Leadbelchers, Yehtees, Butchers, Slaughtermasters, the Scrap Launcher and Ironblaster and finally Frost Sabers

    Thats 9 updated kits. 8 if they make the Ironblaster and Scrap Launcher a dual kit. 

    Icebrow Hunter I could see not getting a new model and instead is wholey replaced by the Bloodpelt Hunter.

    Personally Im not a fan of Gnoblars and could see them removed from the Faction entirely. If not they neednt be updated this Edition.


    We dont have any. At all. 

    Globb Glittermaw is the perfect chance to make a named character and new centrepiece all in one. He wrestles Gargants for fun. I dont want a Greasus Goldtooth comedy model from Ogre Kingdoms. I want an Overtyrant model that is terrifying and makes Ogors truly the feared race they should be.

    New units I could see the Rhinox coming back as a Heavy Cavlary unit of 3 and a new Behemoth monster. Maybe a Giant Ground Sloth or an AOS Paracetherium!!

    Lorewise we have to make Ogors relevant. They are one of the most sideline Factions in AOS and its probably to do with having so much of their lore rooted in WHFB. Crank up the Mawpath and make them terrifying.

    Have them take centrestage in the narrative at some point. Even in the Siege of Excelsis their inclusion literally sounded like they were forgotten about as they were a paragraph(!?) About being Mercs for the City that betrayed their employers.


    • Like 7
  2. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Btw, what about the box being called 'Ruination'? It is strong, it is linked to one of the factions in a similar way to Leviathan referring to that side of the Nids, it is short and easy to memorise, and it is kind of intriguing if you think about what it could be about.



  3. +++MOD HAT ON+++

    Stop with the discussions of Gender roles in regards to Warfare. This is not the forum for it. This is a FANTASY game. Anything is possible. Women have fought in wars in real life. Women are present on these forums. Be respectful of each other.

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    • Confused 1
  4. I dont think the lie is about Skaven existing as theyre very obviously present in AOS.

    Besides the Reforging process it will probably have to do with Azyr being impregnable. 

    Skaven have aleady entered Azyr before, perhaps this time they left the door open... 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, HorticulusTGA said:


    Also, lots of potential Nurgle and Ossiarch Rumor Engines. And this is probably a Morghast Hero feet resting on a PLAGUEBEARER SKULL 100% 


    Maybe...this is a Silent People Underworlds Warband!?

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    I don't agree about the appearance bit. I'm the cities we have Seraphons, Ogors, Duardin, Aelvens of all kind, Sylvaneth, NHs, Orruks... even some SoB mercenaries are around. Why not Silent ppl?

    If I would have to put them in one grand alliance it would be either Destruction or Order, as ir Order we also have some that are not "the good guys", but I don't discard either a 5th grand alliance where those that don't "fit" too much Order would be. Like DoK and maybe Malerion. Silent ppl could be there as well.

    The appearance bit was definitely a stretch Ill admit. I just want Destruction fleshed out, as it stands now its effectively Greenskins and Ogors.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, EonChao said:

    I think this is my main issue where the Mortal Realms need more fleshing out. At the moment we have a weird crossover between the various factions implied in the setting, except it almost never gets fleshed out. I really like bits where Stormcast convince Orruks to work with them against Chaos forces, or where in Dynasty of Monsters where Avengorii work with with on of the Cities to protect it from a Beastmen Horde. I think there needs to be a lot more interaction between the factions beyond them mostly fighting each other.

    Give me more about how the Seraphon and Daughters of Khaine fit into the Cities. How the Lumineth and Kharadron negotiate to build new arcane devices. How the Sylvaneth differ within how they let other factions roam their forests.

    Then add in an isolated city where an uneasy trading arrangement exists between the people who govern it and the Gloomspite of the nearby mountains. A Fyreslayer lodge that survived against all odds against an Ogor migration due to them finding a way to work with the Nighthaunt. Ironjawz that trade with Ossiarchs once a year, but the bones they Ossiarchs take have to be claimed in ritual combat. Even Chaos factions that work with Death, Destruction and Order ones against mutual enemies in weird strained but tolerated relationships.

    And I think the Silent Ones potentially fit into that dynamic fine with at least Order, Death and Destruction. Like there are cultures in the real world who have incorporated the migrations of army ants into where they build their homes so that when the swarm passes through they move out for a few days, and the swarm eats all of the pests in their homes as it moves through the village. A City of Sigmar that allows the Silent Ones almost free reign over the surrounding wilderness and their sewer systems a few times a year to help them root out any Cults, Skaven or Grots etc lurking in that area would be thematically appropriate. And that's before you get into the idea of the Silent Ones being more sapient than some of us are assuming they are.


    • Haha 1
  8. All I know is the lines of some Factions blur their Alliances. Darkoath may as well be Destruction as they venerate no members or the Big 4. (6).

    I hope that Silent People are slotted into Destruction because they clearly dont worship Chaos and have been described as Sentient, Patient and Violent. Their appearance alone would not allow them in most Free Cities so Order seems off the table.

    It comes to Death and Destruction. With cocooning and husks and other Insect related abilites the arguement could be made for Death.

    But for me Destruction makes the most sense.

    Instead of capturing Souls like the Idoneth they could capture people whole and take them to their Hives to be cocooned in Amberstone, think Xenomorphs from Aliens, drained of their life force within the confines of their sticky prison to feed the Hives Queen who in turn lays more eggs. Eggs which Bonesplittaz steal.

    They dont eat to feed themselves the capture to feed their Queen. They dont barter for goods or trade with other races.They care not for ruling the Realms only to make sure the Queen is Protected and the Eggs are kept safe.




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  9. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    It is not about being more or less interesting, is about Warcry being the little brother for AoS, giving him usable units and having less room to investigate. Probably Warcry is already set to renew units, like what happened with Gorgers, so Underworlds, with its less unit-like approach and chances to have different minis with different bases, could lead to more exploration and variation for the Silent People test.

    Exactly. Underworlds was to me, the designers able to go wild with new ideas and potential for the future.

    Then Warcry kicked in the door once it was done just doing Chaos Warbands and opened the floodgates. 

  10. 29 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Everyone is saying Warcry, but I think nowadays we would see them before in Underworlds rather than in Warcry.

    Unfortunately I agree. For me Underworlds is the least interesting of the AOS games.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Captaniser said:

    Holy Sigmar!

    Silent ones exist and aren't just lore filler for Beastgrave anymore, and the lore says that they are on the move.

    Maybe we could see a Warcry warband for them at some point, an unaffiliated destruction warband until they can become a proper army one day.

    A Warcry Warband would be an excellent precursor to a Full Faction in 5.0!!

    Destruction needs variety. As it stands its literally Greenskinz and Big Ladz. 

    Give us the Swarm GW...Give us the Locusts instead of wanting to Devour as the Ogors...they want to Pollinate. They want to turn the Great Cities into Hives. They want to use the carcasses of those slain as incubators.

    They walk among us in the husks of our slain dead.

    Give me Mimic cranked up to 11!!


    • Like 7
  12. 2 minutes ago, Luperci said:


    Is this art of the silent people in the latest white dwarf new? weird they get a mention after such a long period of silence(haha), it's a cool design though


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  13. 22 minutes ago, GhostShark said:

    Yeah. Its amusing, but not insulting or anything. Just a reflection of different experiences. I WISH we had a good rail system! I don't have a car but I can get around my city just fine. Leaving the city? Its a nightmare, even to get to places only a few hours a way.



    31 minutes ago, ERHanmer said:

    I had a German friend study abroad in college, and she wanted to take a day trip to the other end of our state to an island.

    I laughed and had to explain it was a long weekend trip at the very least.

    Other German kids wanted to drive to New York City, which is STATES away from us.

    Most Europeans don't get it, but I also don't blame them. They have amazing public transit and their countries are packed together like New England states.

    The same issue happens with Australia. Whoever drew the World Map messed up the scale so much it makes Australia seem a tiny island and yet, its almost the same landmass as the United States.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    What kind of teaser image/ promo do we think GW would prepare for us if we get something this weekend? A pic? A little video like the one we got for Krules where CoS infantry disappeared and the surroundings were full of red eyes? Something else?

    Also, tomorrow we could get the first short story related to the 6th book or would it be too soon? Maybe a little break from short stories until the new book is announced?

    The fact that the teaser was 3 years ago already boggles my mind. Since Covid time has moved at such a sliding scale.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 14 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    I still worry about how long the time is between "removed" and "reimagined" (looking at you Kurnothi!) And resent the way GW squatted high elves and couldn't be bothered to tell us "but don't worry we've got something in the pipeline to satisfy your high elf needs!"

    That said whitefangs tertiary BoC react does lift my mood a little.

    Personally mate I dont think theyre going anywhere. Theyll get a name change maybe and have models replaced ala COS. 

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