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Everything posted by KingBrodd

  1. Age of Sigmar is doing far far better than WHFB ever did in terms of sales. Was it Dominion or another box that was their biggest seller for any of their Fantasy ranges?
  2. Perhaps the lack of a full blown Insect glow up is to not treat on the claws of another Insect like race in the pipeline...
  3. The customisation of the Faction is unmatched but that also leaves us with a Faction that is also hindered by the same fact that almost all the parts are quite similar.
  4. I really hope this is the case. Ogors need to be scaled up drastically. Something that is 8-10 Feet tall should not have a Fyreslayer come up to their shoulder in height. The Ogor range refresh has me as excited as I was for Sons of Behemat. In regards to Ironjawz and Kruelboyz I dont think theyll seperate the Battletome. With Bonesplitterz gone they can fully flesh out Kruelboyz who will no doubt lean more into the Monster Hunter/Trapper angle that was held by the Kruelboyz. If anything to me this signals that there may yet be a chance for a new Destruction Faction in 5.0. We have rumblings of a Drogrukh Faction but personally I want something that is far more different from our Big Ladz and Greenskinz. Give. Us. Silent. People. The designers can truly go wild as of now we only have one piece of concept art and the knowledge that they are insect like in appearance. They can even have any real world influences they want as I previously posted that Feudal Japan/Samurai aesthetic would look incredible.
  5. So they exist in the lore but not as a Faction?
  6. Wait so with a certain SCE character killed off in Dawnbringers 4 and their model now removed...are they gone completely? Or being reforged as new mini?
  7. I do wonder how will they explain this all Lore wise? Every Bonesplitter stopped hearing the Thump and became an Ironjaw? More curiously how do you write out Beasts of Chaos? Besides Darkoath and other Chaotic humans they were the most populous of all the creatures in the Mortal Realms. Either theyre returning as something completely different or I dunno just gone? They better explain why and not just pretend theyre gone. Now Im worried for my Ogors...
  8. Ok. Well. Far out. That much Stormcast is insane, the only silver lining is quite a bit will be updated. Warcry Warbands such as Hashut seems so sudden!! Maybe theyre being folded into Chaos Duardin? Bonesplitterz is so sad I was really hoping that they would get updated. I also think this means Kruelboyz stay as part of Warclans and dont get their own book. Beasts of Chaos. Im so sorry @The Red King truly this must be quite a blow to take. Personally I am quite angry at this decision, that unless they get revamped in a few years seems like stab in the back to players. Sacrificed for TOW. I swear if BOC recieves updates in TOW after being cut from AOS Ill lose my mind.
  9. Personally I love the new Liberators!! Thunderstrike everything please!! Though, the Dual Wielded Hammers do look unweildy and there is something off about them. I also love the Hallowed Knights paint scheme as the poster boys.
  10. Id wager that the next update will add Globb Glittermaw for the Mawtribes. Most powerful of the Meatfist and most notable Overtyrant in all the Realms. Anything similar to this I am going to say is Ogors or Silent People until they are released!! I knew the renders and in game models wouldnt do the mini justice. That is a perfect Liberator!! I cant wait for them to go into Starter Paint sets to snag a few!!
  11. Until GW announces it there are no Soups and we shouldnt waste our time worrying if there will be. The only 'soup' I could see happening is Malerion and DOK being one Tome and thats not even a Soup as we dont 100% know what Malerions Faction will look like. And its no different than having Kruelboyz in Warclans. Thats it. And if you think Kurnothi would get a seperate BT to Sylvaneth well...
  12. Lumineth are definitelty not a souped book. Sylvaneth and Kurnothi are one in the same there was never going to be a Kurnothi Battletome. DOK and Umbraneth are definitely being put together as one in my opinion. Idoneth are so different they never will be souped. Duardin Soup. Not happening. STD and Beasts maaaaaybe but Chaos Duardin as well? Not a chance. Either its STD and Beasts or STD and CD not all 3. Soulblight and FEC being one book also never happening.
  13. No no no no no. We are not doing this again. FS and KO are not being souped. This is just artwork featuring AOS Duardin. There has been plenty of Destruction art with Ogors and Orruks and Gargants and Grots and they werent souped.
  14. Oh he looks absolutely incredible. I really hope this is what his new mini looks like I bloody love it.
  15. I was really hoping sine 3rd was Era of the Beasts that we would get more roaming monsters for Warcry like we did in the Varanspire. It wouldve been the perfect avenue to update the Mancrusher Gargant and as it stands still is. Give us a Warband of 2 Mancrusher Gargants. They neednt be modular like the current kit or as versatile as the Megas. Just give us 2 Gargants with a set of 4 weapons, 4 heads and both bodies are unique in different poses.
  16. I think Idoneth and Kharadron are thw next most likely Order candidates for a Warband. Beasts of Chaos for, well, Chaos. Gloomspite for Destruction. Soulblight again for Death or they just sit out for a while.
  17. Maybe its not the Cities they joined but the friends they ate along the way.
  18. As of now Ogors have no named character minis. They need some. Also they need a presence in the narrative as of now we are seeing them more prevelant in COS than their own Faction. Absolutely agree mate. I have a very strong inkling that Globb Glittermaw will be getting a model in 4th. And I hope he's glorious.
  19. Speaking of characters getting their dues hopefully Destruction can get a proper win for once as well.
  20. +++MOD HAT ON+++ Can we please take the topic of Double Turn to another thread. Thank you @GloomkingWortwazi for steering the topic back to rumours 🤙🏻
  21. Kharadron are so due for a Warband I wouldnt be suprised if theyre the next Order Faction to get one!! This image right here is why Ill never touch the gaming side of the hobby. That looks like hell.
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