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Posts posted by KingBrodd

  1. 9 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    They need both, a more character focused unit in similar size and price bracket to the Mega Gargants or slightly smaller knights, as well as another unit around Mancrusher size to give variety in list building options.

    An in between Gargant would be a perfect edition. A Medium Gargant with dual builds a Matriarch Mega Gargant and an updated Mancrusher and that Faction is set!!

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Ookami said:

    I remember one from the short story "I, Behemat". There was a whole family of gargants led by female one. I do hope they will once make a female miniature of Behemat - that'd be cool!

    Sons are a Matriachal society so they NEED a female Gargant!!

    • Like 8
  3. 1 hour ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I’d put Ogors on par with the main 3 because the crust on them is thick enough to give them +1 to their armor save and they DESPERATELY need it.

    Personally to me they need updated the most seeing as only 3 kits have been released for them in the entire lifespan of AOS and 2 are hero models!!

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Ragest said:

    There are too many factions that desperatly need an expansion/renovation that I can’t see room for Kharadron to receive something tuis edition

    Personally I have no stake in KO. But I LOVE their aesthetic and are one of the more unique Factions that GW produces and are AOS through and through.

    Since release they have only had single model updates and that was 7 years ago.

    I would much rather a new KO update than a new wave of COS, Lumineth or even Kruelboyz in 4th Edition.

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    It is tricky. If they split, we go over 24. Chorfs, 25. Malerion and Tyrion having their own? 27? I just don't see it. Especially Malerion, seeing that DoK is in the top two of forgotten factions, like if they would be waiting for Malerion.

    Let's imagine they have their own factions and we end up with 27. How many more can they support on the 3 year cycle? I see bigger chances for Drogrukh than Silent people, and with these 26-28 rumoured factions I think we will stay for a decent bunch of years. Then who knows if we end up having a Vottan's scenario, where a new faction appears after many years without one.

    Malerion will soup with DOK and Tyrion will literally just be himself and maybe a unit added to Lumineth. 

    Malerion isnt deserving of his own Faction and Tyrion is definitely just a character for Lumineth.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 2
  6. *SIGH* This is why I really dont enjoy the lead up to a new Edition.

    These SNIPPETS of rules get previewed and everyone loses their minds. We dont have the FULL RULES SYSTEM OUTLINED or how these rules work together with these Warscrolls.

    Its so frustrating it happens every single time.


    • Like 7
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    • Haha 6
  7. 4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    They almost avoid referring to fellwater troggs in the article. I wonder if that means anything like perhaps they're going to krules or maybe I'm just reading too much into it. 

    I personally wouldnt mind if both Kruelboyz and Gitz got to use Fellwater, it fits the Boyz more but also leaves space for new ARMOURED TROGGS FOR DA GITZ!!

    4 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Imagine it @KingBrodd, all the new lore and confirmation of things to come….

    Oh my dear mummified friend I cannot wait.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Asbestress said:

    Bit late (and I already made a prediction), but considering yesterday's 100% Cities Rumour Engine, I'm proposing a new release order for 4.0 (mostly based on currently unsolved REs):

    • SCE + Skaven (full big releases) (August-September)
    • Nighthaunt (Alchemist ghost) (November-December)
    • Idoneth (Character(s) / Mini wave (1-3 kits) + Endless Spells) (November-December)
    • Gloomspite (Mini wave (3-5 kits)) (January-February)
    • Cities (2nd Wave (6-8 kits)) (April-May)

    *Size and date of Gloomspite and Cities releases interchangeable

    Also based on 40k release order:

    • Space Marines + Tyranids
    • Necrons (Small mini wave (3 characters))
    • Admech (Character)
    • Dark Angels (2 Kits, 2 Characters, Upgrade Kit)
    • Kroot (4 Kits, 4 Characters)

    Idoneth are a Faction that I most want to see updated. Outside of the Ogor refresh I want IDK, KO and Fyreslayers to get their dues.

    6 hours ago, Captaniser said:

    And Abraxia has an alternative head option with a helmet on



    I absolutely love that helm, a rival for the Everchosen himself!!

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Enoby said:

    After quite a hectic few years with family illness and the local AoS group disappearing completely in AoS 3, I'm hopefully not being too optimistic when I say I (alongside the play group) will be returning to Age of Sigmar with 4th edition.

    I'm happy with most of the changes presented, and glad that there's going to be a 'simple' spearhead mode for quick games. One of the biggest issues the group had for adopting AoS 3 was how finicky it felt, and that much of the complexity felt tacked on - which hopefully AoS 4 remedies. 

    I actually had the chance to play AoS 4 at Warhammer World, and it might just have been the time between that and last playing, but I really enjoyed myself. The gameplay was smooth and nothing felt overly strong.

    I think I'm in the minority when I say I'd like to see a few things 'nerfed' - I'd like the game to be a bit less lethal, and for more opportunities to use the models brought to the table before they're destroyed. AoS 3 games relatively quickly began to feel very samey.

    So, glad to be back for AoS 4!

    Welcome back mate!!

    • LOVE IT! 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Flippy said:

    This will not stop people from judging stuff prematurely and jumping to ungrounded conclusions. We are about to enter the annoying period in which we witness much pointless drama as people compare the new warscrolls (or their leaked elements) with the current rules and meta.

    This is incredibly frustrating. It actually boggles my mind how each Edition people do this.

    My MOD HAT will start fraying with how frequently Ill be ripping it on and off dealing with tantrums in the coming weeks.

    • Haha 2
  11. 48 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Well, since we didn't get a roadmap, might as well make some guesses:

    • Nighthaunt (Surgeon Character (from REs))
    • Seraphon (Saurus Old Blood (RE) + Endless Spells?)
    • Idoneth (Character(s) + Endless Spells? or mini wave (from REs))
    • Tzeentch (Character(s) + terrain?)
    • S2D (Character(s))

    Would have put Warclans in here too but I'm still not sure what they are planning with them.
    Also hoping we start getting Endless Spells and faction terrain again after the new focus on them in 4th.

    Also putting in my guess for a Cities release in late 2025, because why not.

    Im really really hoping for a new Idoneth Wave this Edition. One of the most aesthetically unique factions in any Warhammer setting and are severely underutilised.

    • Like 3
  12. I just cant wait for new Ogors. The possibilities have my mind spinning!!

    Looking at these new Clanrats and the amount of detail on such a small minis makes me so excited for much a larger mini like an Ogor can have!!

    • Like 2
  13. Finally caught up on all the posts!!

    Where to begin!!

    The SCE characters are absolutely dripping with, well, character!! I especially love the Knight Questor.

    The Skaven? Rat Ogors. Enough said. Love it. 

    Plus Dawnbringers and a new Edition novel!?

    • Like 7
  14. New Rat Ogors lets go!! Cant wait to see them revealed. The classic metal minis and Island of Blood Rat Ogors are beautiful and the current plastic kit is honestly tied for me with the Ogor Butcher as the ugliest minis GW currently produces.

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