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Everything posted by KingBrodd

  1. Really hoping we see Dawnbringers III up for Pre Order soon I love me som Narrative content!!
  2. Good point. Halloween lands on a Tuesday in the UK so for Halloween Eve, New Model Monday should be Death related!!
  3. This is something that frys me up. Vote with your wallets people!! My namesake and one of my favourite factions are spoiler alert....Sons of Behemat. I could justify buying a Mega Gargant at £120 and have 3 but once they increased in price I dusted my hands and said Im good. Meaning, besides it not being my favourite model of the faction anyway, I wont be buying Brodd or the Beast Smasha.
  4. I understand inflation is a thing and GW needs to turn a profit yadda yadda yadda but if the The Old World dares to cost as much as AOS its gunna burn. Burn in the fires of The End Times 2.0. A box of skeletons, at least, should be 40-50% cheaper than current Soulblight sculpts.
  5. The fact they are a base frame for the army is holding them back in my opinion. I love Ogors. What I dont love is their minis dont represent them well. Probably the worst Lore to Mini representation there is when it comes to the troops. Theyre all rank and file with their arms tucked in. 20+ year old sculpts from WHFB. The scale is all off with a Fyreslayer standing near enough a Gluttons shoulder when it should be at its knees at best. The Warhulk is the most true scale we have seen so far I love its size. The Ogor troop needs updating with correct scale and size proportions and dynamic posing. I was a little deflated when I saw that. Theyre probably images from DB III so Im assuming the Butcher wont be updated till 4.0.
  6. Couldnt agree more. I think the COS Ogors are a look into the future somewhat. When you look at the absolute scale of the lads I could see Gluttons, Ironguts and Leadbelchers all being scaled up as they rightly should be, finally, lore accurate. In Dawnbringers yes but they had an absolutely massive part to play in Broken Realms.
  7. Yes and its about time. Ogors especially have had such very little lore presence. Heres hoping they get a resurgence next Edition.
  8. I hope the Death focused Dawnbringer book give OBR some love. Every Alliance has a Faction that doesnt appear narratively enough; Chaos - Skaven and Beasts. Order - IDK and Fyreslayers. Destruction - Ogors. Death - OBR. Really hope they get a new Morghast Hero, Mortek Archers and another Troop unit.
  9. So many FEC and Kroot looking Engines here. I cant wait.
  10. Love love love those AOS minis!! The Draconith is epic and Belthanos looks incredible. Cannot wait for Dawnbringers III and the advancement of the narrative I just love it!! On The Old World....Im not interested in it at all. I cant believe theyll charge modern prices for those sculpts.
  11. I cannot wait to see the next Dawnbringers Book revealed and its minis!! Not at all bothered about the Old World but hopefully you guys get what you want!!
  12. GorkaMorka bless GW for these Online Previews. Remember when we would get updates from events a couple times a year?
  13. I hope it reigns true in heralding updates to those Factions, meaning Fyreslayers getting new units and then Ogors.
  14. New Marauders would be absolutely sick. I love the Darkoath aesthetic far more than the Big 4.
  15. This is what I want from Kurnothi and Sylvaneth. A 'Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe' faction with lots of big fantastical fey creatures. You cannot convince me Cursed City was 2 years ago. You cant. Time doesnt move that quick. Mate if they released these I would be all over Idoneth like an Ogor at a Halfling Buffet!!
  16. Kurnothi or Sylvaneth has made me somehow even more excited!! Sweet Gaping Maw if Ogors get a surprise release and its the long awaited Butcher....
  18. Dont worry mate itll be AOS, TOW isnt a huge refresh of any ranges.
  19. I cant wait to see what they do with Yehtees!! Though Im mostly hyped to see a standard Glutton. The COS Warhulk is absolutely massive, I cant wait to see its size comparison to a current Glutton, I hope theyre as tall just heavy!!
  20. Aww mate honestly Im so hyped for 4.0. The writing is on the wall for Mawtribes to be refreshed. The only Destruction Faction where 99% of their models are from WHFB and 70% of those will hit their 20 year release date next year. Ogors, Skaven and Beasts are the last major WHFB holdovers in AOS. Im counting on all 3 being refreshed next Edition.
  21. Models are usually designed 3-4 years in advance. Definitely a Nintendo Uncle type person. I agree. Whilst the hype is there momentarily, revealing leaked images days before a Preview accomplishes nothing. It ruins the hype, the forum isnt as exploding with energy and the number 1 thing? It doesnt make it release any sooner. The STD leaks were annoying in that we knew they were coming but that meant we had to wait for them to release to get past them to the next release wave. It felt like 'Oh Slaves are coming in 2 months, so in 2 months once they release itll be another 2-3 before we see something new'. So we end up waiting almost 4 months with nothing 'New'.
  22. Without going into spoilers as we have a thread for it, I think Sylvaneth and Khorne have a very good chance. Maybe even Skaven.
  23. Just finished Reign of Brute finally. Like @Beliman its an improvement but definitely not as groundbreaking as Broken Realms. I still loved it though!! Cannot wait for Book III which feels likes its going to be very Khornate and perhaps even Khorgus Khull will reach Daemonhood and get a new mini!!
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