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Everything posted by bsharitt

  1. Yeah, I agree the new hero, spells and the book. Probably that same for Skaven. Though for FEC I wouldn't be overly shocked to see a plastic Vargulf Courtier(though I think if they did have one, he's be in the box set). Overall with an updated book, I think FEC will be in a pretty good place, even if it is a sort of one or two note army. Just the way their lore is with the delusions, there's a lot ways GW can make their smallish amount of models play differently and I'd really like to see them go that route.
  2. Interesting note since GW has recently cleaned out the Gitmob grots from the store, the Greenskinz warboss on foot and boar is listed as no longer available in the US store and doesn't even show up in the GB store and the warboss on Wyvern is no longer available there too. I also can't find the Greenskinz start collecting anywhere. While rules will probably stay relevant for a while, maybe GW is finally cleaning out factions it has no intention of supporting.
  3. I think the face is the defining trait since the Troggboss face is older and age seems to be the background thing that separates the bosses from regular guy.
  4. And so the rebasing begins. I've got 80mm and 50mm bases on order for Mangers and stone trolls, but I got my hoppers and warboss started on 32mm. Had to go with bloodbowl bases because GW stopped selling slotted bases.
  5. yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the helmet either, but looking at the sprue, the head it a separate piece that goes inside the helmet and it doesn't look like it'd be too hard to take the helmet off. I don't know how complete that head is(the zoom in detail on the picture isn't great), but if it's not complete, it shouldn't be too hard to get another head on there. A gitmob head with just a helmet on top of his head would do nicely. I'd also redo the basing, because I think it's a bit much. While GW is getting amazing detail out of plastic these days and that's great, I think they're letting go to their heads sometimes and overdesign a bit. Of course I'll probably stick with my old metal guy and while he might see the table more now that he's not wasting points on options he doesn't have on the old messy warscroll, I'll probably be sticking with my guy on the giant cave squig so my hoppers are battleline.
  6. My rockgut trolls will look a little wonky on 50mm bases, but shouldn't be too bad. I wonder why the old metal warboss is still for sale. The new Loonboss on foot seems like his clear replacement(and I'll be using my old model as a Loonboss on foot) and they've not been shy about getting all the rest of the old duplicates out of the store. Maybe they have so much back log of the guy that they can't write it off yet or something.
  7. I'd like to see Peslins remain standalone and get updated with a new book and maybe new models and Skyre get a book with plastic acolytes and maybe new models too. Those two have enough unique character to carry themselves and then combine all the rest of the skaven into another book. Then you'd have diseased skaven, technology skaven and regular skaven.
  8. They're still legal to play, but not in a Gloomspite Gitz army since they can't be taken in the army or as allies. But they are legal allies for every other destruction faction or in GA destruction armies. I suspect sourbreaths may not even show up in GHB 2019.
  9. Nice, my old manger should look just fine on that size(100mm would have been pushing it) and maybe it will fall over less now.
  10. I'm liking the deep striking standalone spider. I might buy another kit to get that and the shaman on foot.
  11. The only war scroll that seems to be toast is the old sourbreath troggoth. I guess you could technically use as an ally to other armies that take troggoths as allies, but not in a gloomspite gitz army. I'm guess you could use them as rockgut now. I don't know what you mean by no spears. The stabbas unit can take the stabbas or spears as weapon.
  12. Building these new squigs, I'm missing the old single part squigs. I love to paint, but building models is one of my least favorite parts.
  13. Yes, the Moonclan, Spiderfang, gargant, aleguzzler, and Troggoth(with the sub troggoth keywords too) are keywords in the book, but everything also has the gloomspite gitz keyword. No gitmob in gloomspite(except the old gitmob shaman has been renamed a madcap shaman, but shares the same warscroll as the old metal moonclan shamans now who are also madcap shamans now) Gitmob, greenskinz and bonesplitterz are the allies.
  14. I have heard rumblings that chaos undivided is getting attention soon™ with StD in AoS and Black Legion in 40k getting books, but not sure if they're going to be at the same time. On the 40k side, all signs seem to be pointing toward Black Legion very soon within the current Vigilus campaign(they've already got two new models), so if they do a dual chaos undivided release, we could see something for StD very soon too(as in it'd likely be the next AoS book).
  15. So I guess that's a no on rumors for new factions.
  16. I know we've had lots of rumors about extentions and updates to old factions(goblins, Slannesh and Slaves to Darkness), but have we had any rumor mongers actually point to coming new factions? Of course there's been plenty of speculation on thinks like light elves that were mentioned in a recent book(the new core rule book?) and grotbag scuttlers got name dropped once in the new Gloomspite book, but I don't know that we've had anybody mention hearing about actual work on anything new, or have we?
  17. Yeah that was weird and also for Moonclan shamans, the command traits are for all of them, but artifacts are for madcap shamans only so the Fungoid cave shaman is out of luck.
  18. Yeah, I was hoping to get ahead of the curve and get a base ordered to rebase my current one.
  19. Has anybody seen definitively what size of base the new Manger Squigs are on?
  20. It will be interesting to see how they do that fully going forward now that we have this book, BoC and LoN too. I think the chaos armies are bit of an outlier since GW is trying to say who those chaos gods will ally with, so it makes sense not to break up the mortals and daemons. For Legions of Nagash, the other two death factions have allies within it not the whole faction, but then LoN now feels like a slightly more halfhearted faction merge than this book or BoC. So it'll be interesting to see how they decide that in GHB 2019 or new destruction or Chaos battle tomes before then.
  21. Thank the badmoon the Warboss with giant cave squig finally has a separate warscroll so now the poor guy on foot won't be overcosted. Since the old metal guy on foot is still on sell, but still has the old warscroll online for now, I wonder if he's going to be a loonboss like the new model that's coming later. Kind of sad that my old Shamans in their new "madcap" form lost a really nice signature spell and got replaced with one that won't get used much, but at least there should be some spell lores in the battletome so they won't be useless. I guess GW wants to push their new shamans, which I'll probably get anyway but I like to keep my old ones usefull too. I like that the spiderfang shaman can now be taken on foot. If the new profiles for the Arachnarok have good enough differentiation in points now, I might build one without a shaman and have him on foot. Even though the Chaos Gargant didn't get much in the BoC book other than the whipped to fury ability I was hoping that maybe the Gloomspite version would updated or at least have a cool Gloomspite ability like the BoC one, but it looks the same. Also glad to see that they're quick about releasing updates for the Forgeworld stuff and the Colossal squig and squig gobba already have the new keywords, but not rules changes that I'm noticing other than keyword. I was worried they'd end up some kind of Moonclan only purgatory without the keywords to get them into a Gloomspite army like what happened to the Mourngul when LoN dropped(later explained by a coming Nighthaunt book) or even the Giant Chaos Spawn and Warpfire Dragon that should really have BoC keywords(at least the spawn). That 1 in every 6 must be a squig herder for the squig herd is probably really going to ****** off those people that that only had min units of herders for their 20 squig units, especially since they're not selling herders by themselves any more. Sure there's still ebay and the conversion is easy, but still has to be a little annoying. Also makes the lone Underworlds herder model easier to use on the table top as stand in for a "normal" unit model if you don't want to the take their special warband unit.
  22. So the GW webstore has been updated with Gloomspite Gitz, which is currently Spiderfang and The Moonclan stuff that's not in the process of being replaced or reboxed along with the old Gitmob Shaman. So the big Grots section is gone, and as are the Gitmob grots are gone, not even listed under All Destruction anymore. Greenskinz are still there and actually have a section. It doesn't seem that they're simply not indexed either, you can't search for them and incoming links from Google go nowhere. Is GW finally getting brave enough to purge models they don't plan on supporting going forward?
  23. Nope, didn't mess up any trolls, the troll didn't talk, "he" would clearly be the speaking grot, I siimply assume a basic level of awareness and comprehension instead of wasting my time being overly verbose.
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