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Everything posted by LuminethMage

  1. I hope they bring out army boxes again, it looked like most of them were popular, and you could easily see them doing the same thing for the factions in BR Teclis too. If they don’t I think many people wouldn't be happy about that. That named OBR hero from the Hammerhal Herald also hints a similar treatment (if that’s what it is in fact). I don’t see an equivalent to the Shadow and Pain box, simply because we haven’t seen even a hint of a new OBR hero model, and at least the box should be out by now then. If they’d follow the same pattern that box would lead into BR Teclis story-wise. But then, I also thought we have a good chance to see a Lumineth announcement this week : ).
  2. There is a chance we see a BR Teclis announcement together with some or all of the LRL today. The LRL were definitely planned to be released in March (and before that in February): a tie-in novel, a tie-in WD, the short story, the BR Teclis Warcry special, the model/medal. I originally thought they’d release Cursed City before LRL, but I think that’s they one which has been delayed. The latest Deadwalker article didn’t sound like they are going to announce them this Sunday. But their release schedule is so messed up, and that cryptic message about further delaying something that was planned to drop at some point to some other point could mean anything, so who knows? I’m sure we at least see BR Teclis being announced this month, not a 3 months plus delay like last time. With already the next one being shown they have to get BR Teclis out.
  3. I think such things are always worth to try out and see how they work for you. Probably something surprising for your opponent. And it’s if it works out it has this nice “love it when a plan comes together” feeling to it : )
  4. Theoretically that should work, I don’t think there is any rule that prevents these two Endless Spells from stacking. It’s still a big set-up, and might not work out (I had Zaitrec, Teclis and the Twinstones in my game yesterday and still managed to throw the occasional double 1, or 1,2). If you pull it of, it should be a big bubble, but it might feel a bit janky for some people. If your opponents don’t mind, it looks like something fun to try. But might not be worth all the effort on the end. 😅 I might have misunderstood you, but just in case: Zaitrec (besides the other buffs) only lets you know an additional spell, not cast one. With the Balewind though, you could still pull it all off in one phase.
  5. I had a friendly match against a Tempest Eye list. My opponent was so nice to ask for Teclis, so I could bring him on the table. Almost half of my army was shot off the table in R1 & R2, but Teclis had a really great round of Searing White Light, plus Living Fissure, where I could take a bit of revenge. Was great fun.
  6. The snake bodies are really well done! 🐍👍🐍
  7. As far as I understand it from the context of the short story and what’s written about it in Soulbound, it’s a city founded by sigmarite humans that’s slowly been taken over by Lumineth. It originally wasn’t built by Lumineth, they came in afterwards, but have been re-arranging everything according to their standards, and it now resembles more of a Lumineth city. I think it’ll be one of the Cities of Sigmar in BR Teclis. Now, if you still can call it a CoS is a bit dubious, in the same way calling Har Kuron a CoS. Xintil, the continent where it’s located as a whole is something like you mention - a place where Lumineth “graciously allow others to settle for their benefit”. It seems, as they have become more in control of Hysh again that at least some of the Lumineth think that they have to take a more active role in making sure humans aren’t falling to Chaos and receive a “proper education” : ).
  8. Base spray depends on your colour scheme. In the Battletome GW is using Wraithbone for their Ymetrica scheme. For Iliatha and Zaitrec it’s Corax White.
  9. Good point, I meant at the start of Age of Sigmar, when Stormcast first appeared and tried to assist in fighting Chaos to reclaim Hysh from Chaos.
  10. Lumineth seem to play a similar role to Stormcast in Settler's Gain. Could be that Settler's Gain is a new type of City of Sigmar, without a Stormkeep. Probably because it's save enough now to make such settlements in some regions. It looks very much like the Lumineth are the rulers of the city, not a city council assisted by Stormcast as in the cities we have seen so far. The writer doesn't mention anything about appealing to Stormcast for example in the text, and there is a little bit more information on Settler's Gain in the Soulbound RPG which also doesn't mention anything about Stormcast. Lumineth didn't ask for Stormcast help during the Age of Chaos (and prevented them to do things in some cases), so it might be that in some of the realms, especially with new cities, the Stormcast just don't play that much of a role. It's likely, it'll be clarified once BR Teclis is out. Settler's Gain has been mentioned several times now, so it likely plays a role there.
  11. Have a look at "Season of War" on Youtube. : ) They just posted one LRL vs OBR BR, against Null Myriad among all things (shudder) this week. They have good BRs in general, sadly their LRL are still using some proxies. But the BR are really worth watching.
  12. True. We'l find out, just my guess, because I think they'd shown a new OBR model already, and there aren't any alternatives, or? But maybe it's a surprise new model for OBR? That would be even better.
  13. I liked it. I'd preferred it if our very first impression of Lumineth wasn't from an outsider PoV, but it's well done and interesting. There will be some conflict between Sigmar and T&T. I'm not sure though if Sigmar is all about self-determination : ) (I know what you mean though^^)
  14. Yes, Lyrior is the named hero they showed in the last preview (the Warden of Ymetrica), I guess Horrek will be a hero like ven Brecht (named version of a Liege-Kavalos). @Ian Wallsh I’d wait right now. We are really close to BR Teclis, which should come with a battle box for the Lumineth, like all the armies featured in BR Morathi received. That’ll probably be the best way to start. If you don’t want to wait, probably a box of Warden or Sentinels is always something you can use, although those also could be in such a box. If you want to play with Teclis, that’s a model which is almost certainly not in a starter box : ).
  15. He has the keywords you need, Zaitrec and Wizard. Or I misunderstood your question. He can only do it when you play Zaitrec. Otherwise no. @Jeremierty he does have more abilities, right? Auto-unbind and dispel alone is big, then the pluses on casting and unbinding, spell immunity on a 4+. But, yeah, right now he is not a must-take. But I’m sure, if we get a new spell lore, he’ll become better. So far our lores have been good. And some of the other heroes might provide something for him : )
  16. Yup : ). And this has to be shown here of course : )
  17. Yeah exciting times, and thank you @Joseph Mackay for your sacrifice, appreciated 😆! I think Teclis is in a pretty good spot, if you take him, he’ll change the way you play and can pull his weight. On the other hand, he has some disadvantages and is not a “must” if you want to play Lumineth successfully. He’ll likely get stronger if we we see a new spell lore. The Bladelords also might have a “guard Wizard“ ability. But Teclis is walking on a fine line, if he can dish out a lot more mortals or becomes just a bit too tanky, he’ll be too good for his points. Things I hope we get are speed and some good, old fashioned punch (hopefully not only via mortals). I really hope the Bladelords are the heavy hitters they should be, and we can play a more fragile, but more heavy hitting and more maneuverable play style. With so many new heroes, if they don’t all have bad rules, we should see a lot more options to play then right now. Between BR Teclis and all the new units they’d have teasing material for ages, so hopefully we start seeing some of it soon. After all the named March the month of the Lumineth, so please enlighten us : )
  18. That's possible. I just thought because they didn't mention the actual release date in the article, like they did last month with the Hedonites, that the actual release is next month. Lumineth almost certainly were "originally" planned to be released in February, then pushed back a month, and they haven't shown anything Lumineth related since the preview, but quite a lot of Cursed City info. So I thought that one comes first. But it could be they changed their schedule again and pushed Cursed City back (the CS novel not being on the list could hint at that, and that fittingly cryptic message from Sunday), because CS is likely the more important release to get right. They also mentioned a week ago that there is a Warcry special this month focusing on a story point in BR Teclis, so if BR Teclis wouldn't be out until then, it'd be a bit weird (but then the WD has BR Teclis stuff in it, so...). That's a lot of words to say: I don't have a clue, lol. I'm sure it's going to happen within a month or so. So, it's fine for me.
  19. It’s really hard to say, originally it was definitely meant to happen probably early/mid March. The novel is going to be released, they have the White Dwarf following along (hopefully) or following up on BR Teclis, a Warcry BR Teclis special, and the model/coin. So, very likely we’ll at least see the pre-order announcement or, if they split it, the first wave of models in March.
  20. Yup, likely pre-order last week of March, with release in April. WQ being earlier and otherwise they likely would have mentioned that it’s in March.
  21. It’s happening!?!? : ) https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/03/02/hit-your-local-warhammer-shop-in-march-for-these-lumineth-themed-goodies/
  22. It's fine, it's not about what one person posts, or meant no one should make fun of the Lumienth or something like that, or any single post or poster (and definitely not you) at all. No problem. : ) I'm also really thankful for the lots of ❤️ received, thank you everyone, very much appreciated! I'm also looking forward to what comes next, Vampires, Dwarfs or whatever! I'm excited that Broken Realms turned out not to be only about the aelf gods, who'd thought we get BR Belakor? That means almost anything is possible.
  23. Sounds good. Personally I think even the old BT is not really a waste, because of all the art, lore, painting guides etc. in it. It likely will have some use for you if you can get is that cheap : ). If you take this a base for more things to come it's pretty good. Otherwise you likely do not need 10 Sentinels (10 alone don't do much) and could use a second Stonemage instead of a Cathallar. That would open your list up for more Stoneguard for example. But if you anyway plan to broaden your list with new models, then having a Cathallar and some Sentinels is good. That would be a good idea to provide something special for Tyrion, make the martial side more pronounced. They have set-up the Lumineth perfectly to do something like the Starborn/Coalesced with them if they want to. @Joseph Mackay Your timing has been great. I also find the spell and ability cards mentioned by Okayest DM incredibly useful, but just yesterday AoShorts released their new ability cards for the Lumineth. If you do not mind printing them yourself they are a great alternative (and free : ) ). This link goes directly to a google drive to download: Cards If you rather want to see first what's this about here, is AoShorts Twitter account: AoShorts
  24. With 1,000 points, probably the Battalion isn’t worth it, but if you have the Twinstones you could also try Syar, if that makes it better for you. I like your list though, with Zaitrec, very magicky: )
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