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Blog Entries posted by Hotdropmartin

  1. Hotdropmartin
    Last year was great. I painted up a full army, I attended my first and second tournament ever. GW decided to ditch the old persona and began the great process of renewal. My commission painting company grew in clients and painters, all in all things are good.
    I played more games last year than the past three, but still not nearly enough (there's never enough gaming).
    After my last tournament I was a little burned out. I cant stress enough I really enjoyed the events I went to and will definitely will be looking to attend some events again in 2017.  Matched play is a great way to play and for many fellow gamers/hobbyists it covers all their needs. for me though I found I enjoyed the events and the social aspect of meeting new people, but there's still a little bit missing.
    I'm a creative person. I love coming up with and reading the background and stories, and really just solely playing matched play games for me is limiting what I want to achieve with my gaming.
    So new year has come and with it a new project. My goal for the year to come is to definitely start exploring the narrative side of the game. I've recruited and reforged a few anti Aos friends to do a simple slow grow path to glory/1000pts. in the next few weeks i'm going to attempt a small campaign write up, and hopefully fingers crossed my friends will stay focused enough to get some games in.
    My first project for the year is Sylvaneth. I did technically start this last year, but you can forgive me for having a little break. I wanted to push the standard of this project to something as high as I could without it becoming too detailed and unobtainable. I have been quite strict in what I plan to paint so not to get distracted or overwhelmed.
    My project is as follows
    20 dryads two x ten with slightly different schemes
    five Tree Revenants
    Treelord Ancient
    Three Kurnoth Hunters
    Four Sylvaneth wyldwoods  
    As always many thanks for reading,  comments and questions are always welcome.
    until next time.
    Now for some pics of what I've completed already. 


  2. Hotdropmartin
    I haven't posted for a while as I've been super busy with work and getting married.
    I've been lucky though and have somehow found the time to get loads of games in with my death army. 
    I've really struggled with motivation when it comes to the death. I do want to add more units and beef up existing ones, but my limited attention span has been derailed by Sylvaneth.
    I just love everything about them fluff, minis, rules, etc....
    So here's a few pics of some test minis which will slowly be added to soon and hopefully I will be able to update the blog more frequently.
    Happy hobbying 

  3. Hotdropmartin
    Still exceptionally busy with work. I haven't really had the time or peace to sit down and do any of my death or Sylvaneth for myself .
    I have been able to finish these 3 wyldwoods to a standard i'm happy with  . I'm unsure as to the amount I will need but I think 3 for 1000pt games is enough for now.
    I promise I will try to post something interesting soon.

  4. Hotdropmartin
    I finally finished my Mourngul, really struggled with this model due to a little painters block. I'm kinda demotivated with the undead at the moment, possibly due to an upcoming Sylvaneth release .
    I think its just a phase, as i've done so much using the same palette etc... that I may just need a break before finishing the army.
    I've still got a few things to paint, Manfred being one of them, so hopefully I get my mojo back and i'll have more to show soon.
    All the best

  5. Hotdropmartin
    Thanks for the comments peeps!
    No gaming unfortunately this week as my local GW is not doing late night gaming. something to do with manager being on holiday or some other excuse.
    Commissions wise, its been exceptionally busy with some serious late nighters to try and meet deadlines.
    This has left me a little burnt out, so personal hobby time might just be a cup of tea and a delve into the Godbeasts campaign book.
    I have some stuff currently being worked on and a few finished minis, hope you like.
    3 More Spirit hosts. I'm really tempted to pick up another 3 as these don't take very long to paint.

    I missed these off In my first post which is a shame because I think they are my favourite minis in my army. I'm not sure I will ever use 4 tomb banshees, but they'd be great as objective Markers.

    This big guy is great, cool model and very cool rules. The biggest challenge was removing the dead horse from his hand.
    Brute force and powertools kids

    7 more skellies. I try to do one a day so in a week ill have 30 in total.

    Finally A nod to the Mortal Realms podcast who put up a free token download (you can also buy laser cut ones).
    I stuck mine to 25mm.

  6. Hotdropmartin
    I've always wanted to attend an event and often between life, money, and kids it's always been just an idea that's never blossomed into a reality. A few weeks back I was casually looking through the events section on this site and noticed a one day 1000pt event in Leeds. Not being very far I mentioned to the wife that it might be cool to go, not really expecting a response (she often goes deaf when hobby is mentioned) she responds with "cool you should go,". I paused expecting some sort of bargaining scenario to begin, involving me looking after the children for a full 7 days while she spends it with her girlfriends in some tropical resort. To my amazement this didn't happen, and not only did she show mild interest, she even paid for the ticket!
    it's entirely plausible that this is just to get me away long enough for (insert vocation of choice) man to pop round  , but really this doesn't bother me as i'm going to a tourny!
    Initial preparation began with WTF how do I prepare? Luckily two podcasts came out this month touching on this very subject.
    I certainly don't have any goals other than just to experience playing at an event. I have my list sorted, though a unit of Dire wolves inconveniently required painting. luckily and probably due to my excitement these have been completed pretty quick.
    As for other preparations, I've read the rules pack and currently trying to learn the matched play scenarios word for word. The scenery requirement is no issue as I've loads of painted scenery and I've even bought a cheap tablet for the AOS app. Many thanks to the Mortal Realms Podcast as they have produced some DIY tokens which I've just glued to 25mm bases.
    The biggest question I have now is do I forgo paying my water bill and buy an official combat gauge, and rangefinder, or make do with the basics?

    Will post soon, probably with a write up of how my games went and how I found the whole experience.
    Happy hobbying
    P.S will this be enough?

  7. Hotdropmartin
    Hi peeps decided to show a quick wip pic of my £5.99 slaughterpriest 
    Only spent half a lazy Sunday on it and I have to stress this is a crappy phone pic
    Started on a Base too 


  8. Hotdropmartin
    It finally happened. Last Thursday my Gates of Azyr finally opened and I popped my AOS cherry!.
    It's been a difficult year, if not for illness, deadlines , access to the car, kids extra curricular activities, weather, blah blah blah, I would have probably played earlier.
    So I drove to one of my local GW stores and played a very enjoyable game against a real person.
    After the game on the drive home I was surprised how good It felt. It didn't matter that my opponent had unpainted models, or that we didn't play a scenario.
    It was just great to play a game with my army. 
    Ive spent 6 months painting my death army. Sounds like a long time, but I paint miniatures full time and surprisingly enough this leaves very little time to do anything for yourself.
    So enough ramble and nonsense, people want pics! I will be playing more games, one every month at least. So look forward to some shoddy phone pics soon.  
    Here's currently what i've painted.
    Until next time, Happy Hobby Peeps!



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