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Posts posted by Nico

  1. Quote

    Doesn't warrior brotherhood counter his list? Drop down, kill hero's?

    I haven't seen it in action, but I suspect not. The Kunning Rukk bonuses are just gravy on top of the real problem which is 40 models with 80 wounds and 120 attacks that they can pile buffs onto. Unless the WB gets a double turn (which is admittedly 50% of the time), I cannot see them killing the heroes the first turn with pew pew and grinding through another 80 odd wounds of Savage Orruks and Moonclan, before they can even touch the Orruk Archers. As soon as he fires back (likely with the Damned Terrain buff and frankly his general should be one of the Arrer Boyz with Bellowing Shout  and maybe mystical terrain if he fancies a gamble, everything in range will die, especially 4+ save Paladins.

    I haven't had the time until now to check which model is the general, I've now looked and he has actually made the champion of his 5 model, 15 wound pig unit the general, which is probably genius, since it's the lowest priority in terms of damage output. Take a bow! Very Kunning! They will likely be sitting in the middle of a donut of Arrerboyz, - never going to die from pew pew fast enough to take out the Bellowing Shout. This means that the Arrer Boyz will be hitting on 4+, or 3+ with one damned terrain or 2+ with two damned terrain. Rerolling ones to hit, unless you kill the Maniak as well.

    Once the WB have committed enough models, the pen of cheap bodies guarding the Stonelord and stopping Protectors from reaching it with 3" range will open (which is not that far off full damage output even with a significant number of wounds shot off) and it will delete several units in response. The WB isn't immune to Battleshock either. The only query I have is why a Hunter instead of a cheap Shaman - if he casts mystic shield on the Stonelord successfully that will often be game changing - perhaps the Hunter is to deal with enemy artillery crew? 

    I think this is called effective Target Saturation.

    The WB can play the battleplan well and try to outscore the enemy on some Battleplans, but they simply don't have the damage output to deal with a horde (let alone a horde with a Stonelord and all the other fun things in the list).


    • Like 1
  2. Sedge should win it. No-one seems to have a hard counter to his Arrer Boyz (the Arrer Boyz by themselves can delete virtually anything that isn't on a 35/36 save within range even without attacking twice, epecially thanks to the wonders of Damned Terrain. Apparently he has some other fun stuff in his list as well.

  3. Quote

    Sadly with the release of Disciples of Tzeentch I'm not sure this is a great option. It's already easy for them to summon models, making it easier or doubling the amount of point available will make this army even stronger (of course, this is all from the rumours of the rules.... would need to wait for Battletome to drop first)

    Exactly. There's no reason to buff summoning.

    On the other hand, attempts to remove the primary function of summoning (creating a mini-sideboard with potentially all your summonable models to hand) should not be nerfed by TOs (at least not until some months have passed since DoT drops).

    It should be a safe bet that DoT will be able to summon any other Daemons as normal and that this will preserve their Tzeentch allegiance (as is currently the case with summoning). It will be interesting to see how many of the synergies in DoT are keyword dependent - probably most or all of them. For example, it would be odd if Destiny Dice could be used on a summoned Khorne Daemon for example (i'm guessing that they cannot be).

    Even Deathlords with a new Lore could make summoning a force to be reckoned with again - since Nagash could actually cast most/all of his spells each turn.

  4. Quote

    Kairos Failweaver getting a nerf scroll? That'd be sweet

    Where did this come from? Bear in mind that he has been nerfed already - no longer +2 to cast.

    This video seems like an (extended?) version of the one from the end of the Warhammer TV reveal. Is the image of the "Bird" / "LoC" new? If so - seems to have no arms and only one head. Sounds exciting whatever it is!

  5. Quote

    Hi there, are amateurs welcome? Myself and a friend have been playing in Bromley for a few months and would love to get involved with this...are tickets still available? Many thanks, James 

    Hi James. Anyone is welcome. Sounds like you're in the area, so please also feel free to head down to the South London Legion on Wednesdays (with or without your friend) - even tomorrow if that works for you at short notice. Details are here:


    Send me a message or one to Tom Loyn if you would like to discuss further. We should have a good number of people down tomorrow playing AoS and getting overly excited about Tzeentch!

  6. Quote


    So yeh, The Black Sun is now The Black Sun Weekly. Predominately a solo show coming out every Monday for short episodes covering a wide variety of topics. As it's me, this will include plenty of Ironjawz and Destruction chat so I thought it might be of note here. I'll be looking to do some Skype interviews to bring in some other opinions and views for variety. If anyone here has a topic they would like to discuss, please get in touch.

    The first episode isn't the most exciting, but please stick with it as I feel it will work out well going forwards. Also, I can't imagine any regular poster in this Sub Forum will get much from this episode as it's just a very basic run down of the Ironjawz scrolls!!

    I will be sending out a text to a certain @Sangfroid later today as I reckon his journey with Destruction over 2016, culminating in a UK Masters invite is probably a story worth telling!

    Going forward I am quite keen to tie this thread in with the podcast and can use it to show off anything relevant I may be discussing on there. So yeh, I'll be keeping this going in 2017. Just need to wrap up 2016!!


    This sounds awesome.



    • Like 1
  7. Quote

    I am just going to prop up and say they changed the name of the tzeentch army most likely re doing it. We all thought well many of us thought they will call the tome "Tzeentch Arcanites" but instead they call the tome "Disciples of Tzeentch" and this is going to be a new "take" on battletomes. 

    Please make this mean that it will be an Allegiance Pack for Tzeentch!

    • Like 2
  8. Quote

    Looking at the number of units we can see, I think it's unlikely that it'll be a combined Tzeentch allegiance. 

    Probably right.

    I hope that it's at least Mortal Tzeentch allegiance (so Chaos Sorceror Lord, Knights of Tzeentch, both Gaunt Summoners can join the party) like the Mortal Nurgle (not Rotbringers) precedent mentioned above. Arcanites would be even more restrictive.

    Tzeentch allegiance would revitalise the Daemons at a stroke even without a single new Daemon model (since they could use the Lore spells and the new Artefacts etc.).  

    • Like 2
  9. Quote

    Yeah, its not like any of their baseline units have 3 shots per model or anything and wound on 2+ with passive buffs...oh wait...

    Savage Orruk Archers are so broken as they have a unit cap of 40 (should be 20 - problem goes away) and cost 100 points for 20 wounds (should be 140), not 160 points for 10 wounds. Plus exploding attacks command ability that shouldn't work on pew pew; and easy access to reliable +1 to hit buffs whether they choose Destruction or Bonesplitterz Allegiance Pack.

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