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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Everything posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. The photography and the art in that supplement is on point. I maintain that a single evocative image, one that tells a story, can be all it takes sometimes to capture someone’s imagination and lead to them going all in on a new army. These new orruk sculpts look much more like the avalanche of green that they’ve always been sold as but never quite lived up on the tabletop (in my eyes). 🙌🏻
  2. I love the glowing eyes on those paint jobs. They look elemental and really quite menacing.
  3. Does anyone know when the Armies on Parade deadline is for submission?
  4. Call me greedy, I just look forward to seeing a new model on a Monday these days! 😋
  5. I hope this wasn’t today’s “reveals for the Mortal Realms” 🤞🏻
  6. When do folks think the new Underworlds stuff just previewed might drop?
  7. I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure they said it’s free
  8. Someone’s going to need to check on Brodd tomorrow. We might even need to take shifts.
  9. I’m now imagining some Green Knight-esque riders infused with the power of Ghyran cantering from out of the tree-line, vines and velvet trailing from their antlered helms, favours from the Everqueen lingering at their lances…
  10. Guilty… Although mine aren’t recognisable as aelves anymore 😅
  11. Between the dead skellies (lol) and the vampire strung up on the standard, there’s some v. anti-Soulblight sentiments to these. Love the idea that the FEC’s enmity with Nagash could potentially be making its way into their minis…
  12. He’s a characterful chap and he’d be a gem of my collection. Are you able to help?
  13. These are some of my favourite minis GW has ever produced. Looks like Innswich will be getting a glow-up…
  14. Agreed; to my eyes, the Gallowfall sculpts blow ANY of the current Beastmen lines out of the water and I can’t wait to see the army updated with even a faction of the awesomeness of those space goats 😍
  15. Book 1 — I enjoyed the read but personally I don’t feel it was worth the money. The content just felt too light. I enjoyed and collected all the Broken Realms tomes but times being what they are, I don’t think I’ll be picking up any more from this series.
  16. Is that last guy a Cities elf? I can’t quite tell (but I could believe it). In a world of unconstrained fantasy, I almost never go for a straight-up human faction, but I’m really, really digging these Cities previews. Sooo many different ideas and directions you could take them …
  17. I’ve been seeing fin, but could it also be a scaled tail?
  18. I hold out hope to see Seraphon Saurus Guard and now Flagellants as an Underworlds or Warcry update at some point in the future.
  19. Imagine a godbeast the size of, say, Alarielle’s figure, surround by swarms of epic-scale infantry. SO cool!
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