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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Everything posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. Looking forward to seeing the Warclans range expanded — and an even more diverse Waaaagh! — with the addition of these new Boyz. 🙌🏻
  2. Was also watching the latest season of Castlevania and I found myself thinking just HOW cool it would be to see some classic WHFB brought to life that way. Give me the collapse of the polar warp gates and the siege of Itza and tides of daemons washing over the failing temple cities, tiny bubbles of safety nestled within nightmarish jungles, inside which the beleaguered slann expend themselves pouring all of their might and magic into cataclysmic spells in a vain attempt to hold back the hordes at their gates... Gaaaah!
  3. Is Lady Annika multi-options (different arms) or have they just updated the sculpt since the first preview?
  4. It has worked every time so far for me. I haven’t seen any glitches? I received my email yesterday (the link someone has shared above) and it will likely be posted to the main Community site a few days later (tomorrow, perhaps), as usual. If you want the updates early, without having to wait for someone to share their link on here, I would imagine you can subscribe through the Broken Realms website. They will come straight to your inbox a few days before anyone else can read them on the Community site. I’m sure they could always use more IT support though — you should go for it! Like you, I found the story intriguing. I’m all for seeing the Sylvaneth get a renewed focus as well as any hints or tips about what Mally is getting up to these days.
  5. You are supposed to subscribe to receive these early. They are then uploaded to the Community site for everyone else a few days later.
  6. Perhaps his physical body has effectively died, and he’s unable to manifest as anything more than a shadow? Whatever direction they take him in, I can’t wait to find out!
  7. I so hope the Lizardmen/Seraphon get an update some time soon. It’s rare I go all in on a new launch but some updated Saurus and Kroxigors would be a first-day purchase for me. They’re needed so badly, and with the quality of the stuff GW has been producing recently, I just know they’d be insane!
  8. My money’s on Dracoline pelt over the shoulder of the new swamp Morruks/half-Orruks. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  9. Where does that leave us so far? Neferata/Nulahmian bloodline - playable SBGL character Mannfred/Von Carstein bloodline - playable SBGL character, Mother of Nightmares/Vengorii bloodline - playable SBGL character Belladama/Vyrkos bloodline - playable SBGL character(s) 'The Blood Dragon'/Blood Dragon bloodline - mysterious SBGL background figure, Vhordrai closest representative? Ushoran/Strigoi bloodline... see Flesh Eater Courts I am dying to find out more about a) what makes the bloodlines so distinct (at the mo, I feel the Vyrkos/FEC and Vengorii/Blood Dragon aesthetics are v. similar) and b) which other new or returning bloodlines might feature.
  10. Yessssss, the dead march! (Actually going down the FEC route but I NEED to get me some of those fell bats! And the Battletome for all that lore goodness...)
  11. That’s a picture of a city in the Realm of Life. It’s been around for a long time and the creature you can see is a Kurnoth Hunter.
  12. Also — loving the fairytale vibe of the teaser. Very ‘Destruction’ and reminded me of both the Gloomspite and Mega-Gargant stuff. Can’t wait to find out more — in particular, what makes them different from the existing Gitz/Orruks. Damn, I love this hobby. I’ve collected/played this game since I was a small kid and I’m just as in love with their worlds now as I was back then. So weird, to think their fantasy creations have been buzzing around in my head all this time!
  13. I’d like to see a teaser video, similar to the one we saw at the start of the year. Give me hope that kroxigors will get an update at some point this year. 🙏🏻
  14. I need to play this game! If you're interested in more Lovecraftian-inspired fish people (and the townsfolk who revere them), you can check 'em out here. The new fish/crab minis look great — I will probably pick up a couple for conversion purposes. It's been a long time coming!
  15. Can’t wait for Kraggy to shake up the Mortal Realms for a whole edition! I want to see him and his rabble do what no one else has really been able to do and break into Azyr AND the Eightpoints! Expose both but cause so much mayhem and destruction that neither Order nor Chaos can do anything to maximise on it 🍳 I can’t think of anything else that fits this ‘the Mortal Realms will never be the same again’ tagline they keep throwing around.
  16. Please please please #coatl I’m so looking forward to new or updated Seraphon one day 🙏🏻
  17. They're really building up 'everything will change' and BR Kragnos being the culmination of the BR storyline. I'm calling: Azyr gets busted into, but Chaos also gets a massive smackdown from this 'god' of Destruction, putting Destruction in the ascendancy and both Order and Chaos on the narrative backfoot for an edition (Azyr and Eightpoints both vulnerable)
  18. Are Arch-Regents and Ghoul Kings technically vampires? Just devolved? And is what separates them from other devolved ‘Soulblight’ vampires like Vargheists purely the fact that Ghoul Kings are vampires from The Carrion King’s lineage? Ie. A normal vampire starves, lives in graveyards etc. and devolves into. Vargheist An Ushoran vampire starves, lives in graveyards etc. and devolves into a Ghoul King? (and on the flipside, a vampire of any lineage feasts and overindulges and becomes a Varghulf? And what conditions creates a Vargskyr, how are they different from Varghulf?) Still trying to get my head around all this, thank you 🙏🏻
  19. I’m convinced those spikes aren’t part of the miniatures at all. They’re ribs protruding from the terrain behind. You can see it best in the rib on the far right.
  20. What does everyone think the order of play will be for May? Eary May — Gravelords + first Idoneth UW teaser Mid-May — Preview featuring BR Kragnos + reveal of remaining Idoneth warband Late May — BR Kragnos + crew (Kroak/Twins/Mystery Sylvaneth) It’s so busy already!
  21. Whitefang alert 🚨 How is it possible to get so excited about something when I don’t actually know what it is? 😂 On the plus side, the rest of Sunday is going to last an actual Age ☀️ #MondayBlues
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