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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Everything posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. Hey, I understand! That’s still really helpful, I don’t suppose you’re UK based? And how much would you like for them? Thank you 🙏🏻
  2. Hello, Do you have its horns spare? I’d like them for a conversion. I’m UK-based. Thanks, T
  3. On the topic of Beasts of Chaos rumours, what are the latest whispers from around the herdstone?
  4. … from the Middle-earth range. I know it’s a long-shot, but I had to see if anyone would be willing to part with him for something less than the eye-watering amount he goes for new. Thanks in advance for any help, T
  5. Ooooh man, they’d be right at home on the swamp board I’ve just finished! (@stonewater_still) Come on GW, show us the rest 🤞🏻
  6. I do wonder how the development of The Old World system influences their design decisions for those factions that carried straight over into AoS. I’ll finding it hard to explain, but I mean, are they anticipating everyone with lots of Witch Aelves as going to be able to use those in The Old World games? Or will they want to make the two systems distinct? If they go the latter route, it’s kind of inevitable that they gradually phase out/redesign the classic WHF factions that carried across — because those factions are iconic to The Old World. I guess the dwarfs are a good example of what I mean. They have taken two, very distinct themes and run with them. Your ‘classic’ dwarfs have received very little attention and even talk of the faction being ‘reunited’ is no indicator that we’ll get more of the classic dwarfs for AoS — just that there might be more interplay between the FS and KO. What happens when The Old World launches and there are Skaven everywhere — do model updates get concurrent rules and updates for most systems? All with a choice of bases? Or some can be used on one system and not the other… It all starts to get a bit messy? Therefore, could we expect to see AoS races like Seraphon lean heavily into this space techno theme, to distinguish them from the more tribal Lizardmen we know and love from WHFB? Wackier Skaven, sea aelves, snake and bat aelves, winged forest sprites etc etc… Would love to know people’s thoughts?
  7. Oooh, puzzles! Lumineth Tzeentch Gloomspite Giants Slaves to Darkness?
  8. Don’t we already know the name of the box, too — Echoes of Doom?
  9. Can anyone handy with Photoshop whack those Horny Hashut heads onto some Ironbreaker/Irondrake bodies?!
  10. Happy Age of Sigmar and the Multiverse of Madness Day!!! 🍿
  11. The spitting image of the Dirgehorn endless spell… and it looks like it might be secured to a howdah, saddle or similar platform?
  12. I agree, I think you can see its long neck, head and wattle..
  13. Sylvaneth spites? Otherwise… I got nothin’. So excited though!
  14. I’ll grab the book for the lore because I enjoy following the story but the rest is a hard pass. I’m a huge scenery/terrain fan but there’s nothing fresh or exciting in there for me (I felt the same during the reveal stream, which I found overall underwhelming). The Incarnate also feels like a big miss. I was genuinely confused trying to ‘figure it out’ when they first revealed it and that feeling hasn’t gone away. The peculiar decision to run with a reanimated skeleton aside when there is sooo much ‘beastly’ potential they could have tapped into, I don’t think it actually captures the sense of movement and arcane effects they seemed to have been going for. It looks static and ungainly and I’ll stop now because I can hear myself back haha — long story short, it’s a miss from me, especially so at that price point.
  15. I want to see Malerion’s aelves! I imagine we might just see the Death warband though.
  16. *Shameless plug* 😅 Would love to be able to play these guys as some scary Lovecraftian-themed faction in the distant future! (Until then, Idoneth and/or Cities will do.) 📸 @welcome_to_innswich
  17. Oooh, interesting. Looked at in that way, I can imagine it being a very macabre support used to carry a palanquin. (It’s not unheard of for them to blank out the rest of the model to preserve secrecy?)
  18. Maybe it’s a ‘baby’ Gorger. Pros There’s lots of talk of infants in their lore — scrawny misshapen things scratching a living in the dark beneath the mountains. There’s the bone it’s holding, and bones appear in the Gorger artwork and on their models, but there’s also the skull in the beard/mane, which is similar to the existing (oooold) models. I could see that beard/mane belonging to an adult Gorger. Finally, the existing Gorger model has a ridged nose similar to this critter. Cons are the number of fingers, but honestly I can’t find anything in the current lore that matches that, so either we’re looking at something completely new we’d never be able to guess (not unlikely) or they’ve reinterpreted something currently in the lore for AoS.
  19. It kind of reminds me of the critter on the special edition vampire‘s arm. I’m not convinced it’s Skaven or Shaggoth-related.
  20. Do Skaven have three fingers and toes? I feel like that either rules them in or out. -Its nose doesn’t look very ratty to me. -The ‘appendage’ on the left does sort of resemble a rat’s tail, however. -The skull is a good point of reference for scale. If only GW had some lines with skulls on them… 😅 -Is it clutching a bone? In conclusion, I have no idea 😂 Much as I hate to say it, is there anything 40k this might fit?
  21. I started a gaggle of swamp-themed Gloomspite. Night Goblins we’re one of the first things I painted and collected as a small boy and I found myself feeling very nostalgic, so that was that. It’s going slowly but I’m enjoying taking my time over them. Trying to give each grot a sense of character. 🌙 IMG_8464.MOV
  22. Would love a Leader Leviadon option with some kind of Prince or Beastmaster character up there.
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