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Double Misfire

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Posts posted by Double Misfire

  1. 13 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    Slaves to DarknessVardek Crom, the herald of Archaon reborn and the mightiest champion of the Lieutenants of Chaos. Quickly rising through the ranks and being brought to the throne of the Everchosen Archaon recognizes the talents and power that could only be the second coming of his most faithful champion and herald. I want to see him returned and as Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos' rival in rules and model. Much like Guilliman and Abaddon in 40k, I want to see these two models facing one another down in front of a might Stormhost and Horde of Chaos. In terms of a new model I want him to be as terrifying as Varanguard and have rules that greatly benefit Undived marked units. I feel like his classic pose will need to be updated with a Lord Celestant helmet under his boot. 

    I can understand the Chaos Gods bringing their individual champions/recent sculpts back for AoS, but even Archaon would struggle to find a reason to want to bring Crom back. He was pretty unremarkable footnote in the 2500 year history of human Chaos champions under Storm of Chaos continuity, and was one of probably hundreds of Chaos champions Valten (an equally ignominious footnote by 2015) rode his horse over during the End Times.

    I'd call this suggested fan service... if Crom had ever had any fans. 



    Disicples of TzeentchEgrimm Van Horstman on Glaurauch, this is a stroke of genius I always considered the two as alternate builds but to take both characters together would be a great way to show an evolution of these champions. I can imagine the sheer scale and terror inspired by the first chaos dragon taking the field in the mortal realms. I would proxy Horstman and Glaurauch as Archaon and mark my Slaves to Darkness as Tzeentch in a heartbeat if this release took place. Despite being my most vaunted and hoped for champion(s) they fall within the Glottkin styled behemoth centre piece. As such Aekold Helbrass with some additional mutations and avian wings could be a cool Sigvald styled Lieutenant. 

    I'll take it, but only if CoS get the Speculum. ;) 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    Hey, I loved you post on DoW. Is your blog inactive?

    Some time ago I started putting together a DoW collection for a hobby project and your post resonated with me.

    Thanks! 😃

    If the blog's inactive, it's been more of a gentle slide into inactivity than a conscious thing. I've been very busy with work, and haven't had as much time/interest in AoS as previously.

    I've got adding Settler's Gain and Excelsis to the Cities of Sigmar quiz and updating the discontinued unit proxy articles with Lumineth and 3.0 stuff on the to list, but can't find the time or enthusiasm for them atm.

    The blog may well transition into a Warmaster blog for a little while, as that's what my friends and I are currently painting and getting excited about. 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    You are forgetting that they once played together, steampunk, slayer, and viking dwarves, and the armies were diverse and breath taking.



    Don't you go forgetting dwarfs with puffy clothes and feather hats there beardlet!


    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, dekay said:

    It would be nice to see the list updated! While you're at it, you could also look at DoK options Har Kuron gave us. We now have a city that has (at the very least) a perfect wardancer stand-in without resorting to allies.

    Thanks, I'm already factoring them in, as well as the Cursed City heroes and the upcoming Broken Realms Witch Hunter duo as obvious replacements for some discontinued Empire models...

  5. 2 hours ago, PiotrW said:

    Hey guys, I have a question regarding the Cursed City heroes: have there been any news regarding their point values? Also, do we know if they are going to be Leaders, or just ordinary units?

    Kind of considering picking up one or two of them, but I'm not sure if they will have any place in my SCE army, which is full of Leaders already...

    Here are the points values included with the game. Unfortunately they're all Leaders... https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com/bloggings/5361

  6. 26 minutes ago, Lord of the Isle said:

    The Syari one yeah. But why can’t he take SG artefacts? How does that work again, are they only for SG Lumineth? (Edit: just for collegiate?)

    Excellent thinking on the Errant Questor. I will dump that extra command point to upgrade him. His model is actually the Mordheim Ogre bodyguard fiddled about with to look parodically chivalric :)

    The Settler's Gain artefacts list has a preface saying they can only be taken by SG Collegiate Arcane heroes. Quite why you'd have to ask the author 🤷‍♂️

  7. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Between 4 and 5 damage per activation against 4+ saves for those curious. If you can get him into combat that's definitely noticable. Still, I kinda wish we could just give him the +2 attacks artefact instead.

    +2 attacks on a Hurricanum mounted wizard's staff isn't gonna be teeeerrrrible for x3 3+/3+/-1/D3, but yeah totally agree that Settler's Gain artefacts should be for Collegiate and Freeguild. :( 

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, Lord of the Isle said:

    Here are my current basics, all units minimum size unless stated...



    Freeguild General (general, lol, will get a magic sword and Raging Outburst)

    Knight Questor (adjutant / chief bodyguard)

    Battlemage on Lumi

    Back up Battlemage




    FG Greatswords, Honoured Retinue

    FG Crossbows

    FG Handgunners

    Demigryph Knights



    Shadow Warriors

    10 Bladelords


    DoK allies

    5 Doomfires x 2



    Extra command point

    The reroll 1s to hit Hysh sword (at least I'm guessing that's the magic sword he's getting as he can't take any Settler's Gain artefacts) on a Freeguild General with Raging Outburst hidden behind bodyguard saves looks like a really good combo.

    Are you taking an Errant-Questor using the warscroll from the Warhammer World only box, or a regular Knight Questor? The Errant-Questor gives an extra bodyguard save, so guessing him. 👍


    12 hours ago, Eldarain said:

    I'm intrigued by the strengths of this subfaction and in particular how it can leverage the new Loreseeker/Bladelord interaction. (Loreseeker holds objectives regardless of enemy presence, Bladelords catch wounds he'd suffer on 2+)

    Here's my first thoughts:



    Hurricanum: Illuminate. Silver.Wand

    Hurricanum: Shield of Light. Heart Stone.


    Runelord: General. Strategic Mastermind



    30 Ironbreakers.

    15 Bladelords

    20 Irondrakes


    Endless Spells:

    Soulscream Bridge

    Lauchon the Soulseeker

    Emerald Lifeswarm.


    It's definitely probable I'm trying to do too many things here but it seems interesting if nothing else. Bladelords are fantastic targets for the empowered Lifeswarm and can be boated over to the Loreseeker.


    The Wizards being +3 to cast near each other with 20 1+ to hit Irondrakes and two laser carts teleporting around seems good.


    I feel like it poses some interesting problems for the enemy as with it's mobility it can start very far back. If they take top of one to kill the Loreseeker they open themselves up to the potential double turn of shooty doom.

    The Loreseeker's objective shenanigans sure look like they have potential, but remember he can only hold onto the objective he starts the game next to regardless of enemy numbers.

    The rules for the Hurricanum pretty clearly state that you can't stack +1 to hit and +1 to cast buffs from multiple Hurricanums. :( 

    • Thanks 2
  9. 35 minutes ago, Nightseer2012 said:

    So... the following idea is total spitball wish listing because I love Arkhan.  Since before the Soul Wars, Arkhan has been depicted as distant, measured and intelligent.  He is totally amoral, yes, but he seems "wise" compared to the other Mortarchs, and many times he seems wiser than Nagash.  In Soul Wars he talks about missing the Aliiance between Sigmar and Nagash, and how them working together was the best thing for the Realms.  He noted that Death would come to everything in the end, so why shouldn't Nagash just help the other Order gods defeat Chaos and just wait.  Obviously he still carries out Nagash's will, but he knows the natural order of things still is good for Nagash.

    So... Arkhan is wise, intelligent, longed for the old order to return, and as the leader of the Null Myriad, exceptionally resistant to magic.  I only bring this all up because in the Lumineth lore, falling into the Perimeter Inimical in Hysh means either being destroyed, or finding yourself before the Spirit of the Sun itself.

    Bare with me now.  Tinfoil hats on.  What happens when a wise resilient entity that longs for "order" survives Hysh's perimeter long enough to see the Sun Spirit?  Tyrion got his brother back, the pilgrims from Alumnia receive enlightenment... how interesting would it be for Arkhan to not only survive the Perimeter, but to come back enlightened, by the Sun Spirit.  The paradises are free from Arkhan "the Black".  What if they "Gandalf" Arkhan the Black to give a wiser leader to Death factions?

    What could we do with that lore wise?  Ok, I submit myself for ridicule now, but I think it would be amazing to have a Death leader that is wise, patient, calculating, and willing to destroy Chaos.

    I hope whatever happens Arkhan's trip to the Realm's edge fixes his teeth. Gotta feel for the guy, bought back a gazillion times by Nagah with the same canonically awful teeth, and no lips to hide them behind.

  10. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter for more obscure Teclis facts.

    Love it when people go really in depth with this kind of thing.


    Teclis was one of the few elf mages (he reckons about one in ten) skilled enough to see through the subtle glamours cast on the Everqueen compelling other elves to be nice to her.

    Really should get round to finishing that series. Work got in the way and I was sort of dreading having to politely make sense of Teclis and Lileath's motivations during the End Times.

  11. Just finished reading this, overall pretty good. Couple of observations:

    Some fairly niche details WFB about Teclis show up in his profile page - Teclis having walked the Paths of the Old Ones in the Gotrek and Felix novel Giantslayer (the only place they're named as that or Teclis is mentioned as having travelled them); and the Sword of Teclis having been described in Teclis' first 4th edition appearances (and never since) as being 'charged with celestial power', something I speculated in my really quite sad blog series on Teclis could be linked to Azyr, and is confirmed here, which is neat.

    Teclis' AoS 'Lunar Staff' is also confirmed to be the Moon Staff of Lileath by Alarielle, and while cba to check I'm fairly sure it ran out of juice around the time Lileath herself did during the End Times. The Lumineth show Teclis is nothing if not sentimental, so maybe he repaired/charged it back up himself.


    Nagash's whole Soul Wars storyline buildup getting unceremoniously smacked down by elves out of nowhere does feel a bit like if Craftworld Ulthwe had pulled up unprompted during the Siege of Terra and shot the Vengeful Spirit with Horus and all the traitor primarchs on it out of orbit, and feels like a big missed opportunity, but maybe it'll give the mortarchs a chance to shine without Nagash. WFB's undead characters were super compelling without Nagash around and chasing their own petty ambitions in his shadow, so bring it on I guess.

    • Like 4
  12. 24 minutes ago, dekay said:

    The priestess is not terrible. A solid heal that can't be countered... if you feel lucky, because it's also unreliable as hell. She might be usable against unbind-heavy armies where you won't cast this lifeswarm anyway.

    The mage is not bad, but i don't think his unique spell compensates for the loss of city keyword, especially in the cities where spells and artifacts buff magic.

    After that it gets worse.

    Captain provides battleshock immunity for combat units  I guess? Not bad, but we don't really lack those.

    The others are just squishy combat characters that don't do anything else, and there's a reason why Assassin is not popular despite having a better delivery method. Overall, solid meh. But they will be pretty proxies for sure!

    Quite like the idea of Glaurio (the duellist guy) as general made pretty survivable with -1 to hit and a 4+ bodyguard ward daring stuff to allocate attacks to to him and suffer mortal wounds in return, but he's not exactly worth the payoff of giving up a command trait for.

    Like you said, the wizard's not complete butt, but the rest really aren't worth sneezing at. If they didn't have the leader role like the Grimwrath Berzerker and other non buffy combat heroes I'd probably take all of them as I hate painting models like to run a lot of characters, but yeah, sad. :( 

  13. 37 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    This case is a bit different, because the allegiance abilities say that Collegiate Arcane or Freeguild get an extra artefact, but the artefact table restricts them to only Collegiate Arcane. Seems like it could be a legitimate error. That said, I'm not holding my breath.

    You can always give a Freeguild hero the one Hysh artefact from the GHB 2020 :) 

  14. 1 minute ago, Popisdead said:

    That's good news instead of bad news,. or no news.  yeah it makes sense the Kurnothi/Wanderer should reasonably be CoS.  

    Going by the previous Kurnothi warband released for Underworlds, I reckon she'll be Sylvaneth instead, so CoS if you play Living City, which face it, you probably already do if you're in it for the Wood Elf types... 🤷‍♂️

  15. On 3/23/2021 at 6:11 PM, Popisdead said:

    Did they say this?  From your wording it seems you are thinking they will get the keywords.   I'm all for them getting the keywords just wondering if there was anything official.

    I made a great big assumption that the five human heroes would be getting the CoS keyword, yep!

    The Warhammer Community article has since confirmed Jelsen Darrock being CoS, fingers crossed for the other four... 🤞🤞🤞🤞

  16. So it looks like we're getting another new city allegiance in the second Broken Realms book (anyone else hoping this continues for the entire series?), and unsurprisingly given who's name is on the cover, it's a 1 in 4 units may be Lumineth one.


    AoSBR Teclis Mar26 Image5ersoa

    AoSBR Teclis Mar26 Image6itiaf


    I'm sure there are some CoS keyword shenanigans someone better acquainted with point elves can probably explain. Teclis throwing out empowered endless spells anyone?

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