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Double Misfire

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Posts posted by Double Misfire

  1. Quote


    Guy with a squat avatar here. People with poster boy armies on their second new book in as few years aren't allowed to use that word. We own that word, it's our word.

    In b4 I have squat friends so it's ok if I use that word. It's not ok. >:(

    • Like 17
  2. 25 minutes ago, BaldoBeardo said:

    And that's where you demand fluff-accurate paint jobs and the correct iconography! emoji16.png

    All obviously a ploy by GW to force people to rebuy their Liberator units and arm them with swords and sell off their overstock of turquoise paint. Don't fall for GW's lies, mix your existing blues and greens!

    • Like 4
  3. 1 minute ago, James McPherson said:

    I guess we need to see his points cost. Skaarac was kinda here nor there as well.

    The designers at WHW open day said a multi part Khorgorath kit was coming for Khorne too later in the year , still waiting to see that.

    I didn't know that, so new Bloodbound/Khorne battletome ala the Stormcast and Tzeentch ones coming soon then, nice. Here's hoping the allegiance ability stuff is similar to the Blood Tithe Khorne Daemonkin get in 40k!

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Bruticus said:

    Hi, I just want to address these (valid) points quickly. I chose AoS28 because it works as a hashtag, it immediately makes the association with Inq28 perfectly clear, more so than any variation would do. But the subtitle 'The Dark Age of Sigmar' could be considered the full name. And if it helps rationalise the name then pretend the 28 means 'between 2 and 8 models'. 

    As for 'grimdarkg... I debated what word to use. But again this isn't about subtlety, it's about getting the message across clearly. A lot of people think AoS is wedded to one particular style - a bright and somewhat cartoony style on occasion. Really I'd like to introduce shades of grey, but I think if you told those people you wanted to add grimdark, they would get the idea. Also I think grimdark can mean more than just 40k specific traits, to my eye the images you posted look grimdark. The models you posted do as well, particularly the awesome prospector with warpstone hammered into his flesh!

    Sorry if I seemed a little harsh in my original post! I agree that GrimDark is a subjective term (there should really be a line before it becomes GrimDerp) and with @Ben's point about GrimDark and the project as a whole evolving it's own independent feel over time.


  5. 1 minute ago, jagannath said:

    Love this concept - I've been looking for an excuse to dabble in AoS, just joined. I love that the setting is still pretty whooly, gives me real nostalgia for buying my first minis as a yout, not really knowing what they were about and my imagination running wild. Perhaps I'll get something made! Having not read all the source material out there, I'm struggling to even get the hang of how 'civilians' even work in the Mortal Realms  - anyone point me in the right direction?

    Hey dude, welcome to the forum.

    Your best bet for AoS civies/normies right now is probably City of Secrets, the recently released Black Library novel about a Freeguild soldier, Witch Hunter and duardin fighting Tzeentchian corruption in one of the newly-established free cities of the Mortal Realms. I'm currently about halfway through and it's pretty good:





    • Like 4
  6. 3 minutes ago, bottle said:

    I like the name AoS28, even though it technically doesn't mean anything. What I like about it is as soon as you say it people familiar with INQ28 know immediately what it entails, and secondly it has a lot of heritage in the name. When you're grandchildren ask why it was called AoS28 in 50 years time you can sit them down by the fire, clasp your hands together and say "Well. It all started with a game called Inquisitor, and from that came..." :P


    Good point. I'll never get bored of explaining to people why GW spell "dwarfs" with an "f" ;) 

    Also: Greywater Fastness 5!




    • Like 2
  7. Awesome thread! I was chatting with a friend yesterday about an AoS equivalent to the Inq28 scene and it looks like you beat me to it by a whisker. (I'd never have done anything this productive anyway, I'm very lazy) :D 

    My only two quibbles are:

    The name being uninspired and superfluous: Inq28 is called Inq28 because it's Inquisitor, played with 28mm models instead of the 54mm ones the game was originally released with - an Age of Sigmar narrative warband skirmish game would be played with standard Age of Sigmar models (pretty sure our friend scale creep has ensured 'ordinary' humans like Blood Reavers and Karic Acolytes would have to squat to reach the 28mm mark anyway), with the exception of a couple of truly terrible staff Christmas gifts about 10 years ago no WFB or AoS models have ever been sculpted in 54mm scale. If you want the project's name to evoke Inquisitor, why not just call it "AoS: Witch Hunter"? Better still come up with a totally unique name so it can exist and develop on it's own merit and not as Inquisitor with magic wands instead of guns.

    My second quibble's one purely of personal preference, but the emphasis on GrimDark made my stomach churn. The 40k universe has cornered the marked for GrimDark(!) already, and does it better than any other setting going (with the possible exception of the one we live in). Instead of existing permanently in the shadow of a setting that's always going to have more skulls, barbed wire, weird flying babies and gargoyles, with the added bonuses of faux-Catholicism and automatic weapons, why not play to the strengths of other areas of GW's IPs over the years? John Blanche is an obscenely gifted artist who's drawn way more than skull-faced kneecaps over the years, take a look at some of the more fantastical artwork he and the other GW artists turned in for the earlier editions of Warhammer in eons past for a source of inspiration:





    Anywho, ramble aside, I'm not at home at the moment, so I can't post pics of all the appropriately warband-y type minis I've got lying around, but here are a few I've already got photographed:



    Adventurer-y type journeyman Runelord I'd imagine leading a small force of duardin out of Azyr and into the depths of abandoned Karaks across the mortal realms, their treasures sealed away during the Age of Chaos.




    Heavily mutated Unforged prospector. Captured by skaven, this guy had warpstone hammered into his flesh by master moulders attempting to recreate the magic harnessed in the Ur-gold runes of the Fyreslayers; when the experiment proved a failure he was sold to a Bloodbound fighting pit, only to eventually fight his way out, slaughtering his entire tribe of captors. Now quite mad, the warpstone infused in his blood allows him to smell the taint of chaos on the winds of the Mortal Realms, leading the armies of Order to the doorstep of wherever the Dark Gods' forces might dwell.




    Severed daemon head I painted up to use as a matched play objective marker. Could be a cool oracle, stranded in the spot it was beheaded a hundred years prior, offering advice and prophecies to passing adventurers and warlords in twisted riddles. Also has a magic sword sticking out of the back with previous owner's hand still attached. Gross!



    Gunmaster conversion I threw together a while ago and am currently painting up. My Dispossessed/Freeguild force is from Greywater Fastness, so I'd originally converted him up to represent Valius Maliti, before the Disciples of Tzeentch book came out and revealed he'd been the Changeling all along.



    Beer dogs. These guys are trained by the Warden-Kings' rangers to sniff out duardin who've got lost exploring the mortal realms, and lure them back to civilisation using the beer barrels around their necks.


    I'll photograph more when I get a chance. Amazed by all the awesome models posted in the thread so far! :) 

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  8. 3 hours ago, The Jabber Tzeentch said:

    Rumours from Facebook of Duardin release in March. Aelves, Slaanesh and Slaanesh worshipping Aelves in Summer. 

    Guy on Facebook claims to have spoken with a GW employee, however rumours match up with other sources and GW expected release schedule.

    Use salt  

    Sounds exciting, got a link to the facebook post? :) 

  9. 9 hours ago, shinros said:

    I just want to add one thing after reading the disciples of tzeentch tome I think tzeentch is trying to find/free slaanesh. Possibly, going by this eldar release slaanesh should be "soon". 

    Also rumors pointed to a new N'kari. 

    I haven't been paying attention, what is  N'kari supposed to be up to these days?

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