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Double Misfire

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Posts posted by Double Misfire

  1. Just now, Mayple said:

    A while back when GW did a survey (two-three months ago), I wrote a lengthy constructive piece on why Dark Aelves should get some love, and at the very least get round bases. The only reason I ended up going into Skaven in the end was because the Dark Aelves proved too difficult to collect. 


    So I'd like to think that someone actually listened :D or it was a happy coincidence! Either way, win win. 

    I wonder what it means in application though. 

    I told them to make artillery crews harder to kill. Let's wait and see...

  2. Tempest Lords Lord-Ordinator almost done for the Warhammer World doubles this weekend. His hair turned out a little more platinum than I'd have originally liked, but I'm ok with it. Also a hastily thrown together objective marker.


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  3. 43 minutes ago, syph0n said:

    Having read through the thread, I have a few Qs that need clarifying if anyone is able!

    1) Can allies outside of the Anvilgard be taken? For example: Reaper Bolt Throwers.

    2) Do you still need to build around a particular Faction first, as opposed to mixing battlelines? For example: 2x5 Drakespawn Knights (OS battleline) and 1x20 Corsairs (SP battleline) to count as the 3x Battleline for larger scale games?

    3) Provided you have enough to meet requirements, you can take a Battalion in addition to Anvilgard allegiance, in addition to Order Artifacts? For example: Dragon, Hydra, 2x Drakespawn knights, 1xDrakespawn = Ebondrake Warhost, but also can use Implacable March and give the Dreadlord on Black Dragon a Relic Blade or whatever?

    Thanks kindly!

    1) Anvilgard is a bonus allegiance ability you can take on top of an existing army using the basic Order allegiance abilities if it only contains units from the listed 7 factions and no named characters, and not an allegiance on it's own. A matched play army can choose to take Order allegiance abilities after being built using a faction specific allegiance. For example you could put together Free Peoples list with Demigryph and Greatsword battleline, and then choose to take Order allegiance abilities instead of the faction specific Freeguild allegiance abilities; if you did this and had taken only allies from the 7 factions available to Anvilgard and no named characters, you could then choose to take the Anvilgard bonus allegiance abilities on top of the Order ones.

    Reaper Bolt Throwers do not have a keyword belonging to any of the 7 factions and so can not be taken in an Anvilgard list.

    2) See above re: allegiances for the purposes of matched play list building. If you chose to build a matched play list with Order Serpentis or Scourge Privateers allegiance you could respectively take Drakespawn Knights or Corsiars as battleline. You could not take both as battleline.

    If you chose to take a matched play list built with either OS or SP allegiance and had not taken any Daughters of Khaine or named character allies you could then choose to take the Anvilgard bonus allegiance abilities on top of your existing Order ones (neither has a set of allegiance abilities of their own). (though @Jamie the Jasperwould call you uncharacterful for not taking a cosmopolitan mixed Order Anvilgard list. ;))

    3) Of course you can. What on Earth would prevent you from taking a battalion?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. Great idea for a new force and narrative that builds off the old. I love the idea of Eurenil, though agree with @swooper that he should  probably be a "new" character and not a WFB survivor.

    The idea of a diplomat suggests a load of really cool imaginary depending on where you want to take Eurenil's look. You could even have him modelled in a load off different costumes/looks for different missions (ceremonial robes, practical traveling gear for when he's on the road or operating incognito, airsuit for visiting Kharadron skyports, ornate armour for when he wants to cause a stir, even a couple of disguises).

    His status as a diplomat could be easily conveyed by the poses you give him - gesticulating with one hand and the other on his waist, weapons (presumably a sword) holstered and hanging at his belt, possibly a scroll or writ in one hand being read aloud from.

    How you choose to model him and if you decide to go for multiple looks means the possibilities are endless.

  5. Loving the mini diorama bases on the big undead beasties @MrCharisma, especially the cowering Empire guy from the old giant. Big love to the classic vampire at the base of the Warscryer Citadel too! :D 


    Starting to regret the life choices that lead to my choice of pattern on the Lord-Ordinator's cloak...


    • Like 3
  6. 16 minutes ago, quina2525 said:

    Sure,  I'm just speculating. Only reason I think so is due to him holding Morathi in the Vortex so she wouldn't escape, and they both were consumed by Slaanesh in the End times. 

    Best moment in End Times: Khaine. It's a shame they didn't use the opportunity to kill Morathi off for good, being told to go to her end with the dignity benefiting her heritage just felt like such an appropriate, final end for her and bringing her back just seems to undermine it. That said, she's always been a popular, iconic character, and incest's been particularly in vogue in both ****** and mainstream media for the last couple of years, so it's probably not such a bad PR shout to have brought her back. ^_^

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, chord said:

    I wish they would stop this new era of bringing WHFB characters back.  

    I don't, I'm only here for the fan service so they'd better lather it on! :P 

    Apart from Gotrek, which WFB characters have recently been brought back/reintroduced to the AoS setting? Aborash got an implied not-quite-namedrop in Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows, but Morathi's been known to have survived the End Times and  been around at the start of the AoS timeline since Age of Sigmar: Mighty Battles in an Age of Unending War way back when the game launched. o.O

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I do not feel anyone, even at GW, denies that Duradin are Dwarves, Aelves are Elves, Orruks are Orcs etc.

    Look at it this way, Duradin are the type of Dwarves specifically populating the Mortal Realms (and so on).

    GW definitely make no bones about this. Just incase anyone cares, here's the passage from way back in The Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz explicitly spelling out that duardin are dwarfs (or at least directly descended from them ;)):


    • Like 1
  9. Here's the placeholder cover art and Amazon listing @Killagore Faceslasha's post came from. It doesn't look like it's out until October, though this is just the collected box set of what's probably a serialised audio drama, so expect the first instalment much sooner. Is it too much to hope for a miniature (or miniatures if he finds Felix)? Eisenhorn just got one! :P




    4 hours ago, Lousy Beatnik said:

    What exactly has been said about Thanquol in AoS, if you don't mind me asking? Where to read it?

    Nothing out side of what's on his warscroll, he doesn't even get as much as a namedrop in the Masterclan page in Grand Alliance: Chaos.

    Mind you in The Hardest Word (incidentally also written by David Guymer) a Lord-Veritant says this, which is more likely to be a description of Thanquol  than not (I can't imagine too many other skaven having reached such a grand old age):

    "I have seen a skaven as old as the world, his paws in the secrets of the gods. His tail is a serpent of probing shadows, and in my visions I see it winding close about Sigmar's neck."

  10. Just now, Jamie the Jasper said:

    One problem there - Corsairs are Scourge Privateers Battleline, not Order Battleline.

    Any thoughts on the handgunners and liberators?

    Whooops! My bad, sorry, very embaressed :$

    In that case I'd probably say the Darkling Covens guys when taken as part of a Thrall Warhost battalion (though it's probably the Executioners and Black Guard you'll be wanting to charge in the hero phase with.


    Freeguild handgunners look like a bit of risky proposition as you won't be firing in the first turn if you go first with them in 4/6 matched play battleplans, and they'll need to be in a big unit and standing still (kind of tricky when you've got 30 models to get with 16" staying a reasonable distance from the enemy) to hit on 3s.

    Handgunners' stand and shoot ability on their musician has the potential to be pretty amazing, and as a unit you don't commonly see I'm sure a lot of opponents would charge into them without thinking. Even against an opponent who'd faced them before, being able to stand and shoot with the entire unit could make for a pretty handy deterrent to a unit of Bloodletters, Skyfires or whatever that usually wouldn't think twice about charging a "soft" missile unit sat on an objective.

    A Freeguild General leading your army's also a must take for these guys and makes them truly terrifying if you can get them into position. I've never played with or against Handgunners in AoS, there may be some gems on using them over in the Freeguild thread.


    Liberators are... Liberators. They're pretty hard to shift, though low on numbers when it comes to taking objectives. Personally I'd take Dispossessed Warriors instead as they're 20 points cheaper for the same amount of wounds at about the same durability with shieldwall, about as fast with their musician bonus, do about as much damage when armed with great weapons, can be affordably buffed by a Runelord to do more damage or be harder to kill, and are most importantly dwarfs.

    That said if you want to take Liberators there's not much difference and more power to you if you prefer the background/models. A Knight Heraldor's a good shout to speed them up and control the battlefield a bit more, and make sure to take some fast moving stuff to zip in behind enemy units that have charged them for a chance at wiping them out with Implacable March.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

    Fair enough. That's not how I read it (at the very least it seems against the spirit of a Free Cities army to focus on one faction), but I defer to your wisdom.

    For those (apparently very few) of us who choose to field a fully mixed Anvilgard army, I think my discussion topic is still of interest. What's your take on the basic battleline options available?

    Of the units available as battleline in a fully mixed Anvilgard army I'd say Black Arc Corsiars narrowly edge out the Darkling Coven battleline choices. They've got a strong movement value, get you as many models/wounds for your points as any available battleline, and most importantly, like the Darkling Coven guys can be taken as part of a battalion which gives them an extra shot at charging and forcing an Implacable March.

    An anvilgard army could even combine multiple formerly-known-as-Dark-Elf battalions with charge in the hero phase abilities to increase the chance that an enemy unit's crushed and wiped out by Implacable March.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

    But then you don't get access to the Anvilgard abilities. So what you're describing there is just a regular Mixed Order army, right?

    No, a matched play Order Serpentis army using the Order allegiance abilities (not like it has any other choice) containing only allied units with the Stormcast Eternals, Darkling Covens and Shadowblades keywords and no named (special character) warscrolls would qualify for the Anvilgard bonus allegiance.

    No matter what allegiance you choose to select a matched play army with (for the purposes of allies, conditional battleline ect), you can always choose to use your grand alliance's default set of allegiance abilities instead of any others. Allegiance abilities and the allegiance chosen to select your army with in matched play are two separate things (and not particularly clearly explained in the current GHB).

    The text in Firestorm and the updated errata states that if an army is organised to be from a specific city or under command of a specific warlord (contains only units with the keywords listed on the page for that city/warlord and contains no named characters) and uses the default allegiance abilities for it's grand alliance it qualifies for that city/warlord's additional allegiance abilities.

  13. 1 hour ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

    A final note: I'm seeing a lot of lists on this thread that don't include any of the above options. How does that work? How can people be taking things like Drakespawn Knights as battleline when they're listed as Order Serpentis Battleline and an Anvilgard army can't have Order Serpentis allegiance? Am I missing something?

    You can still select an army based on one allegiance and then choose to use it's grand alliance's allegiance abilities instead - for example using Beastclaw Raiders allegience to select your army using Mournfang battleline ect and then taking bog standard Destruction allegiance abilities instead of the ones in the Beastclaw book. The Firestorm errata states that when you "choose to use the Grand Alliance allegiance abilities instead of any others available to your army, it benefits from an additional City & Warlord allegiance ability".

    A matched play army chosen using Order Serpentis allegiance will therefore still be using the basic Order grand alliance allegiance abilities, and so if  it hasn't disqualified itself by taking any allies not listed as Anvilgard factions, or any named units (they'd have to be allies too because Order Serpentis ain't got any!). Similarly a matched play army selected using Stormcast, Disposessed, Free People or Darkling Coven allegiance could also choose to use Order allegiance abilities instead of their boutique faction specific ones and still use the Anvilgard bonus allegiance abilities if it qualified (no named units or unlisted allies).

    Pretty convoluted but hey, whoever said AoS was supposed to be simple! :D 


    Incidentally I think Drakespawn Knights taken as part of an Ebondrake Warhost for a chance at charging in the hero phase and getting an extra Implacable March off are Anvilgard's best battleline. Closely followed by sneaky outflanking Vanguard Hunters in a Lord-Aquilor lead Stormcast allegiance selected force. ;)

  14. The Lord-Ordinator's Arcane Engineer and Rain of Fire affect the following Order units with the War Machine keyword:

    Ironweld Arsenal:

    • Cannon
    • Organ Gun
    • Helblaster Volley Gun
    • Helstorm Rocket Battery
    • Steam Tank
    • Gyrocopter
    • Gyrobomber

    Kharadron Overlords:

    • Arkanaut Ironclad
    • Aranaut Frigate
    • Grundstock Gunhauler


    Dwarfs warscroll compendium:

    • Duardin Bolt Thrower
    • Flame Cannon
    • Grudge Thrower

    The Empire warscroll compendium:

    • Greatcannon
    • Field Mortar

    Bretonnia warscroll compendium:

    • Field Trebuchet

    Dark Elves warscroll compendium:

    • Reaper Bolt Thrower

    High Elves warscroll compendium:

    • Highborn Repeater Bolt Thrower
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