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Public Universal Duardin

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Everything posted by Public Universal Duardin

  1. Just wait and in a week it'll be reposted back here as a leak someone overheard in a pub! I'll allow it, after all who wouldn't want to see warpstone-powered submarines vs. eel elves?
  2. True. Let's switch Idoneth Endless Spells to that, endless spells being a thing of AoS 2 anyway To be serious, I think covid has impacted a lot on the availability of rumours. With lockdowns and stay at home working, chances are slimmer that the janitor can take a quick pic of Malerion's chiseled abs with a potato cam. I doubt the employees working on the minis are willing to risk their jobs, especially as Games Workshop has taken the approach to tease releases through Rumour Engines and sporadic events. They control the narrative then, much safer from their perspective than have one of their employees post here (well, technically they could be any one of us, but I doubt that lol!) and risk a tease being misrepresented through sheer hypium. This. My gut feeling is that they'll be the big release of Q3-Q4 2022, kinda how Ossiarch or Kruleboyz were in their respective years. Massive hype behind Malerion, and sadly "evil elves" are more sought after than "evil dwarves". It'll be interesting to see what this year brings. If Malerion's are to Dark Elves what Lumineth were to High Elves, I might be interesting...even if I'm 🤞 for some Dawi Zharr!
  3. Silent People, Grotbag Scuttlers, Vampirates The Holy Trinity of Rumourmongers Chaos Duardin and Idoneth Endless Spells too, based on where you fall on the copium/reality axis, creating the Unholy Pentagram of TGA Cope I've heard that if you draw a pentagram, with each tip representing one of these rumours, on your bathroom mirror while chanting "copium hopium mopium", you'll summon a new "credible leak" that will be crossposted to 4chan within a week.
  4. So, to prevent another War of the Beard... Do you think we have hit the maximum faction limit? If not, which will be the next 'full' faction (i.e, not Lumineth 3rd wave lol!) and when will we see one? Q3-Q4 2022? Malerion? Chaos Duardin?
  5. Speaking of Coalitions, we really need a CoS tome that DOES include the Broken Realm coalition subfactions. I'm all in for making CoS have a subfaction with coalition rules for every other Order faction (although getting 'Ulfenkarn' with Soulblight coalition rules would be hilarious, even if impossible). Those subfactions are not just fluffy, I also find them very entertaining to both listbuild (Har Kuron with the rules barring all non-dark elfs comes to mind), but what stops me from ever pulling the trigger is the eternal damocles' sword hanging above CoS--will they be squatted--alongside the fear of GW not wanting to support the subfactions long term. If we ever get a new CoS tome, be on the look out for Har Kuron, Misthåvn, Settler's Gain and Excelsis--as it'll determine if GW sees those subfactions as something worthy to keep in the game for the future, or just a relic of 2e.
  6. Aelf players after asking for Aelf gazpacho pipin' hot (Idoneth and Malerion?)
  7. I've made one meme and now I've started my heel arc on TGA 😢 But back to rumours: I've held off wh+ but with the consistent release schedule and cool miniatures I feel my resolve breaking, and I don't like it 😩
  8. Public Universal Duardin is gone. She was weak and foolish, just like her armies. So I destroyed her. Here for higher quality.
  9. Heh, they do have a bit of hidden grimdarkness too, something GW likes in their poster boys. Honestly, I'd be okay with the Lumineth being poster boys. I like them. Much more than Stormcasts--whose lore is awesome but naming scheme and looks are unappealing to me. I know, I know, I have said the unthinkable as a dwarf fan. But if you think about it, Lumineth are more duardin than Stormcast are. It's the silly hats and bulls, you see.
  10. This is interesting, you don't happen to have more of dem rumours? On an unrelated note, the new Eldar look awesome! Really happy for 40K fans, hopefully we'll see something similar with Clan Eshin!
  11. The saddest part of all of this? That is more achievable than return of Chorfs or getting fem duardin.
  12. This is the first post with 'Umbraneth' found on it on TGA: Which is same (sans an unnecessary circle) as in this Goonhammer article: Who are the Umbraneth? – Sprues & Brews (spruesandbrews.com) Same as the image as I had sent to my friends (which is obvious, as I saw it on TGA). It is impossible to find any other picture^1 with this 'leak', something that would be highly plausible with a community this large and starved for leaks. What have we learned from this? Well, nothing of real importance. But we can now conclude Umbraneth was indeed a fake. And that either me and @KingBrodd have come from an alternate Earth where GW did accidentally leak Umbraneth...or, the human mind is prone to forget details and add new ones, especially with social stresses like 'everyone' agreeing this was something legit, until eventually the muddled memory of 'I saw Jator post an image of Umbraneth on WarCom to TGA' turned into 'I saw Umbraneth on WarCom'. [1] Only the same image with the same glare reposted.
  13. It bothered me enough to dig up the picture I sent back in 2020 and let it be known it is the same one Goonhammer had posted, meaning it's just that one image circulating online. False memories are funny as had you put a gun on my head I'd have claimed to have seen it myself, hahah
  14. Are you sure? I hate to be the person who barges in with 'Source?', but I could swear I saw it myself at the time and even sent a screenshot I took to a friend. Maybe this is some heavy Mandela Effect (no, not me travelling to another dimension, but me misremembering things, ie, false memory) going on but...
  15. Double down on the mist and shadows aspect. Give me weird shadow aelves. Demons with wings of mist. Something that looks like it could lurk under my bed. I mean, the only Malerion aelf we have ever seen is just weird and I love her for it.
  16. KingBrodd getting his wish when GW drops a bookish Mega-Gargant
  17. It is the fate of being a fantasy fan in this hobby, just like it was during the life of WHFB. You can't support AoS too much. Imagine, a fandom going for more than a couple months without a new Primaris Lieutenant! You wouldn't be so monstrous to wish that upon our 40K-loving cousins, would you? Jokes aside, even if I knew no duardin dreams would be fulfilled tonight, I expected to leave the teaser hyped, but closest AoS-themed teases are a IDK/Umbraneth UW miniature and a new Nighthaunt, which means AoS continues to get just single model releases alongside battletomes. I must remain strong... 😭
  18. Reminder that this thread has had another prophet who was right about ogor pirate maneaters, and they claimed the next UW starter would include Malerion aelves. Could this mean the whipped aelf is...M...M...
  19. Underworlds? But didn't Daughters get a warband like in 2020?
  20. 👆 I'd like to joke about the pipes and fires being a hidden Chaos Duardin army, but we all know it's for 40K (CSM?). Only AOS-y things were the lantern(?) and book/candle combo...
  21. They put Hobgrots in Dominion to get the MASSIVE Chorf fandom to buy the BOX! Only way to collect a Chorf army will be to buy unrelated releases from every GA, expect undead Bull Centaurs in GA: Death and K'Dai in Fyreslayers! #PUDanon #con-spiracy #Iwanttobelieve #followthemoney
  22. Totally blanked on them, I just remembered the kangaroos of LRL!
  23. Blood and Wine is what I expect a game set in Bretonnia look like, 100%. I wonder if GW sees Stormcast filling the knight niche - they've moved away from the bulkier designs to more lither ones - but it just isn't the same thing. Although if I'd have to choose a creature aside of a horse (do horses even exist in AoS?), I'd have it be a giant snail. Would contrast nicely against Horticulux Slimux. Let the snail joust begin!
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