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Posts posted by woolf

  1. 9 hours ago, Jabbuk said:

    In the article he shows a positive response from GW regarding the question. Would that matter?

    Also, when I read that statement you quoted, it works in my head :D I dunno if it's just because I'm not too used to the wording of these rules but it looks legit. What is the part that wouldn't make him work in Kruleboyz?

    not sure it works as the Orruk Warclan rule says that each unit keyed "Orruk Warclan" must be in Kruleboyz/IJ/Bonesplitters or big waagh. Now Kragnos doesn't have the OW keyword but Gordrak does... so unless they have clarified that elsewhere I would read it as he can only go into IJ or BW...

  2. 3 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

    On the other hand that would mean more than a third of your points in two models and only one of them is a fighter.

    yeah but the krondspine is plenty fighty so 725 doesn't seem too bad for that package given utility, durability and output of those combined. compared to what u would get otherwise (eg turtle + 10 thralls)

  3. Ok, so was playing around a bit with lists based on the Krondspine incarnate and this is what I came up with, I think it actually looks pretty interesting with some synnergies:


    Hold the line

    Eidolon of Sea (General, Endless Sea Storm, Spell: counter current)

    Soulscryer (Dritchleech, Heal)

    10x Thralls

    20x Thralls

    10x Reavers

    3x Shivers


    Krondspine incarnate (linked to eidolon)

    *Battle reg for 2 drop (could reinforce the thralls again to 30 for 1-drop but figured we need the MSU set up to cover board more), or perhaps drop the shivers so a shark unit could be 2x instead..

    So idea is that you place thralls in deepstrike with scryer. Try to split enemy force with eidolon in between and engage one half of it with sending in Krondspine, deepstrike + shooting. Try holding off other half with counter-current / redeploy / screen with reavers/small thrall unit. List has quite a lot of healing with prayer + eidolon spell + lifeswarm and has plenty of good targets for that between krondspine/eidolon/sharks. Casting should be extremely reliable given that eidolon will have +1 and re-roll, and opponent will have up to -2 (artefact on deepstriking scryer and the krondspine if close enough). Eidolon with cmd trait should be able to chain off spells thus and (I suppose a bit depending on how FAQ lands) cast quite a number of spells.

    Quite different from the usual blender king + cavalry but I think it might have some game so wanted to share. comments/improvements always welcome :)


  4. On 4/6/2022 at 5:50 PM, DocKeule said:

    This Krondspine Incarnate thing is pretty crazy. The price is hefty as well. The whole terrain kit  plus the books costs as much as about 600-1000 points of models.

    But I am pretty sure this will turn up in a lot of cheese lists in the near future. 

    But I am also still pretty sure the next season will take place in another realm with a different focus. And it will either come with a new GHB in June/July or in about six months with a new season

    pairing this one with eidolon of sea seems pretty good since he is quite a durable hero and would benefit massively from the casting bonus

  5. yep a lot of good comments here. just on the sub-factions, I know they are kinda being played down a bit in 3.0 but seriously our only one really considered is Big Yellers and that is basically just to get out of the deadlock that is imposed on a list for trying to run min 30 gutrippaz... at least how I see it, I kinda just start all my lists from Big Yellers so that I can include boltboyz for battle line, the range buff is quite nice but the re-roll a single 1 per unit in the very first phase... that is just a meme in our group and I think I honestly forget about it in around 70% of games.. even as we are laughing about how ridiculous it is.. reminds me of Idoneth old rituals that just never got off and you always tended to forget (and with them at least the non-fly one had a real impact)

  6. personally play them mainly for liking the models and as causual/ hobby project. will try exploring ally space some, as I think was mentioned before adding some trolls could be fun or kragnos/gargant. also the new spell-monster thing migth have a home with KB, let's see :)

  7. yeah I agree, imo it's a pity they didn't lean more into KB playing dirty, eg making the traps prevent a unit from charging if sprung, adding some mechanic to ****** with opponents ability to score objectives / battle tactics etc, that for me would capture the essence of playing dirty, being able to harass, stall and annoy :)

    gutrippaz r clearly overcosted for what u get but dropping points would just turn them into cheap wound efficiency at best. sadly 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, broche said:

    Hey guys, quick rule question for Kruelboyz player:

    Choking mist: 

    Choking Mist is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of 24". If successfully cast, pick a point on the battlefield within range and visible to the caster. All units within 6" of that point are affected by choking mist until the start of your next hero phase. While a unit is affected by choking mist, subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by it (to a minimum of 1), and it cannot run.

    Does you check the units once the spell is cast and thoses units stay affected until the next hero phase, or once they leave they are not affected anymore and it's just while they remain in the 6''?


    I interpret same way as @NauticalSoup, I think about it as a "flash grenade", it goes off and all in radius are blinded (choked) until next hero phase :)

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    So, it seems as if we are able to get access to the warscrolls again.

    It may have been a bug or gw noticing their bad decision 

    It was probably some skaven mischief infiltrating GW and gnawing on some cords somewhere.. just took them a bit to fix it!! 

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, W1tchhunter said:

    I think it counts as a spell enhancement, which named characters do get right? Also that with the rogue idol (idiot amount of points though) would be +2 :P

    haha yeah I really hope u are rigth, gobsprakk would be perfect to attach this thing to

  11. 21 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    There is a rumor about the Incarnate rules floating around:

    400 points is a lot, but if the other effects are desirable it could be a nice aggressive monster for us. Particularly, Gobsprakk would certainly love the +1 to cast/unbind!

    yeah was thinking that as well. I do wonder however, can Uniques take enhancements? since I think it said in there that it will be treated as such..

  12. 4 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    I still seem to be able to access the Stormcast, Orcs, Sea Elves and Naked Dwarf warscrolls. Maybe my app hasn't updated yet, but the layout of the warscrolls does seem to have changed.

    I just updated mine and can access them just fine.. 🤷‍♂️

  13. 14 minutes ago, Derek said:

    @woolf  I wish I had taken a picture.  But if you set up so you have a unit of 10 models exactly 9 inches away from two units 5 are closer to one unit and 5 are closer to the other they would get to split fire,  I agree I don’t think it should work that way but somehow it does since it basically ignores forgotten nightmares.  Other people I have asked said yes it works that way but I think it definitely needs an faq.

    hmm ok yeah I suppose that could be the case, i.e you would check which is the closest idoneth unit to each shooting model, and then it would technically "force" a split of attacks... That does make sense to me actually... its a pretty niche case though and I guess it would mainly come in play if you are up against something that can teleport but I can see how SCE could position a unit so that they are able to split attacks this way.

  14. 4 hours ago, Derek said:

    Alright new bat rep against shooty stormcast no dragons with the nautilar triple turtles.  Played feral foray which is an absolute ****** mission for a 5 model army.  So basically he systematically destroyed my army played perfect into me by focusing a unit at a time.  Random question came up about forgotten nightmares and if you could split fire if you were equally close to 2 units.  Didn’t really know how to answer that and the rule doesn’t explicitly say either way.  So if anyone has an opinion let’s hear it.  

    the rule is u can only shoot the closest so my answer would be no you cant split. it becomes a question of precision in measuring, ie if u could measure (for sake of argument) on atom lvl, its extremely unlikely they would be equal distance. in practice if they are close enough to be hard to tell, I would offer my opponent to choose which one but not both.

    • Like 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    My thoughts on bravery would be either the point-buy, cursing a target unit, or turn-based cumulative effect that does; "enemy units have a maximum bravery value of x" that gets worse and worse.

    Doesnt over-juice low bravery horde armies, rightly terrifies high bravery armies, and then makes our -1 and any other stscking penalties more potent.

    My idea would be

    Turn 1 = max bravery 9

    Turn 2 = max bravery 8

    Turn 3 = max bravery 7

    And so on. Give a hero or the Mourgul some shreik abilities here and there that impose a -1 bravery on top of that and suddenly we are a high-bravery counter army

    Could lean into it further by army wide ability that states enemies with a bravery value of "x" or less (say 7)  get -1 to hit nighthaunt units, and enemies with a lower "x" (say 5) all nighthaunt get +1 to hit or wound etc

    Might be OP, tweak the numbers maybe but would be a way to tie it all into bravery and make it thematic, and it has precedence with all the incremental turn based stuff we're seeing.

    this is a great idea imo, elegant way to make it matter also vs demons/death whitout having to crank it up to where its blowing up destruction completely

  16. 12 minutes ago, Sleaky said:

    If I have 3 units of Kruleboyz Boltboyz (battleline in Big Yellas) I can fulfil the 2000 pt requirement for battleline units. If I reinforce that unit twice (i.e make them a unit of 9), does this mean I only have one battleline unit or do I still have the 3?

    if you reinforce it will only count as one unit so you would need 2 more units of battleline in a 2000 pts game

  17. 7 hours ago, NCFCpaul said:

    I've been using Kragnos in mine, which gives the option of 3D6 charge making the Gutrippaz more effective. 

    Anyone else have thoughts about Kragnos or ways to utilise him effectively? 


    check out Season of War on youtube, they have a fairly recent video discussing Kragnos (both in Kruleboyz as well as other armies)

    • Thanks 1
  18. 12 minutes ago, Sangfroid said:

    On average you should get at least one from the 3 dice I think in about 40 games Ive maybe not got at least one 4+ maybe 3 or 4 times but yes it’s still a chance. 

    -1 to wound is great but I use that the least 

    covered in mud is my go to if I can get a decent terrain piece in my deployment zone if I can get 2 4+ then that’s the shaman and boltboyz unable to be targeted with missle weapons or spells that require a visible target which means they can pretty much only be charged…. And then I have unleash hell 

    if I’m not bothered about the enemies shooting or magic then I use one of the others lethal surprise I just love but the -1 to wound or disappearing acting are also getting useful 









    3x10 GR

    1x9 boltboyz 

    Portals/purple sun 


    full list is a few posts back :) 

    I dont think u can put mud on the shaman actually as he is a hero..?

    I think in particular disappearin act should not require the 4+ as we still need to beat wounds and it cant target reinforced units.. so already fairly restricted 

    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, Smash said:

    Anyone else feel like dirty tricks should've been D3 tricks rather than 3x 4+ rolls. Feels so bad not getting any. 

    yep 100%, last game I got 0 for trying "disappointin' act"... but I play them just casually and for fun so a bit of crappy randomness can be a source of laughs as well at least 😂

    • Like 1
  20. also this: as per this faq things happen simultaneous and hence priority kicks in, ie all first strike units attack at "the same time" so player 1 puckd first. Then all normal units attack at same time so player 1 picks first again.



    Screenshot_20220309-080822_WH AoS.jpg

  21. 1 hour ago, DocKeule said:

    So again: What wording are you basing that interpretation on?

    Nowhere in the later rules 12.0 is negated other that there might be models/units that must fight at the beginning of the combat phase or at the end of the combat phase. 

    Also no wording that I can find states that there three different combat phases als your interpretation implies. It is always the combat phase - singular.

    In your interpretation there would be extra phases be generated once "fight at the start" and/or "fight at the end" abilities would apply. 

    Also it would mean that "fight last" could also let the player who has the initiative activate twice in a row. And again I don't the what wording that would be based on.


    Screenshot_20220309-075808_WH AoS.jpg

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