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Posts posted by woolf

  1. 7 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Yeah, I guess it would help to mirror news items or rumours in this thread once something new comes up (like tomorrow when we get another faction preview) and discuss these here in more detail so that the rumour thread doesn't get spammed and post a reminder there to discuss the latest news more deeply in here. It's not a perfect solution but it the best I could think of. I don't think people want to check multiple threads, so having a huge "spam" thread could work. I've seen that on various other forums where people started to love a more relaxed topic for everything. 

    yup and also keep posting so it stays top of the recent topics section :D I'm sure @MitGas will have that covered though! :D

  2. The narrative of it being board game rather than wargame seems to stick a bit, I know Rob talked about it in his videos so maybe its coming from him?

    Personally if I can have a "boardgame" that allows me to continue with the hobby (even expand as I can branch out to different factions without the full investment) and at the same time more easily get my other non-AOS playing but Axis & Allies loving friends to play it with me (perhaps just using my models, that I anyways bought since I like the hobby side) then whats not to like with that?! seems perfect to me! We anyways spend (at least I do) 99% of time painting and 1% playing...

    And then those who want to go one level deeper has access to the full game, I honestly think this set up is brilliant so well done to the strategy team to come up with it. I never quite liked warcry as it feels too different from AOS and the list building was a bit problematic as requiring quite a bit of set-up, the approach of fixed teams address that, also the fact that spearhead rules are much more similar to AOS makes it a much much better on-ramp (and in addition the boxes are good starting points for a full army rather than just using odd models as Warcry is). 

    All in all very hyped about Spearhead and I think it might be what I need to also get my kids on board with this hobby :)

    • Like 5
  3. 41 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    To play devil's advocate, there are numerous examples of when orders from high command dictate that there is a high-priority target on the field. The eradication of said target would be seen as more of a victory regarding a larger war. The BT is simple and clear. Not sure why people would want to have it be needlessly complicated. 

    Don't really have an issue with that, ie I agree with you that killing a preselected unit is a perfectly fine battle tactic to include. My issue is just the asymmetry in that the death/chaos one's are things u want to do anyways so it's just a matter of planning the flow of your game in the rigth way. Whereas Order/Destruction ones are quite likely to be bad for your overall board position so they fall more in the category of random sh-t u do to score points which doest feel like playing a wargame properly... Ofc there will be situations where eg makes sense for a destruction army to charge in with 3 units that happens to be on the territory borderline but its way way more situational at least imo, can't really think of a game where taking an objective or killing a unit is not something u will do between the 5 rounds on other hand..

  4. I think issue is that when they are straigth up 40% (or more depending on how accessible max pts on primaries are) of your scoring they become too important and hence very tricky to balance as in practice the difference between almost auto score and too many hoops/rng to jump through is fairly small. The preview is partial so maybe we will see each GA have one easy and one hard so let's see I suppose.. But I don't really see benefit of having 6 universal + 2 GA specific instead of just writing 8 universals and leave it at that...? Seems u only introduce another variable to drive imbalance (just look at recent meta with BW/Gitz in the top, IJ/Kbz at bottom and SBGL/OBR in top while NH struggle...)

    • Like 1
  5. Would have preferred if tactics just gave some advatage, eg complete it and u get 2 extra cmd pts (or smth like that), ie you can build some advantage (ie fluffwise eg holding tactical terrain, take out a key enemy unit etc) but it's not 1-1 tied to scoring...

    GA ones don't think they are any better than faction locked, probably worse actually as can't be used for balance (even though I def agree with those who don't like that balance mechanic). From what we have seen now death armies just get one more for free because.. reasons?... 


    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

    Yeah, i know we still have one each to see from every alliance so I am not totally in doooooooom-mode yet, but the marketing team must have known how different the BT:s where in difficult levels and what kind of speculation this would lead too if there was a ln easier one for destruction.

    Its very thematic but extremely hard to do...

    See it from the bright side, way less opportunity cost from taking that sweet Double Turn :D

    and yeah obv the Destruction/Order ones are way worse than the other two from what wad shown in that article 

  7. They tend to try and keep lore/identity reflected in the rules, so Ironjawz will likely be fairly fast (but not fastest), hard hitting melee army with kinda meh durability. I think a lot of ppl consider that playstyle fun, but ofc based on your own pref of playstyle

    KBz should be more sneaky, ambush etc (personally think they will move closer to Beast of Chaos current playstyle - as those are also getting decommissioned). In current edition they are a slow glass cannon so I suppose we will see.

    However as said by others, it's completely impossible to say much at this point. The new ardboyz are pretty sweet imo and pigs have tended to be good as you need some movement, so if u feel like getting a bit of a start, my money would be on those being fairly safe bets for decently playable units).

    Overall power lvl (if a concern) will obv shift as always... I doubt they will get it rigth given how massive the changes are but seems like a competent rules team so hopefully we won't see the Eldar situation 😅

    I think you can be very safe to assume pure IJ will be playable as a coherent army though, they are way too much loved faction for that to go away (although they are pretty poor competitively at the moment)

  8. 1 hour ago, Son Of Morghur said:

    Nothing has come out of it so far at least.

    (Hopium) We might still have some surprises, and we don't really know to which extent they will ignore them in the lore. Maybe things got just shaken around because of Covid and Brexit and we might still get a successor to BoC in some ways or the other... Maybe Morghur will remain in the setting and be more prevalent than before! Maybe Kragnos will get an army of his own! Maybe the timing of Old World was just really bad and they would have wanted to push an overhaul through but it got delayed or other things got in the way! That is the problem with GW intransparence.

    I would really just wish, that GW would dare to do things like the CoS announcement more often. I found it kinda cool to get some updates about it and to just know what they were working on and also to get some insights and snippets of the process! Nothing really prevents them from doing this (apart from themselves), and it does definitely not kill the hype when you see how well CoS were received (and how hyped and liked they still are now)!

    Tbh I think there is some merit in a Kragnos-army theory. 

    If we assume the design team was working on a revamped BoC line and as part of that discovery work realized that the updated line would fit more into Destruction, they would solve a number of things (which I believe would make the decision logical). A few observations:

    - BoC lore of "destroying civilisation" kinda fits Destruction GA better than Chaos, and it would allow them to flesh out GA Destruction a bit more - so more balance between GAs 

    - Removing current BoC from AoS, gives them the opportunity to place it in TOW, breathing more energy into that system which would make the Forgeworld profit center and stakeholders happy. A revamp within AoS and re-placing them into destruction would mean retcon the lore which is kinda bad

    - Adding a "new" Kragnos lead line on top might have been too close to BoC look and feel to co-exist

    - The different <ChaosGod>-gors would naturally fold into those battletomes respectively, Chaos monsters would have to be removed, replaced by new stuff probably along same lines in terms of visual identity but very different lore as not Chaos but Destruction instead


    The good thing is if that would hold true, we would probably be looking at BoC descendant faction in a couple of years (although I suppose more like 4-5yrs than 1-2...)

    • Like 7
  9. 4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    It is a possibility but I really hope Warcry doesn’t go away. I listed all those games I played at the top but Warcry is comfortably my favourite. 

    yeah u are probably rigth, I just think that Spearhead feels uncomfortably overlapping (from a warcry safety perspective)

  10. For the coming 3yrs everything in AoS should be safe, they would want to rip the bandaid and not dripfeed discontinuation as ppl react so strong to it. Beyond that horizon who knows... Also agree Underworlds/Warcry migth go away, eg replaced by Spearhead format which is probably a better starting point for new players as much closer to the main game

  11. Ok so without Bonesplitterz what will be the effect on Orruk Warclans as a whole? also considering what we now know from army building, I could imagine either:

    1) KBz / IJ split into separate books (probably less likely?)

    2) BW kinda becomes the default - i.e. we have a Warclans book that allows all options and what we today consider IJ simply follow their heroes into regiments and same with KBz, but you can freely choose whatever unit you want since they have binned faction/keyword locking, effectively simliar to today BW, only with even less restriction probably (since waagh points corner you in to some degree).

    In scenario 2, what does that mean during the first 12m? i.e. how does Bonesplitterz fit into that? can you play them in the book or would the be separated out already in June?.. 

    Also in reflecting on this, getting rid of the key word bingo will be quite huge for several armies (e.g. Gitz comes to mind..)

  12. Just now, Flippy said:

    It seems that there is some misunderstanding here regarding this modular build. From what GW says, you may theoretically plug out one "module" (e.g. magic or terrain) but the game is not meant to be played like this. This is how the game should be played and what they design the rules for:


    The real idea here is that you can plug out the "magic" module and plug in the "seasonal magic" module instead - and same goes for any other module. Any discussion on how the game will function without "commands" or "command models" is probably irrelevant - the game will simply not function as intended without them, unless you use the proper "replacement module". The "battle tactics" are the only truly optional module.

    Yup fully agree

  13. Will the spearhead boxes even includes wizards? 

    Personally think Spearhead will be fairly simple and after just a couple of games ppl will want to move to full rules (unless perhaps kids playing) 


    I think it sounds like a great way to introduce new ppl and allow gradual learning but would no way hold my breath that ppl who play this game regularly will be blown away by that experience, its simply a gateway to the game but hopefully a good one! eg warcry/uw are too different from AoS to work like that, they can intro to the hobby well enough but not the game, think GW realised that :)

  14. How widespread do you guys think BoC squatting rumour is? I.e is it just confined to a few corners of the Internet or could it actually be spread enough to have an impact noticeable in GW sales figures... thus becoming eventually self fulfilling...

    GW themselves must for sure have picked up on it, so its weird that they don't address it head on actually, maybe circumstantial evidence for it being true..  maybe just evidence of my own paranoia 😅

  15. Typically matt varnish imo is preferable (e.g. vallejo has worked well for me) as otherwise you can get a pretty glossy finish (ofc preference but still). Things like jewels or if you want something to look wet you should use a glossy one. A few things to note at least in my opinion that its good to have an airbrush to apply varnish with (I have used a cheap one as dont want the stuff to clog up my normal airbrush with), also the varnish can scr-ew a bit with true metallics, in particular highlights if you e.g. used silver to do edge highlight on a steel color. Metallic paint is typically quite durable though so you dont really need to varnish them I think, best to avoid, or perhaps plan to touch up the metallics after you applied. 

    Edit: seems @Sception beat my post with some very similar takes while I was typing 😅

  16. My vote on cavalry as well. Something like the boat guy in nighthaunt could be cool as well (ie means to teleport around units), they need to lean in way more into the sneaky/ambush lore imo. Generally mobility is the main thing I would like to see improved, survivability should come from screening and moving around, avoiding fair figths, so I would not really like to see heavy infantry (or leaning into monsters too much tbh), kinda like trolls though so wouldnt cry a river if we got that 😅

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    If anyone has the other Cities list from the LVO finals, I'd love to see it, by the way. 

    I believe it was this:

    ```Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Hallowheart
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    - Grand Strategy: Reclaim for Sigmar!
    - Triumphs: Inspired

    Battlemage on Celestial Hurricanum (260)*
    - Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
    Battlemage (100)**
    - Arcane Trinkey: Realmstone Orb
    - Lore of the Collegiate Arcane: Wildform
    Alchemite Warforger (110)**
    - Lore of Primal Frost: Merciless Blizzard
    Steam Tank Commander (270)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: Divine Champion
    - Artefact: Mastro Vivetti's Magnificent Macroscope
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Heal

    Steam Tank (230)*
    Steam Tank (230)*
    Steam Tank (230)**
    Steam Tank (230)**

    6 x Freeguild Command Corps (170)*
    6 x Freeguild Command Corps (170)**

    Core Battalions
    *Battle Regiment
    **Battle Regiment

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 118
    Drops: 2```

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    • Thanks 1
  18. 4 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    Yeah, Hobgrots are not an option. Only Kruleboyz get the conditional battleline on them.

    Nope that's not correct, the change was made to the pitched battle profile of Gutrippaz to say if u include one unit of them u can run a hobgrot unit as battleline so it works in BigWaagh as well as in Kruleboyz.

  19. 6 hours ago, RoyalDachshund said:

    Hija ladz,

    recently I was given Maw-Krusha as a gift to celebrate me being even older ******.

    Issue is, I had not played AoS since the dark times of first edition, and no longer have any models - but, given the model is so cool, I've figured that making a 1000 points army won't be a bad idea.

    Is a list with Krusha in 1000 points valid? I was hoping for some Kruelboyz mixing to avoid pure Ironjawz (I dislike the Aardboyz models).

    You migth like the new ardboyz that are dropping in a couple of weeks though!

  20. 9 hours ago, Hollow said:

    I shall aspire to employ the same rigorous academic standards to casual forum posts as my multiple thesis, I shall also refrain from trying to bring a little helpful perspective to those I perceive as a bit down about anything. I apologise profusely, how could I have been so awful!?!  I like my Grimdark in wargames. Not real life. I won't reply to any further comments on what was intended to be an innocent pick-me-up. 

    Anyways... 🙄


    Looks like Kruel Boyz to me. Would love to see some cavalry options for the swampy bois. Although it could be Troggoth related? 


    Academia 😂 .. u get my vote though #win

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