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Posts posted by Neverchosen

  1. 3 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    I mean, the real world beat both WFB and AoS to it by several centuries 😄

    I think I know how they can update them for the mortal realms.

    2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    If Warcry focused more on CoS with its kits, it could start to feel a bit like Mordheim. I‘d love that… more S2D cultists are useless for AoS anyways but lots of cool units for CoS to add more races and even more style would be lovely. Or Skaven, beastmen (pestigors would be fun), etc. So many cool possibilities! 👌

    As a Slaves to Darkness player I fully agree with you on this and the best part is that a heavy Cities focus could still permit some Chaos Cultist love for the Monogod factions. Lets get those Aelven Sailors fighting some Khornate Raiders n long boats. Duardin Siege Crew to battle Silver Tower Attendants.  

    16 hours ago, Grunbag said:

    Yes i forgot nagash so you’re right its 22 + 7 new units 



    - Grand Justice Gormayne
    - Royal Decapitator
    - Abhorrant Cardinal
    - Abhorrant Gorewarden
    - Ushoran
    - Abhorrant Archregent
    - Abhorrant Ghoul King
    - Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist
    - Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon
    - Crypt Ghast Courtier
    - Crypt Haunter Courtier
    - Crypt Infernal Courtier
    - Duke Crakmarrow
    - Marrowscroll Herald
    - Varghulf Courtier
    - Nagash


    - Crypt Ghouls
    - Cryptguards


    - Royal Terrorgheist
    - Royal Zombie Dragon


    - Cadaverous Barricade
    - Chalice of Ushoran
    - Corpsemare Stampede


    - Charnel Throne


    - Crypt Flayers
    - Royal Beastflayers
    - The Grymwatch
    - Crypt Horrors
    - Morbheg Knights

    This is shaping up to be such a fantastic release and I am expecting based on the amount of videos popping up in my Youtube feed on Ushoran alone for it to prove to be really popular. I also love that between the Morbheg Knights and Royal Beastflayers, Flesh Eater Courts have leant heavily into the Era of the Beasts theme. Seriously between Seraphon, Cities and now FEC AOS sculptors have somehow topped themselves. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  2. 6 hours ago, RyantheFett said:


    Really hate that the question for non human stuff for Cities is just in limbo until the next book comes out...........

    I still take it that they wanted Cities to be closer to the mostly human normal/boring faction, but I like to think they have listened to the feedback and will go with some crazy ideas with spider tanks, dwarf fortress, and elf pirates stuff!

    I feel like Underworlds and Warcry provide an awesome avenue to expand Cities in this manner.

    An underworld warband featuring an Ogor Highwayman and his cuthroat gang of Halflings. The Three Fusileers and their fourth stalwart new recruit D'Uardagnan and maybe even the mysterious man in the sigmarite mask. Warcry can be used to develop more broadly missing aspects of the cities such as the City Navy made up primarily of Aelven saliors and/or Duardin Cannoneers.

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  3. 1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

    Only the Freeguild outriders and greatswords seemed to have missed out on a upgrade.

    I am still curious if Cursed City was giving us some potential looks into the future of Cities of Sigmar. Captain Emelda feels like such a great concept for future Greatswords.Emelda_M01.jpg

    We already have an Ogor, Mage, Martial and a few variations on Witch Hunters (still no generic option), the Kurnothi and Kharadron give hopes at future integrated cities with the designs of the Aelves and Duardin not having been decided upon. But it could also easily hint that integrated cities will be done through allies. So it feels like Cursed City did provide some hints into future releases, but Emelda still feels a little stand alone (unless she represents an unmounted cavalier?).

    • Like 5
  4. 12 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    We don't know when this could be released or if it is going to be released. The idea came from the series of interviews that the team did when the new CoS range was released. One of them could imply that there was a new religious wave coming, but that's all.

    I know there are no specific rumours but do we have any speculation on what that may contain. Presumably new Flagellants, Witch Hunter(s), A Warpriest? 

    • Like 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    No mentions about this yet :(

    Then I shall remain cautiously optimistic that we get it announced next week alongside the Flesh Eaters Starter set and that I somehow find out that I have a hitherto unknown relation that has left me enough in inheritance for both. 

  6. I don't think there are any answers for this, but I was curious if I missed any leaks or info regarding the Vanguard release for CoS? Will the Cities of Sigmar Vanguard release fall on the same day as the Flesh Eater Courts Army Box? This was the case with the Seraphon Vanguard and Cities of Sigmar Army set but that could have just been a coincidental release. 

    Also do we have any clue if it will be like the Imperial Guard release with the same models shared between the Army box and Vanguard. If they were to change it up what differences might we see? 

    • Like 1
  7. I missed the live stream which is always unforonate as the anticipation builds so much hype. As such I will not go over every reveal other than just broad strokes. The 40k reveals were nice as Dark Angels and Night Lords are some of my favourite Space Marine Factions but for an outsider to 40k they still feel like simply more power armoured dudes. I do play Necrons and the new model is fantastic but I think Necrons have so many lord type characters and wish we got a new unit instead. The Kruelboyz continue to be my favourite Orruk designs and the form language on the Tomb King model leaves me sadly confused, might look better in person.

    Overall I would say it was a little underwhelming... except for the main event! The Flesh Eater Courts are better than I could have imagined: The Bat Calvary, the Cardinal, USHORAN!!! Honestly as someone that has never felt strongly towards the Death factions (other than Nighthaunt), these are just next level! 

    Call me delusional but I did think it was awesome that they had a unit of cavalry, 2 units of infantry and two heroes to parallel these two boxes.

    • Like 4
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  8. 9 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    Don't know what this is supposed to be, but I just see a necktie. 


    Finally the missing 2nd legion, the Fat Cats!

    I was hoping the bullet holes made an eight point star to hint at Fallen Angels getting some love, but I don't think any of them make a proper chaos star.

  9. I apologize in advance for the idle musings: So I have been thinking about Dawnbringers, Warcry and Terrain. It made me think of what I think is really awesome idea. I have been wondering if we would see a Boarding Actions style game and I remember someone mentioning city streets as an alternative to dungeons, mines or caves. I started realizing that much like boarding actions finding its DNA in Space Hulk, a city combat game could find some inspiration from Mordheim.  

    Kicking off a new season of Warcry with a Mordheim themed set would be really cool. Update the setting to be in the failed City from Dawnbringers with the terrain including some small Buildings and city scatter. The associated models can be updated Gutter Runners facing off against updated Flagellants. Using Hunter and Hunted as a template we can then see dual box expansions with a larger singular terrain piece with each release giving a new city structure (Abbey, Inn, Blacksmith, Wizard tower etc.). So if you bought the Warcry Starter set or simply the terrain you'd be enticed by each release as a way of expanding on your city much like how Kill Team releases gave you alternate lay outs for your boarding action games. 

    Obviously like Boarding Actions and Space Hulk this would not be intended as a remake of Mordheim. Also due to the ties between this hypothetical setting and Dawnbringers I feel like the armies that were featured with minimal updates would all be good candidates for getting warbands in this proposed Warcry Season. Like Boarding actions it could further serve as the basis of its own ruleset for fighting in tight quarters that could easily be adapted for fighting on a ship, or in a stormkeep, dungeon etc. 
    Considering that we still have yet to see these buildings I feel like my idea would never pass muster, but I feel like with the introduction of new cities models and the foundation of new Cities means that lots of collectors and gamers would love to get some high quality buildings. 

    Back to rumours, I am really hopeful that we get a reveal for the Lady of Ruin and as big a reveal for Flesh Eater Courts that we got for Cities of Sigmar.

    • Like 12
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  10. 32 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    By long lost... you know, the place.


    The idea that we are getting a preview focused on Tombkings and Flesh Eater Courts after spooky season makes me much angrier than it should. 

    Still this has a chance of being the best preview yet. 

    • Like 6
  11. 23 minutes ago, michu said:

    I hope not, it is cool, but not "very special".

    Insane Ghoul with an Intestinal Wig: Raaagh!!
    Warhammer Fans: Hope we get to see something special today!

    Personally I hope we get something more, but I am happy enough with this reveal. 

    • Like 4
  12. 9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:


    Very special reveal? Could it be a Second 40th Anniversary mini? Are we finally getting an AOS Grombrindal mini!?

    9 hours ago, Deakz28 said:

    I would love this! Or a Harry the hammer 

    Why settle for one or the other, when there is the precedent for both?
    Give us a little diorama and a chance to give them either a shared or separate bases. I know I'd buy it and run it as a Chaos Lord for my Slaves to Darkness and then also Gotrek to help out my Stormcast. 

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  13. 41 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    If these aren't Crypt Ghouls then I don't know what is:New-Flesh-Eater-Courts-models.png.c8411f725746311f979f2cb1e2233623.png

    I thought I saw all the leaks these look amazing! 

    I have been thinking of selling off my chaos knights and making a smalle demon army (Realized I already have 1000 points of demons from my Slaves to Darkness army). Now I am convinced to make a FEC army for AOS that I can proxy into 40k as Plaguebearers.


    They will be survivors of the winter, the lost souls that my Chaos and Stormcast fight for desptite being long lost to madness and hunger. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The sculpt is amazing, I am so used to the army showcasing such chivalary through their Knights and Men at Arms. So to release such a haughty noble in his finery indicates that they are willing to showcase more than just the noble bright side of the faction that had become a tad monotonous. However, I still hope this does not indicate the new direction of the line as I know many people are fans of proper the knightly orders that make up the Courts. Still I personally would love to have this pompous lord commanding my troops. 

    Lore aside this is an amazing piece and the Ruff and Skin draped on it have me so excited to see how they will continue to experiment with representing the delusions on the new sculpts. The best death army is getting the sculpts to finally match their lore and I am excited. 

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  15. I think that for me I am a Hobbyist first, a collector second, and a casual/narrative player third. But this is more of a circumstantial thing as collecting is a byproduct of hobbying, my anxiety often makes going out to play a little challenging. I also am not the greatest hobbyist and think of the three side as interconnected. 

    As for systems I picked AOS first as despite perfering Warcry I always find it hard to find someone to play with.  

  16. I admit I like when the boxes have a broader theme to them; like how The Ork set focuses on a specific subfaction. This has nothing to do with the Meta, but rather I like the idea of someone maybe being interested in an aspect of an army finding a good starting point for their collection. The Space Marine Battleforces last year were a good example of what I would like to see. 

    I also think it would have been nice for the Eternus box to have had Chaos Legionnaires and Chaotic Beasts to have tied it more to Be'Lakor and the Eightpoints. Or the Vengorian court to have traded Death Rattle Skeletons for Vargheists to keep with the bestial vampire theme. 

    I do think that this applies more for specific factions that have wider model ranges. It might be hard to make a specific battleforce for Flesh Eater Courts or Fyreslayers. For example I would love to get a Harlequin battleforce as they are the Eldar Subfaction I would be interested in. 

    • Like 4
  17. I think they are a great starting point for most of these armies, but I am personally going to sit out this round. Which seems to hold for the 40k offerings as well as Valrak's rumours appear to be holding true. 

    The seraphon set is the strongest set for me personally, but I would have liked it a little more had it featured Kroak. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  18. 12 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    And the markup? Well, blame capitalism, because there's absolutely nothing unique about the way GW markets and sells their products. 

    As the ol' saying goes Eat the Lord-Magnates

    I am really looking forward to getting Ionus Cryptborn to lead my Stormcast. I want a unit of Dracoth Guard as I really like their models and I have Vandus. Getting a unit of ground and sky cavalry would really fill out my Stormcast. 

    • Like 7
  19. 9 hours ago, EonChao said:

    He said:

    Chaos Warriors (including lord on horse, named character knights and warriors)
    Seraphon (including a Slann, Kroxigors, Saurus Warriors and new mounted)

    Bonereapers (no contents)

    Soulblight (no contents)

    But it's not something he's been clear on. Could be Kroak, could be just a Slann

    Ah thank you, I must have just mixed up the Slann for Kroak as so many boxes lately have emphasized named characters. Still an interesting box. Still hopeful that the Tomking toad makes it into the box.

    I am a little sad that I have no need for more Chaos Knights or Chaos Warriors. Not battleforce for me this year... which is good cause I have a backlog to get to and a new Stormcast dragon piquing my interests. 


  20. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Really hoping we see Dawnbringers III up for Pre Order soon I love me som Narrative content!!

    I am eagerly anticipating 4th edition, I have loved the era of beasts but I am more excited to see what some sneaky rats are doing across the realms, and getting a bit more insight on Ulgu and Slaanesh's continuing machinations. Still hope that Morghur gets his tendrils and claws out by the end of this current narrative and fights the Orruks and Stormcast. I have loved 10th edition 40k despite its balance issues it is more fun for me on a pick up and narrative level. 

    Narratively, I am most excited to see Chamon after Be'Lakor's breaking of the gates and the Duardin response to Chaos and Demonic forces. Mgiht be a great setting for introducing some followers of Hashut.

    But even if we focus solely on Ulgu, lets give Kharadron and Fyreslayers that Lumineth, and Sylvaneth attention! Kind of love the idea of Grombrindal or Grungni getting a cool heroic model next edition that will contrast against Malerion's shadowy form. 

    • Like 10
  21. 3 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    The idea of this army sounds fun. But bad rules are almost never fun. This could have had fun rules, but instead it's 5+ to do 1 mortal wound every so often. Is giving a unit -1 Bravery fun? What part about doing almost nothing every so often is the fun part?

    I will probably feel the same if I ever actually run it, I am childish when it comes to rules and if the concept is there it will take me a while before I realize how it is poorly executed. 

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