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Posts posted by Neverchosen

  1. 1 hour ago, Baz said:


    From the latest episode of Loremasters re the coin malleus. 

    "Even some supposed allies are disturbed by the presence of so many Sigmarites, such as the groves of the most bitter hearted and isolationist of the sylvaneth who may respond aggressively to hordes of mortals cutting down forests for fuel and timber on their way through."

    Maybe a hint as to why if it is the ghyran crusade that fails. 

    Also might be a set up for a certain God of the hunt to come out of hiding to pursue the interlopers.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    I really love that, it fits the themes of AoS perfectly, though it's probably going to ****** quite some players off

    I think that is why I love AOS you can disagree with the narrative descision and theme your army around orthodoxy to the Old World if you want, or just get weird with it and go head first into High Fantasy tropes and Gods hanging out with their followers. 

    So if you want to make a Daughters of Khaine Coven, Chaos Cult or Duardin City on square bases using WHFB models dedicated to bringing back the old world that would weirdly fit right into AOS lore. I keep thinking if people like the setting of the old world just set your games there.

    I am not confident that the Old World wasn't in its own version of the realms and that Age of Sigmar is a more epic setting in a never ending cycle of Chaos, Order, Death and Destruction that stretches to eternity and back. But then again I did have a Fungoid Cave-Shaman make me a delicious Mushroom Risotto for lunch. 

    • Haha 4
  3. I feel like Harry would be an awesome anniversary model. The question is what system would he be for and would he get rules or just be a Chaos Lord.

    It would be fun if each Grand Alliance got a Gotrek Styled hero on foot that can be a powerhouse for any army. Harry would be a fun model to fit that bill.

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  4. I can see it being a base detail for a chaos model as they seem to like to impale skulls heads and bodies on their eight point stars. 

    I am up for it being Flesh Eaters as I have said a million times cavalry of either impaled bodies on rabid horses or Ghouls with skeletal hobby horses would both make potentially hilarious and twisted Flesh Eater Knights. I think this could easily be the rider pinned to the mount in the first suggestion. 

  5. 1 minute ago, DeLewko said:

    So I the article they mentioned that kruleboyz are snatching eggs of exotic monster in Ghur, do you think is only mentioning the new warcry warband or it’s a setup for wave 2 ? 🤔

    Come on Wyveryn Cavalry in the vein of Stormdrake Guard!

    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    I think it‘s way more likely for Malerion and Chaos Dwarves to be part of DoK/Slaves than being their own complete force tbh. Especially the CD… they once already „didn‘t work“ and online hype is a not reliable thing - not saying I don‘t want these two as full forces but it would make sense in the grand scheme of things. 🤔

    I keep wondering if they will try a Harlequin style release and see if they can stand on their own before consolidating. Conversely I think it is less of a risk to build out a subfaction into an eventual release so I am inclined to agree with you. Although, I do imagine that if Malerion's forces merge with Daughter's of Khaine they will become the dominate side of the force. 

    Personally I am not against souping and would selfishly stock pile a few hellcanons.    

    • Like 2
  7. I am really thinking about how Chaos Dwarves might become consolidated into Slaves to Darkness as a unique and fully playable subfaction. Then it hit me that I find it curious how many of the remaining rumoured and fan favourite factions are all capable of being souped into existing factions and how with each I can see the logic for and against consolidating them with a current army.

    Malerion's Aelves - Daughters of Khaine
    Dispossessed -  Either Duardin faction, or as a new wave of Cities
    Chaos Dwarves - Slaves to Darkness
    Grotbag Scuttlers - Gloomspite Gitz
    Vampirates - Soulblight
    Kurnothi - Sylvanth (More or less confirmed by Whitefang)

    The only potential army that does not have a directly comparable related army seems to be Silent People but of course there is so little information on them currently that it is possible that they pop up as a subfaction in something in the future. 

    • Like 7
  8. 3 hours ago, EntMan said:

    My suggestion (because obviously GW haven't decided yet, and want my opinion) is for next edition move to Chamon and enter the Era of the War Machine.

    Would suit Skaven, Chorfs, new Cities, Goblins, various dwarves including Dispossessed refresh.

    This would be amazing and could also fit into my dream of getting a proper seige ruleset as different factions begin to incorporate more robust seige equipment into their armies.

    I have been thinking of Ulgu tying to Skaven (assuming the starter set runours prove true) due to their sneaky nature but Chamon meeting their technological innovations is actually a really great call.

  9. 19 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Hands down my favourite show yet, yes even better than Brodd as there were multiple systems that hit all the notes, even The Old World which I couldnt care less for because @Neverchosen can finally get that Unicorn!!

    I am already thinking of ways to implement her into my narratives and missions. I feel like I will proxy her for Astreia Solbright for my Stormcast and as Pontifex Zenestra if I get Cities. 

    Of course if I don't find a good trade for my Space Marines, I think having my rose marines lead by Lady El'Johnson on a Unicorn will at the very least force my opponents to rage quit most games due to lore inaccuracies. 

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  10. 31 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

    They talked about this, amongst other design choices, in a bunch of white dwarf articles at the time (no warhammer community then, obviously) but that choice was made cos they decided that using human skintones made them look too much like big humans.  Which, to be honest, I quite agree with, and my ogors have grey rhino style skin to this day.  The downside, I suppose, is that it also makes them read as kinda undead at a glance, which I assume is part of why they went back to human skintones for layer ogre kingdoms releases.

    I went grey initially with my odors but switched it up to an icy blue as I found the grey skin on top of wintery Beasts a little monochromatic. I did love the look of the odors on their own though

  11. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    I just cant get over how good the Gorgers look. They finally look lore appropriate as starved Ogors. They look like Ogors!!

    Honestly they are, to me, the best glow up model GW has done yet.

    Just look at these two for comparison!!

    I am beyond hyped for what the future holds for the Mawtribes.



    Such a glow up the fact that I use an icy scheme means these will double as Yhettees. I am beyond excited, just wondering if I can trade my Space Marines from Leviathan and the ones from the Starter set with Necrons for the Cities box and then double up with the Warcry set?

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  12. Fun reveal lots more than I expected:

    Space Marines:
    As the proud owner of a (for sale) Space Marine army I will say that everything looked good but also pretty darn repetitive.

    Reign of the Brute - Trugg is just fantastic and that box set is just wonderful. As a sleepy individual with a civilization built upon my back I can relate. The Orruks are great to no one’s surprise. Zoggrock and Klonk are a fun named duo but a little simplistic and I hope they are fun to play (Okay Klonk is not simple). Ragerz and Wrekkaz are exactly what I want out of Ironjawz even just from the narrative perspective of Orruk Slayers and Fanatics! Ardboyz really great and looking forward to seeing them on the battlefield.

    I feel like I am going to lose friends here but I think Primaris are better than First Born or whatever the old school are called. I did like Beakies but I find these less interesting.
    My ambivalence towards marines does not apply to artillery Mech that Dorito Dreadnaught is dope! I also think the new set is pretty good looking value assuming it is not too pricey.

    Hunter and Hunted— Okay I need this so badly the Gorgers are amazing and the terrain is pretty amazing. I feel like I will get prices out of this but maybe if I can trade my space marines for the new Cities box I can get this and build out two armies. Still those Gorgers will make it into my Ogor army and might proxy as Ogroids. I am reading the once and future king so the Wildercorps feel really at home with my current fantasy imagination. I kind of like the small terrain piece thing but I also expect the boxes to be too expensive for what we get.

    Blood bowl:
    LOL and YES!
    Cool looking models that will look great in AOS with some work.

    This game should just always feature Idoneth as the models are fantastic and gets us some critters, the Slaanesh models are unbelievable too! The jellyfish on the hero’s base is so nice but that squid is the star. Still keeping my nose out of the game but I love the models. There is some nice old school call backs with the Slaanesh models.

    Old World:
    UNICORN, I am getting this no matter what! She will become a central point of all my narratives! Also my poor painting will butcher it lol
    Resin… Possible Primarch costs… okay never mind :(

    Horus Heresy 2.0:
    Fulgrim I was so excited that they were announcing Emperor’s children and I was so ready to get this. Between this, the resin unicorn and Trugg this has been the most trolly reveal ever and I am into it!

    I say Warcry takes it for the day, with AOS as a close second. Old World would have won if only the Unicorn was plastic. 

  13. I am planning on not overhyping this time:
    40k: Space Marines reveal will take up the bulk of the time,
    AOS: Orruks and the rest of the Dawnbringer reveals
    Underworld: A cool new Warband, for an army with too many releases already Slaves to Stormcast.
    Warcry,: One warband and here is hoping it is for Maneaters or something new for Ogors.
    Horus Heresy: Just when you thought we were done with space marines... maybe that leaked variant of the new Knight Titan
    TOW: I am expecting something less revelatory for the specific models but rather a confirmation on the release date and some cool teases of Bretonnians vs Tombkings featuring key art. 
    Blood Bowl: I am calling it now... something funny!

  14. 3 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Guttered I can't get the army box just yet. Just can't afford it amongst current projects haha. Already have 3 different Cities planned so I know I'll eventually get to them at least.

    Mostly guttered at the moment though to miss out on the book. Want to dive into all the lore and art right away.

    Can't wait to see everyone's colour schemes and conversions. We don't have new Flagellants but we have a plethora of material to kit bash from, particularly with the Sister Repentia models, or even the Horns of Hashut and Scions of the Flame units.

    My cottage trip seems to have saved my bank account as I missed it. Hopefully they get a battleforce one Holiday Season when I have enough to drop on a new project.

    • Like 2
  15. It is definitely antlers of some form but hard to tell if they are attached to a majestic Aelf stag, or mutating out of a Chaos champion or Beast of Chaos. I could also see this being a not quite dead trophy for a FEC hunter.

    Plus never discount the possibility of something fantasy based and natural just being tossed onto a 40k model. New Flayed One hero with antlers on their new skin suit 


    I am of the mind that it is Kurnoth but only because it is the topic of our current conversation and I desperately hope it is.

    • Like 2
  16. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

     I think this guy is pretty cool, but when Brutes are distinguished from Hard Boys mostly by being larger and more armoured, it is hard to make a Hard Boys character that doesn't look like a Brute.

    Kruelboyz show that they are improving their ability to sculpt leaner orruks. We may get a really cool and unique looking unit.

  17. Wow that is a great model, I wonder if we will also get a chance to see the new Ghouls with the sprue in the wilds. 

    Exciting times but I will be at a cottage for the reveals hopefully the wifi is good enough to watch and my inlaws are not angry when I slip away to watch a live stream for a bunch of toy soldiers lol.

    • Haha 3
  18. 43 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    What if the weirdboy brutes are brutes with some siege equipmemt and the weird term is more similar to the oddboy 40k castes?(general term for mek,weirdboyz,doks and so on).

    Grasping at straws i know but...

    Bring on some siege gameplay as an Arks of Omen style rules expansion!

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  19. 1 hour ago, MotherGoose said:

    I think a new varghulf sculpt is a given if we do get a big refresh, that things from like 1990 and looks hideous.

    Is the Vargskyr not on a single sprue, does it have to be sold as part of Radukar's court? Personally I would absolutely love if this was useable in FEC.

    I am also one hundred percent ready for a new model but I am just curious why GW didn't just use this for FECs?

    • Like 6
  20. I forgot how much I love those beastmen please please update AOS/Fantasy Beasts to look as nice... and ngl even I actually like scouty marines. I still haven't traded off my marine half of Leviathan has Games Workshop corrupted me with Marines??? 😱

  21. 3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Fyreslayers have been "rumoured to have new units" for years and years now (more than just Naked Foot Heroes I mean).

    At this point if it actually happens I still won't believe it. 

    I love how each time there is a Fyreslayer rumour we collectively put our heads together and speculate on possible means of expanding the range and look at the lore for characters and unexplored potential... then we get a new foot hero. 

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  22. 2 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Are the Dawnbringer narrative books actually the big end of edition event? 2 crusades, one of which we know will fail (but not which one) don't exactly seem to suggest Realms shaking consequences.

    My excitement has less to do with impact and more to do with expanded scope, I am really liking getting the lore drops for the different factions the same was true for broken realms although Morathi's ascendence and Be'Lakor literally breaking a realm were pretty epic grand moments, not gonna lie!

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