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Posts posted by Neverchosen

  1. 29 minutes ago, Jorum said:

    I'm a big fan of how the runes work now! They feel much more impactful to me, even as a deterrant (striking first). The Runemaster prayer also feels how rune empowerment should, invoking Grimnir and deliverying a buff instead of having to roll a 6.

    I just hope the models get an update to be more like the Warcry warband. Current ones aren't bad by any means, but the poses, muscle/hair definition, and clothing details make a huge difference. Until then, I'll hold off and play my Skaven. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long!

    I feel like the limited range of models means that it would be much nicer for Fyreslayers to get additional models than a rework of the current range. As you mention the models aren't bad but there should be many models within the range.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

    Or, like a clever person, you can paint them differently : >

    I am always so confused why everyone seems to make their Fyreslayers have no internal diversity. Like I can't even remember if I have seen someone paint a Runefather with a white or even greying beard. 

    Edit: I did a quick little attempt with photoshop and think they already look much better with just a bit of varation in hair and skin tones. Even with my bad photoshop skills:

    • Like 4
  3. I feel like we are going to get a refresh of the Gutbusters and Gnoblars with the Beastclaw raiders remaining largely untouched other than resins. I love my Ogors and thus I might be a little blinded in my assement of which models will be the focus of the update.

    Here is my guess for releases for a Mawtribes refresh:
    Butcher, Resin character so it will be updated.
    Slaughtermaster, Same as the butcher and maybe even share a kit
    Gluttons, basic troops desperately in need of an update.
    Leadbelchers, I still like these models but they are showing their age
    Gnoblars, love these little folk and between blood bowl and underworlds it is clear GW does too.
    Frostsabres, I imagine like the gorgers these will be taken in a new unit size.
    Maneaters, I think this would be such a great theme for warcry but I also feel like they are so iconic that they are garunteed to make a return themed on the realms.

    Sticking around for 4th:
    Tyrant, New model looks great.
    Gorgers, Very new models that look amazing!
    Bloodpelt Hunter: Another new model that looks pretty great.
    Mawpit: Released alongside Gorgers and looks awesome. 
    Ironblaster/Scrap Launcher, This is a possibility for update but it is a complex kit that still looks good and as a dual kit the might want to leave it for now.
    Mournfang Riders, I can imagine these getting an update but like the Ironblaster they still look good and are impressive kits but lack dynamism in terms of posing. If a plastic Beastclaw kit is to be updated I feel confident these will get done first and foremost.  
    Stonehorn/Thundertusk, Still very impressive centrepieces with many options, I can see an update one day but likely in 5th or 6th edition.
    Ironguts, I actually like the models but it is becoming almost a meme where the heavy armoured elite infantry get skipped over on the first refresh. I think that these will join Grave Guard and Saurus Guard in looking great... prior to the refersh showing how aged they really are.

    Uncertain Futures:
    Firebelly, I don't see this model jumping into plastic in fourth edition but making it into fifth or sixth with a Firebelly troop choice. In other words they will be supported in lore and as Butcher proxies and then get updated when at a later point as GW revisit the concept in the future.
    Icefall Yhetees, I can imagine that GW want to have Gorgers fill the niche of Yhetees as the lightly armoured vicious options. Although, I hope I am wrong cause I will grab two boxes immediately.
    Icebrow Hunters: I feel like Bloodpelt Hunter has kind of replaced their niche but it might be cool if they release one in a unit of Mournfang.
    Great Mawpot: It will be interesting to see if GW will support two faction terrain pieces at once but as the older sculpt I feel like it is the less likely to return.

    • Like 2
  4. I am exhausted so sorry for the idle speculation, I am very excited to see future support for City Aelves and City Duardin, and I have been thinking of how they will fit them more inline with the aesthetics of the Cities. Then it hit me how they can easily explore the concept of this integration in a way that also functions as a critique of the Dawnbringers Crusade as an expansionist effort of Azyrian culture over other cultures.

    It would be interesting to see some sort of evidence cultural erasure with the Aelves and Duardin. Have the majority of the Aelves wear their hair closely cropped and dress in very human clothing, forgoing flowing robes and even use black-powder over traditional bows. Have the Duardin mix in cleanly shaved faces or short beards/mustaches and forgo the traditional axes and hammers in favour of swords, and spears. Of course there will still be some presentation of more traditional Aelves and Duardin head sculpts but have them be less present then the integrated designs to make sure that the Cities are not entirely homogenized. In other words I can imagine that there will be some conflict between City Aelves/Duardin and their more isolationist and traditionalist cousins.

    Think of the narrative potential of having a Fyreslayer meeting a city duardin with a hipster mustache who believes that it is a waste of time reviving Grimnir, when Sigmar can simply answer their prayers. That feels like reason enough for a warcry/underworlds battle, as the Fyreslayers take to the street to show 'em why beards beat pants! Alternatively imagine the face of a Lumienth Realm Lord when they meet their distant kin in a distinctly unstylish coif... that would be grounds for a fullscale war lead by Teclis himself. Still I imagine that it will be a long time before we see this side of the army get expanded upon. As I feel like we will see an expansion of the religious side of the army with a small cogfort functioning as an updated steamtank.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, EthanolMuffins said:

    Since these spearhead pics are likely promotional material that will be used to promote the spearhead boxes it also likely doubles as a way to let new players know “Hey you dont have to paint them in any official colors, paint them however you want and do what you like” 


    Especially with the rules changes not directly tying battle formations to specific subfactions, it further encourages players to do what they want and gives them thematic choices rather than directly tying their own creations to a sub faction in the lore

    I am so happy that they are showcasing that fact, ever since I first got into the hobby my favourite aspect has been developing my own scheme and theme... and my least favourite was having people explain to me why it is "inaccurate to have an Ultramarine in Royal Blue armour when that is the colour of Sucessor Cha...".

    Age of Sigmar in particular is a vast setting where some Chaos Warriors wear Black, Some Red and somewhere out there a nice houndstooth ensemble.

    • Like 3
  6. 17 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Cities of Sigmar Faction Focus. Kharadron Overlords tomorrow.


    This was such a relieving read seeing that we can expect continued support for the cosmopolitan city players. I am still waiting for new City Aelf and Duardin sculpts but I am now absolutely going to plan my city around being an allied city of Humans, Duardin and Aelves!

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:


    I bet you're right. I can't see them having two factions of Dark Elf running around, at least not in the same Grand Alliance.

    I am just looking forward to the shocking reveal when the Fyreslayers gain all the Ur-Gold only to revive a very surprised and awkward Malerion...  

    • Haha 2
  8. 10 hours ago, Adamcbutton said:

    As far as I know, the source is the fact that Skragrott is described a few times in various places as having armoured Troggoths guarding his fungal asylum. 

    Ah so this is not a rumour but a lore unit so we will see them released alongside Malerion, Kurnothi and Grotbag scuttlers 😢

  9. 8 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    *SIGH* This is why I really dont enjoy the lead up to a new Edition.

    These SNIPPETS of rules get previewed and everyone loses their minds. We dont have the FULL RULES SYSTEM OUTLINED or how these rules work together with these Warscrolls.

    Its so frustrating it happens every single time.


    For me it comes down to the people that are trying to think about these in these snippets in competitive terms for a game that hasn't even had its rules laid out. But I love discussing how well the rules seem to capture the feel of the armies and so far I think they have done a really great job.

    Stormcast Eternals: An army of holy paladins that are sent to war on lightening to fulfil a holy purpose where death is just an inconvenience. On the negative side, even after retring so much of the line Stormcast still feel a little broad in terms of range and the rules will always struggle to accomodate the multitude of themes present in their lore. These rules seem present and I am excited to have my black clad Stormcast hit the snowy tundras and refuse to give an inch no matter how outnumbered they appear.
    Skaven: A bunch of disparate rat groups organized into a chaotic horde, combining horror and comedy into a fun and favourable army that can undermine gods if only they don't kill themselves first. I think without battleshock we do loose a little bit of the cowardly side of the army that added to their fun. The model range looks terrific and the army looks super fun.

    Moonclan Grots: Goblins, Trolls, Spiders and Bouncing mouths following a wayward celestial body across the realms. I feel like this is the preview that left me the most curious to their greater rules. With so many sub-factions it felt like they had a harder time previewing the varied rules of the army. Spiderfang, Troggoth's and Gitmob fealt very much like afterthoughts in the preview but are the side f the army I am more curious to learn about in the new edition. Still excited to see more about these sub-factions and to hear the source on the armoured Troggoth rumours as that sounds sick!

    Nighthaunt: A ghostly army that present the idea of ethereal beings ignoring many rules of physical realm for their spirtual form flying freely around the battlefield and ignoring certain forms of damage. No overt complaints about this army preview personally although I still hope they get a monstrous centrepiece such as the Mourngul. They kept the feeling of the army being a wave of deadly apparitions flitting about the battlefield and disrupting the strategies of the enemy with their frightening presence.  

    In terms of the numbers on the Warscroll it is to early to tell how good they will be, but right now they have convincingly developed rules to provide the central themes of the armies. Now I am just hoping that Cities of Sigmar, Ogor Mawtribes and Slaves to Darkness can capture some of that same rules flavouring. So yeah I am really liking the rules previews and I am not going to trick myself into thinking that I know anything about how the game will balance. I also recognize that these previews will showcase the armies in a very positive light as they are all basically adverts for each faction. But really enjoyable adverts. 

    • Like 2
  10. 14 hours ago, Enoby said:

    After quite a hectic few years with family illness and the local AoS group disappearing completely in AoS 3, I'm hopefully not being too optimistic when I say I (alongside the play group) will be returning to Age of Sigmar with 4th edition.

    I'm happy with most of the changes presented, and glad that there's going to be a 'simple' spearhead mode for quick games. One of the biggest issues the group had for adopting AoS 3 was how finicky it felt, and that much of the complexity felt tacked on - which hopefully AoS 4 remedies. 

    I actually had the chance to play AoS 4 at Warhammer World, and it might just have been the time between that and last playing, but I really enjoyed myself. The gameplay was smooth and nothing felt overly strong.

    I think I'm in the minority when I say I'd like to see a few things 'nerfed' - I'd like the game to be a bit less lethal, and for more opportunities to use the models brought to the table before they're destroyed. AoS 3 games relatively quickly began to feel very samey.

    So, glad to be back for AoS 4!

    Happy to see one of my favourite people in the TGA community back and hope that 4th is going be a great edition! 

    Personally I am happy with everything I have seen rules wise about the coming edition, my only complaint is related to the loss of Beasts of Chaos and unit squatting which have less to do with the edition and more to do with business practices. But it does make me a little more wary of picking up some fun niche units that might not factor into GW's future decisions such as the fantastic Saviours of Cinderfall. But from the vantage of a hobbyist the new models are stunning and tempting me to infest my apartment with Rats. As a fan of the game the rules look really solid and I look forward to getting to try Spearhead but also full AOS. Finally from a lore perspective I am always excited to see more of the Mortal Realms.

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  11. It is likely that the Duardin were omitted from the chart as their Warscroll particulars relate to their slower movement and increased toughness.

    I do really hope 2 health becomes standard for Duardin in 4th edition. I doubt that will happen as balancing K.O. seems about as difficult as balancing Tzeentch has been historically. 

  12. I feel like they will use the Grand alliances as the means of releasing faction focuses after the initial focuses for Stormcast and Skaven. 

    If I had to guess they will go with Order, Chaos, Death, Destruction in terms of reveals.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:
    1. Stormcast
    2. Cities of sigmar
    3. Seraphon
    4. Sylvaneth
    5. Lumineth
    6. Idoenth
    7. Daughter of khaine
    8. Kharadon
    9. Fyreslayer
    10. Slaves to darkness
    11. Khorne
    12. Nurgle
    13. Slaanesh
    14. Tzeentch
    15. Skaven
    16. Soulblight
    17. Nighthaunt
    18. Ossiarch
    19. Flesh eater
    20. orks
    21. Gloosmpite
    22. Behemat
    23. Ogres

    what am i missing?

    Chaso Dwarfs, Vampirates, Kurnothi, Umbraneth, Silent People, Grotbag Scuttlers, Zombie Beasts of Chaos and of course Halfling Militia.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 3
  14. I am conflicted with Abraxia as I love the model but as I have Be'Lakor and a Stormcast army Eternus feels much more favourable to lead my Varanguard and fitting my narrative of the faithful of sigmar turned to demon worship.

    But as I prefer to make my own lore for models Abraxia might fit best as a Chaos Lord Opposing Be'Lakor with an elite guard of Varanguard.

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  15. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    This is incredibly frustrating. It actually boggles my mind how each Edition people do this.

    My MOD HAT will start fraying with how frequently Ill be ripping it on and off dealing with tantrums in the coming weeks.

    GW nerfed mod hats with the new frayed rule. Banhammers are clearly the new meta!

    Honestly I love looking at the warscrolls and comparing them but until we get points and see synergies the warscrolls in isolation really don't amount to anything other than some fun numbers on a page that say one model has more or less numbers than another.

    • Like 1
  16. 9 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    If the speculation regarding the Chaos Mono-God factions is true (Updated Daemon kits) I think I would prefer an additional Daemon kit for each of the big 4, instead of a direct update/replacement. I think the current Daemon kits hold up pretty well and would like to see a big more diversity in the ranges. 

    I still want another generic undivided demon kit based around plastic ruinstorm brutes,
    Make them a really powerful Varanguard styled unit and give Raptoryx's Daemonic keyword and then you can run Be'Lakor and some princes for an undivided Slaves to Darkness Daemon army.

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  17. In terms of lore I am excited to see them discuss the pantheon as their has been a major shake up over time with the introduction and ascendency of further gods. However, I am curious to see if the Big Gods (Sigmar, Gorkamorka, Grimnir,  Gurgni, Teclis, Tyrion, Alarielle, Nagash, and Malekith) continue to have a rarified relationship like the Olympians or if they will be more on par with the newer gods such as Morathi and Kragnos.

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  18. I feel like I cannot justify the boxset for financial and storage reasons, but I think I will struggle not to pick it up. I unfortanately cannot find anyone interested in the skaven half which is absurd to me as they are by far one of the most popular factions and these sculpts are nearly perfect!

    Still I feel like maybe I can free up some shelf space for some little rats and holy knights...

  19. I just want a 16 bit Turn based RPG with an insanely convoluted storyline that involves at least one character getting killed and returning as either Stormcast or a demon prince depending on a pivotal choice earlier in the story... Is that too much to ask?

    • Like 2
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  20. 14 hours ago, Vomikron said:

    Definitely agree here. 40k’s main problem seems to be trying to have a narrative. You can’t possibly involve all factions all the time in another event that has the potential to destroy the universe but then doesn’t. 
    40k was far more interesting as a static setting full of backwards psychos all killing each other for a reason none of them can remember. The Hatfields and McCoys writ large. Now it’s a jumble of desperate attempts at making memorable characters even though, spoiler alert, every single character is essentially interchangeable and just throw in another Primarch for some inexplicable reason. 

    but hey, I still love it.

    The thing is that it is easy to juggle both, have a focused and involved narrative focused on a specific sector. Then leave the rest of the galaxy open. Unfortunately that is not really how they want to tell the story and the notion of heightening tensions when everything is always at a galactic scale makes the whole setting feel constricting. Like I had thought of making a Fallen Angels chaos army but it feels like that will now have to involve following the ongoing narrative of the Lion and Cypher and I don't care that much... I just wanted to get the Horus Heresy box and use some of my S2D bits to make them Chaosy.

    In Warhammer Fantasy Battles I always imagined my armies being from an unmarked location on the map and in AoS I imagine my narrative taking place just outside the map. If Archaon slew Sigmar at the cost of the Varanspire falling to Nagash my armies likely wouldn't fully comprehend what was being relayed to them... other than thinking the devil slew their deity and death was coming for everyone. 

  21. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    It’s definitely in the box. We’ve already seen a blurry picture of it. 8cf492253ca66887a16d444ab28e341d_103604.jpeg.e9a09f07d9e0935a4af32dc7c8df931f.jpeg

    In any case there’s no way they release a box without a foot hero. 

    Did someone say foot hero?
    Sorry we are discussing Age of Sigmar:
    That's more like it!

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