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Posts posted by Dankboss

  1. 5 minutes ago, Pitloze said:

    Can someone please explain to me in detail why the battalion ability is so good? Troggoth shooting is an afterthought. And Troggoths don't get anything special from charging. Nor do they easily play into activation wars. So even if you retreat and charge multiple units they still have to wait their turn.

    I want to like it! I feel I'm missing something.

    Retreat and charge is a game winning rule because you cannot be bogged down, and always have the opportunity to leave combat to focus on a more pressing combat, usually on an objective. It also indirectly lets you cover more ground.

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  2. Just now, Pitloze said:

    Sigh. Of course they can't be :(. Well I'm just going to get 1 Troggboss then. With the hag added I can't even add two Aleguzzlers (which is maybe a good thing).

    I also thought there was a way to make dankholds battleline. But they don't even have that.

    It's for the best that you don't take Aleguzzlers, even the regular Dankhold is better than him.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Pitloze said:

    If he had Gitz keyword he would have been worth his 500 points. So many great buffs for him in the army with the right spells. And he could easily step over his Grot screen. -1 to hit against missle weapons. Teleport.... UGH!!!

    You can still cast Nightshroud because it targets a friendly model. #secretmeta

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Pitloze said:

    I think my wallet can handle that (still need loonshrine and troggboss).

    How are Dankholds fairing? Running them in 3's would get you 2 back. But they are still quite expensive. Although they are cool models!

    Regular Dankholds can't be returned unfortunately. They really needed a +1 to their attack characteristic buff to make them good from the new subfaction. To make them even more irrelevant, Fellwaters and Rockguts can receive their 4+ spell save which is what made them somewhat relevant.

  5. 4 hours ago, Scythian said:

    Make no mistake, my Troggoth brethren, this new battalion is a game changer. Troggoths are now a very competitive army as I’ve been proving to the killers each weekend. I’ll be taking them to Adepticon this year if they have it. People once snickered at guys like us. Lol, soon they’ll want to be us. Get those Rockguts built and start erasing the names of towns from maps. 


    I reckon the only Trogg build that will be potentially high tier competitive is your streamlined build of all Rockguts, although that's not to say more mixed lists can't work well enough. Personally, an army made up of one unit is not my style though.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Skumbaagh said:

    I tried to find the list that won in the IJ subforum, Do you happen to know what the list was? I acctually got a tournament this weekend!

    It was discussed on Facebook and iirc it was in Poland, if I come across it I'll let you know.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Nezzhil said:

    They aren't efficient being merc, the cost a lot of points and you lose too much bodies, and the Gargants don't do enough damage to break the game in your favour.

    I think in some armies they could work. I like Grunnock for the massive -1 to hit he projects.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    I've kind of the opposing feeling, cause as mercs they are such a big investment (a quarter of your army AND a CP) for one body that it seems hard to see which army could not find something better to do with these points, either in its own battletone or among the allies

    It is, but it's also more efficient as a Hero due to their 35 wounds than other options. I reckon they'll be decent.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    I mean I get being pessimistic and all but I don’t think Gloomspite is in the niche tier like those two armies are. 

    I am pretty sure every army get a revised battletome when the new editions comes out so that is not a concern

    broken realm is sort of a we don’t have any information regarding what it will do in AoS. But they did confirm that every current battletome army will get something from it

    Now that we're out of the phase of giving every army an aos 2.0 book (DoK, Idk etc were written with 2.0 in mind), I imagine we won't be seeing new tomes for a while so they can focus on expansions.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, ShaneHobbes said:

    Would 2x20 Stabbas be better for board control/screening? I'm trying to decide between that or the 40 block

    Entirely down to whether you want the 4 drop or the 5 drop. Personally I'd prefer 2 lots of 20, but my regular opponent is often a 4 drop too.

  11. Here's the list I'm going to run. I dropped the Madcap and Skrapskuttles for 20 more grots.


    Dankhold Troggboss: 250
        Trait: Shepherd of Idiotic Destruction
        Artefact: Glowy Howsit
    Troggoth Hag: 380
        Artefact: Aetherquartz-Studded Hide
    Fungoid Cave Shaman: 90
        Spell: The Hand of Gork

    6 Rockgut Troggoths: 280
    6 Rockgut Troggoths: 280
    3 Fellwater Troggoths: 150
    3 Fellwater Troggoths: 150
    40 Stabbas: 260

    Stomping Megamob: 160

    4 drops

  12. 1 minute ago, Pitloze said:

    Hmmm. I worry this will get FAQed into oblivion lol. She already got FAQed once.

    I'm not sure it actually will, seeing as it's WD. I've not heard of it being done before for a tome celestial.

    However, I'm not going to pretend like this is legit. I will defend Oblivious to Sorcery as that's reasonable.

  13. Just now, Pitloze said:

    Hmmm RAW is half the unit's number rounding up? But Loonshrine always had that rule right? Why hasn't it come up before?

    Because it never could resurrect single models before, however, it is legal to have a unit of 1 Rockgut Troggoth for 140 points, so technically, it would work then as well.

  14. 16 minutes ago, Pitloze said:

    That makes sense. Would groups of 9 rockguts also be better then? Any other way to incorporate the Hag in a decent list?

    12 sounds unwieldy, but then you'd be left with just 3 on their own if you reduced it. The Hag is okay, but requires space in the list building to account for other things first, like screens.

    However, as pointed out in the Gloomspite thread, the Hag is a legitimate target for Hidden Troggholes, so can come back on a 4+

  15. See, it's reasonably sound that she can be the target of Oblivious to Sorcery, that seems fine to me, but therefore she is also legally able to be brought back as per the matching keywords. The only fix is to change the wording on the Loonshrine to be Fellwater Troggoths (not bolded).

  16. 1 minute ago, Nezzhil said:

    So, if you the Troggoth Hag is a Fellwater Troggoth you can use de Command ability to ignore spells and return the Hag with the Loonshirne?!

    AHAHAHA you're actually right, the rules are keyworded, not as names, and the Hag has those keywords. RAW, yes, yes you can, and I don't think White Dwarf gets FAQs either.


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