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Posts posted by Dankboss

  1. 21 hours ago, Rors said:

    I agree Archaon + Be'lakors likely doesn't have the body count to be effective.

    I strongly disagree that is Be'lakor is worse this iteration. Although I do agree his personal subfaction is a trap and his real place is in Despoilers. His previous version was purely there for Dark Master, which isn't in keeping with the character fluff wise. Competitively speaking, he's dramatically changed role. Dark Master is still amazing but Slaves have defensive tools for days. What Slaves lack is units with decent rend and damage. The new Be'lakor brings output that can chew through armour, which is something Slaves need more than most factions.


    I've said before but using Doombringer Blade with Be'lakor is pretty dangerous for enemy monsters/ heroes, as with 14" move he can jump them pretty easily. There's almost always a high priority hero/ monster in most lists, and i found it makes life for said hero/ monster hard even without Be'lakor going for them, since everything is rerolling against them.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    After trying it out I'd tend to agree. Only got one turn with a significant number of deaths near the sigil but it went to a double and all the bonus attacks were lost immediately. On the Be'Lakor front it unfortunately turned out how I worried it would, his offensive capabilities are still pretty mediocre and his resilience is only so so. Basically the only thing he did was cripple a deathstar unit for one turn and encourage the opponent to skip a double turn to get the debuff off faster. Incredibly potent to be sure, but I'm not sure if it's worth 380 points. 

    I think Be'lakor is decent and capable, but no longer the auto include he was. Personally I think that's for the better. Those who like him can still build around him and get results, I'm sure. He's certainly no stab in the foot.

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  3. 24 minutes ago, Smooth criminal said:

    List 1. Despoilers,  Belakor + Godsworn + sorc (for artifact and reroll on Belakor) + random undivided units. 2 drop count, Belakor fights in hero phase.

    I'm afraid Be'lakor doesn't count, he's not a StoD Daemon Prince in name, only in keywords. The battalion isn't keyworded.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with something I like for Be'lakor and settled around this:

    Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness
    - Damned Legion: Cabalists

    Chaos Lord (110)
    - Reaperblade & Daemonbound Steel
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Mighty Ritualist
    - Artefact: Scroll of Dark Unravelling
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
    - Spell: Spite-tongue Curse
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110)
    - Artefact: Black Athame
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
    - Spell: Mask of Darkness
    Be'Lakor (240)
    - Spell: Whispers of Chaos

    15 x Chaos Warriors (270)
    - Hand Weapon & Shield
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
    5 x Chaos Knights (160)
    - Ensorcelled Weapons
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
    40 x Chaos Marauders (320)
    - Axes & Shields
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

    5 x Chaos Chosen (140)
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

    Chaos Warshrine (170)
    - Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

    Plaguetouched Warband (180)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Eightfold Doom-sigil (40)

    Total: 1850 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 132

    I've always wanted to make cabalists work and I think this stands some chance at least. It could port over to ravagers with very little effort if cabalists is a dud, and I could drop the doom sigil to change the chosen to a different unit. Not like it's going to be super competitive, but could be fun to try out. 

    We tried the Doomsigil with Be'lakor but it's not worth the hassle, from what we found.

  5. 1 minute ago, Eldarain said:

    Cheers @Dankboss I've really overlooked it previously. I love how before it can be stopped it's marked a key piece for everything in your army to be far stronger against.

    Tried to steer into the control and bravery elements of Be'Lakor and Despoilers as best I could. Figure the giant Undivided aura would help the Ruinbringer Knights still be a threat even when only a straggler or two remain.

    Yeah it really makes me hesitant to move the Hero/ Monster forward, as everything gets rerolls hits/ wounds against them, so even 2 knights did like 6 damage.

  6. 2 hours ago, Eldarain said:

    My first stab at a new Be'Lakor list. Ogroid is the new Bel'akor price increase.

    Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness

    - Damned Legion: Despoilers

    Mortal Realm: Chamon



    Be'Lakor (240)

    - General

    - Spell: Mask of Darkness

    Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (230)

    - Artefact: Doombringer Blade

    - Mark of Chaos: Khorne

    Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210)

    - Axe

    - Artefact: Armour of Tortured Souls

    - Mark of Chaos: Khorne

    Ogroid Myrmidon (140)



    5 x Chaos Knights (160)

    - Ensorcelled Weapons

    - Mark of Chaos: Undivided

    5 x Chaos Knights (160)

    - Ensorcelled Weapons

    - Mark of Chaos: Undivided

    5 x Chaos Knights (160)

    - Ensorcelled Weapons

    - Mark of Chaos: Undivided

    5 x Chaos Knights (160)

    - Ensorcelled Weapons

    - Mark of Chaos: Undivided

    40 x Chaos Marauders (320)

    - Axes & Shields

    - Mark of Chaos: Undivided



    Ruinbringer Warband (140)


    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs

    Realmscourge Rupture (60)

    Suffocating Gravetide (20)


    Total: 2000 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 1

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 133



    That's similar to my regular opponent's list. I've now played 2 games against new Be'lakor.

    Doombringer Blade is actually really good for Be'lakor to assassinate other heroes. He went through my Troggboss with Glowy Howsit pretty easily. Also means he can benefit from an Artefact without being able to take it.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Graywater said:

    What gave be'lakor the 6+ ward projection? Was he playing with Undivided marked units and had be'lakor as the general?

    Yep, testing out to see if it's worth it. Giving him a 5+ ward as the general is kinda a big deal. When my opponent does that however, he normally makes his knights Slaanesh since they're operating off of power pairs so it's not a problem.

  8. Copy pasted from THW Discord:

    Despoilers vs Glogg's Megamob. Normally my trolls rinse StoD since they kill knights like they're flies, so it is a decent challenge for StoD to face them. This was Starstrike.

    Be'lakor projecting a big bubble of 6+ ward was actually the thing keeping his army alive. My Rockguts pasted his marauders for 27 damage and he somehow rolled 10 ward saves. Luck aside, he took a battalion so had Doombringer blade and marked my Troggboss; he also had Call to Glory. Be'lakor managed to jump my Troggboss and assassinate him in one go with reroll hits and wounds, through his Glowy Howsit. My Hag tied him up long enough for him to not be able to kill off some important trolls holding an objective, although Be'lakor managed to kill her too.

    I won the game but by a hair's width. Be'lakor getting stuck right in actually was quite significant. He healed something like 7 wounds over the game as any chip damage got healed up. He stopped my other unit of Rockguts to prevent them being a threat, however I hand of Gorked them out the way so they were safe from counter attacks.

    Aside from horrible casting rolls, Be'lakor performed pretty well.

    My suspicions were right, in that Be'lakor can assassinate other big heroes or monsters when he gets full rerolls.

  9. Aside from Archaon, he's the only real caster who can properly utilize those 12" StoD spells, since the manticore lord dies to a stuff breeze. So he can get up close without the risk of instant death. The extra durability lets him utilize things like Enfeeble Foe, which is very powerful. Before, Be'lakor was always cowering in the back and forgotten, only brought along for his gimmick. Now he's his own man and can actively participate in the fight.

    He's also a source of -2 rend, which StoD severely lack in any consistent capacity.

    He'll also be the one and only time Call to Glory gets cast for when he wants to throwdown with other heroes and monsters.

    Before he was 240 points of one big ability and the occasional spell, for the price of a sorcerer lord on top you get someone who can actively participate in the game and fight when he needs to. In Despoilers he works well with lots of Marauders, since he'll get a 5+ ward and give a 6+ ward to them and prevent battleshock, which saves on CP. The rest of the army can be other marks.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, McNibs said:

    Hey so I'm somewhat new to warhammer and just started a Gloomspite army. I mainly play against my roommate and he is playing Tzeentch. He so far has agreed to not play pink horrors against me because of how op people say they are and is running mainly tanzangors , flamers, lord of change, changecaster, hero on disk, and the disk unit. 

    I really enjoy and mainly have squigs. I have 25 boingrot, 12 squig herd, loonboss on giant, and 12 sneaky snufflers. I have about 12 extra rockgut, and trollboss, and he lets me proxy in Skragott. He plans on getting some flaming chariots next and Im unsure how I should move forwards. Skragott is awesome (if the dice allow it) for annoying his lord of change and making him want to use his destiny dice or be poisoned. I've had terrible luck with the trolls, so I try to use dankhold troggoth for his bravery boost.

    Sorry for the random order of this post. We are averaging 1500-1600 point games and we randomly roll for the game mode from core rule book. I am looking for advice on how I should be facing him. Ideas for the army set up and further upgrades.

    Since you've got a lot of trolls, you could test out Glogg's Megamob, which lets you give a 4+ spell save to trolls and return half a unit when they get destroyed. a 5+ ward save combined with a spell save should make them very tough for Tzeentch magic to handle.

    How many trolls do you run in a unit? Rockguts are ideally run in units of 6+

    The Troggboss is a super-heavy foot hero as opposed to a big scary monster, so keep him reserved in the middle-back of the board until later turns when he can start fighting, when most other things are wounded or dead.

  11. When I first started Age of Sigmar, I had come from having played 40k, and 6th/7th edition was the most recent at the time. I had played since 4th, but I never found that Deathstars were a thing before 6th/7th. Seeing that, in AoS, there were wounds that armor/ invulnerable saves could not save, and that ward saves tended to be 5+/6+ and not the likes of 3++ invulnerables etc etc, I immediately found the game far more fun than 40k ever had been. The game was so much less open to abuse, because it was so much easier to kill units, in particular the kind of problem units that in 40k, would have made the game unpleasant to play. AoS, for the most part, did not have that problem. So yes, mortal wounds are a good idea and I'm glad they exist. I've never had more fun playing warhammer than when I switched to AoS.

    However, naturally, there are now too many mortal wounds flying around these days, and it needs to be reigned in.

    • Like 1
  12. The Hag appears to be available here in the UK, at least for the time being. She did appear in the Glogg's Megamob article, namedropped, discussed and had lore for her, however that's no guarantee that she won't become out of production. I reckon the current curated FW selection will stick around; otherwise even Vorgarroth and Skalok are at risk (though the Fimir Noble had a lifespan of 3 years). If anything I'd have expected the Bonegrinder to be long gone, but FW's methods are an enigma so...

    Saying that, there's usually at least a year of a OOP model still being legal in the GHB. I recall the OOP Fimir being around for a year before the GHB removed them.

    I don't think I'll be that sad if she does go, at least means I won't have to wonder if she's sticking around or not.

  13. Just now, Skreech Verminking said:

    It’s the extra rules you could and still should be able to take from the firestorm campaign.

    I’ve got the rules in german, if you’d like to see them 

    No worries, I really mean what do you see in that allegiance over the Grimskuttle Tribe? How does it change your game compared with a specific subfaction. Granted, Grimskuttle Tribe isn't as good at Jaws of Mork or Glogg's Megamob.

  14. On 3/21/2021 at 10:54 AM, Skreech Verminking said:

    So I was thinking of using the Stoneclaws gutstompa, overallegiance ability for my spiderfange gloomspite gitz army.

    considering that the Stoneclaw gutstompa rules allow you to still use everything the glomspite or grand  allegiance destruction can other you I actually thought it might be a great idea.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    What is Gutstompa's doing better than the WD spiderfang allegiance?

  15. 1 hour ago, LordPrometheus said:

    Agreed. Maybe he will be similar to Morathi and have two "forms" or versions we can use. Regardless, I hope he keeps his "shut up" ability. That is one of the best abilities in the entire game. 



    There are ways of keeping his ability without keeping it a negative play experience (which it is, massively). If it were changed to say, once per turn you can pick a unit and half its move, I'd say that'd be both more powerful and less of a negative experience.

  16. One Eyed Grunnock works in Slaves to Darkness as he provides consistent -2 rend and a massive combat Hero, which the army lacks outside of Archaon; Manticores aren't quite enough. My regular opponent runs him beside 40 marauders for a nasty double-whammy. For the cost of Archaon you can get him and the marauders, which is a fair choice. He's usually taken in Ravagers.

    When deciding on taking a mega gargant, you need to consider what they are doing for the army, and what does it provide that the army otherwise lacks? As with StoD, it's consistent rend and the ability to get into the thick of it without the threat of being picked off, which can happen to things like Karkadraks and Demon Princes. Grunnock can function as a self-contained section of the army and can be left to his own devices if need be, while also being able to use generic command abilities like Inspiring Presence.

    Having devised the strategy myself, and having played against it many times now, I actually find I focus down the things like the marauders and knights early for objective purposes, which allows Grunnock to persist into the late game, which is a significant detriment, as by then there's not as much to handle him. If I kill him, it's because I hit him early. If he's not addressed by the start of turn 3, chances are he's sticking around.

    His bubble of -1 to hit he generates is also a big deal in preserving Marauders, so they pair well.

    • Like 3
  17. 1 hour ago, Andrethegreat said:

    I'm a new STD player and I wanted to know what units  or spells I should take when playing against Flesh eater courts units?   

    I would take Heroes who have ward saves, to mitigate the likes of Terrorgheists a bit. Chaos Warriors may be useful since they have one too, although if you're new I'd aim for a more well rounded all-comers list, not just tailoring to one specific army.

    I would say Be'lakor would be a great choice to turn off Terrorgheists, but he's due for a new model and an update so best to hold off for now.

    Instead, a Khorne Daemon Prince would be good to reduce the chances of them getting into combat with you.

  18. I think his Blade of Shadows should actually be the Blade of Shadows, like 40k's version. 6 attacks 3s 3s -3/-4 3 damage

    12 wounds with a 4+ ethereal and a 5++ ward. His disruption ability should be reworked due to NPE to something like once per turn pick an enemy unit, on a 2+ its movement is halved. With the same unit not being chosen twice. That would spread its impact across the game and not be an auto-win vs certain armies that rely on a big model. I'd reckon it'd actually be more powerful than before overall.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  19. 8 minutes ago, rosa said:

    I would prefer if we get 2 Warscrolls...

    One as the old version, which is totally fine rulewise. Especially for a 240?! points model. One could use the older Finecast model to play him.

    And then the new pumped up version Warscroll for the new model which will be like 400-500 points and does the new model and size justice.

    Unfortunately that won't happen.

  20. 37 minutes ago, Hannibal said:

    Thanks for your insights.


    I winder why is this army a 4-5 drop?  I do not know the rules for the battalion, this might be the answer.

    In addition: is the Troll Hag really needed? What does she exceptionally well do?

    There is a very similar list I like to run but without a Hag and instead some Fanatics as well as a second Fungoid Cave Shaman.


    Thanks in advance!

    All of the trolls bar the hag can go into the battalion, leaving the grot units out. I like to run 2 units of 20 as screens, but it can be played as a 4 drop with a unit of 40.

    The Hag is a tough Hero, which is important for an army with low bravery. She is good at pinning targets, and Hag Curse is incredibly powerful when it goes off. Ideally she'd have Scrapskuttles' Arachnacauldron but this list doesn't have the points. That said, she is still overall mediocre, but what nets her a place in this list is her ability to take the mandatory artefact, so the Trogg Boss can get Glowy Howsit, and because she can be returned via the Loonshrine.

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