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Posts posted by Dankboss

  1. 2 hours ago, Pitloze said:

    Anything new on the Troggoth faction/battalion? Was it coming in this WD?

    Also I think I there won't be a new Troggoth model. But that they will (again) rebox the Fellwaters. They already put them on rounds. But they were factionless then (not sure why they bothered back then?).

    We may see a Community Article soon, as they've begun previewing WD, but otherwise no.

    When they referred to Sulphur Breath Troggoths, I think it was just for the lore, like the Battletome mentions several other types, although not by name.

  2. Just now, a74xhx said:

    What other units in AoS have -3 rend?Β  Struggling to remember of any right now.

    Rend -3 is fairly crazy - wipesΒ out the saves for anything 4+ or worse. That's a large chunk of AoS units that have no save against us.

    As someone who uses Rockguts with Moonface Mommet for -3 rend, denying the enemy the chance to save any of your big damage attacks is really good.

    Like the Stonehorns, we may find they get +1 damage on the charge.

  3. Considering that they are Heroes, I'm sure the customization options will be where they really shine. These are just base stats. I bet there's a trait that grants +1 damage on the club etc.

    Something to note, when fighting blocks of infantry, the Warstomper will always be making 10 attacks.

  4. There's only been one time where I felt I couldn't defeat a unit, and that's when Slaves to Darkness had first come out, and there were 15 Nurgle Chaos Warriors on a 3+ rerollable save, sat in cover for a 2+, bouncing d3 mortals on a 6 to hit and 1 on a 6 to wound, and with a 6+ ward save and 5+ mortal save. This is no longer an issue with the changes since then, but it does illustrate how rare it is to be unable to kill a unit in AoS.

    Now as I said before, I think Damage-Durability scaling needs to be tweaked, but as far as Warhammer goes, AoS is the best I've experienced.

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  5. It's quite bizarre given that GW can make one of the best, most customizable and characterful kits, that being the Rockgut Troggoths at Β£35, and then a year later produce something that follows the same principles but significantly more expensive. When Gitz were released, I was actually shocked at how affordable they were (relatively speaking) for each kit. Same goes for the Dankhold at Β£40.

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  6. Realistically, I would choose Strength and Toughness, and I somewhat like them as concepts, however, AoS avoids many of the problems of 40k by preventing instances of a hopeless fight. Everything can kill anything in AoS, which from a fun perspective, if far more enjoyable than watching my Kroot beat on a Bloodthirster hopelessly.

    Now I really didn't play much of 8th Edition 40k, so most of my experience is from 4th through 7th, and in those older versions, if you didn't have the tool for the job, you couldn't win a fight. It also had a real issue with 'Deathstars' which AoS avoids completely, and that could be compounded by being impossible to kill.

    Personally, as far as AoS is concerned, I would just increase the wounds on monsters significantly, and with the appropriate balancing, especially with Hero monsters. I could also see tougher units have a -1 to wound them. So for example, if I was designing the Mega-Gargants, I'd give them a -1 to wound for attacks against them that have 1 damage.

    On another note, many units in AoS do far more damage proportional to the target's durability than they really should be doing. Most units sit on a 4+ or 5+ save as their only defense, while that unit of Witchelves is about to nuke you three times over. On the flipside, you end up with units with 4+ DPRs.

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  7. 41 minutes ago, MarauderSquig said:

    It's odd they showed off nine warscroll cards, perhaps eight if they always have a duplicate display one. I don't recall these things being a stock image so surely that confirms 8-9 warscrolls?Β 

    There are four warscrolls we know of in SoB and then three mercenary warscrolls. I'm guessing Mancrushers get one or two.Β 

    It's a bit odd to see Brutes on the cover. Perhaps they're just for scale purposes but I think that hints at some hidden ally mechanics for them and perhaps other Destruction races. I wonder if it's lowkey a Dogs of War Destruction army of sorts.Β 

    3 Mercenary Gargants, 3 Mega Gargants, 1 Mancrusher, so that's 7. I don't know what would account for the others.


    It could be a weapon option for Mancrushers.

  8. Freeguild already take up a good half of the options, but they are the main and largest military force Order has. Not to mention they are prevalent in Hammerhal more so than most other cities.

    It's quite possible to see other WD published cities that play completely differently.

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