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Everything posted by Sinfullyvannila

  1. Not that I don’t believe you guys, but is there official word on this? If you’re going off what you got in the box it could just as easily be a packaging error as anything else.
  2. Also your Huskards on Thundertusks get 1 Blizzard Speaker prayer attempt(not globally limited to 1 per turn like the Everwinter prayers)and 1 prayer attempt for Everwinter prayers(pg 71); and they cumulatively buff each others’ Blizzard Speaker prayers, and three of the Mawtribes get a +1 buff to a specific Everwinter prayer. So you can get your Blizzard Speaker prayers down to at least 2+(unsure of prayers autofail on 1s but if they don’t you can table failure out of possibility) and one of the Everwinter prayers down to 3+.
  3. I’m pretty surprised, I think Boulderhead Mawtribe looks phenomenal. The 40k Equivalent of Dig Deep You Heels! completely shifted the Meta for years and I think people are really understating the advantage of how Might Makes Right applies to BCR; namely, that unlike Gutbusters, BCR monsters model count is always 10, regardless of how many wounds that unit has suffered, as opposed to losing models as they take damage. Especially since there’s no way to bring those models back unlike in most armies. This may be a Grass is Always Greener thing for me though as I’ve only played Gutbusters and only recently at that.
  4. 40 mm according to the 3/2019 base size chart.
  5. The Butcher goes on the same base as a Glutton and there are several extra butchery supply bits in the Glutton kit so you can make a pretty easy conversion.
  6. 1)That model is substantially beefier than any other Finecast model I’ve built. 2) Definitely double weapons IMO.
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