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Posts posted by Aaranis

  1. 6 hours ago, Greasygeek said:

    NH Pointchanges are out on the NH Facebook Group. Guess I can’t post pic, but this is whats up.


    GOS dwn. 10

    Kurdoss dwn 20

    Dreadscythes dwn 10

    Hexwraith dwn 10

    The condemmed dwn 10.

    Briar Queen dwn 20.

    No mention of Emerald Host battalions


    So well I guess its something, but I doubt its gonna make much of a change.

    Thanks, been searching for that a lot !

    It's better than before, but I haven't seen the changes for other factions. I just hope they didn't make Fyreslayers cheaper again :D

    Our problem isn't that much about points but about our book as a whole. It feels very weak and hollow compared to newer battletomes. Having our main standard wizard (GoS) still at 130 pts while he can only cast one spell is terrible, Ossiarchs can cast 2 with their basic wizards, I believe Lumineth too, and they're around the same price. With all the mortal wounds flying around lately, paying extra for Ethereal feels rough. 

    Currently my opinion on NH is that we have a weak magic phase (compared to recent releases), no shooting, but a good melee, although one reliant on luck for 10+ charges, and weak survivability. It really feels like playing in hard mode as said earlier, and a bit less fun, as other battletomes have interesting and rich gameplay. Ours is not really rewarding as it's basically trying to cripple the enemy in alpha strike to hope being able to survive the rest of the game to score points. 

    That said, Kurdoss looks really nice to me now, I already wanted to buy him a while back but I think he'll be in my next purchases to join Olynder and Reikenor in my shelf (oh how I long for games). 

    The Dreadscythes and Bladegheist were around the same power level but not with 10 pts less I think the edge is definitely in their favour. I did the maths a while back and both units were very samey, now that they're cheaper they can't be worse.

    Glad they're giving Hexwraiths another discount too, they're quite terrible outside of Dolorous Guard and even then I only use them as bodyguards as their damage output is miserable.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    I had a Christmas Day Bash!

    Running the Dolorous Guard with Olynder as general, and the Forgotten Scions, I gave the Cities of Sigmar what for.

    Uh, my theme of this being a holiday dance didn't really kick in as I wrote this, but a 2 AM write up after a long day of holidaying will have some mistakes. But hey, there's a few video clips, which is nice!

    Nice bat rep ! I'll admit I felt quite frustrated reading you forgot your hero phase and the +1A from the Forgotten Scions, I know how it feels !

    Speaking of the Forgotten Scions, I've run dice throwing tests and I've come to the conclusion that the mounted KoS in the Forgotten Scions might be a serious contender against the Lord Executioner for the role of bearer of the Sword of Judgement.

    He has 5A base against the 3A base from the LE, and can boost himself freely once per round for +1A, doubling the number of dice rolled compared to the LE. However, he don't have a natural +1 to Hit due to the Spirit Hosts nearby, so combined with Olynder's spell and 1CP for the KoS on foot ability he'll hit his target with +2 against the +3 of the LE, meaning procs of the Sword on 4+ against 3+. However you have nearly the double number of attacks.

    Another change is survivability: the LE will have -1 to be hit as long as the Spirit Hosts are nearby, and can debuff an additional -1 on a Hero, coupled with his 5+ against MWs. The KoS don't have these defenses.

    However on matters of utility, the LE exists strictly to hunt Heroes and Monsters in this set-up, and may lack the speed and room to do so in some cases (reminder that he needs at least one model of Spirit Hosts within 6" of his prey). The KoSoES have the speed and needs way less room, allowing him to sneak better to his target. Plus, if you don't really need to hunt important targets, he's still a useful Hero that works well with everything in the army barring Spirit Hosts who don't benefit greatly from a +1A.

    Rolling some dice tests I consistently roll for an average of 12+ MWs  with 6A and rerolls of 1s to Hit, assuming I have +2 to Hit from the KoS and Olynder's spell. On average 3 dice will roll 4+, so around 9-10 MWs compared to the 7-8 from the LE. And weight of dice, in my humble opinion, is more reliable when you need those procs.

    For protection I'd use the new Dolorous Guard battalion of 2x5 Hexwraiths, as they can keep up with the speed and benefit from Ruler of the Spirit Hosts. It brings us back to the footprint problem, but at least Hexwraiths have double the speed of the Spirit Hosts. As there's two Dreadblade Harrows tagging along, one should carry the Pendant of the Fell Winds so the jolly troupe can move 15". The other can carry another artefact and either tag along or support the rest of the army with a Midnight Tome or something.

    Brings a cavalry themed force that can cover a lot of ground and hunt down Heroes and Monsters reliably anywhere on the board while still being useful at other roles. You can bypass the Dolorous Guard for the KoSoES and make Olynder the general for Olynder bombs, but then he becomes a kamikaze as he probably won't survive long after that.

    I'll definitely try this someday, I'll keep you in touch.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, SleeperAgent said:

    The only way for me to see him staying at 140 is if they let all GoS cast Spectral Lure regardless of another one trying. I'd probably run 3-4 then, even at 140.

    I don't know, even then I feel like there's already so many points we have to invest in Heroes that having multiple GoS seems wrong. In some lists I think about running two Spirit Torments but even then I feel like it's too much. Plainly said, our Heroes don't do that much compared to the newest battletomes... But if I start rambling about the new battletomes I'll end up saltier than the Dead Sea.

  4. Yeah our healing is really underwhelming compared to LoN were every useful Hero like the Necromancer and Vampire Lord gets to resurrect 2d3 passively. Nighthaunt is a weird army in that it's the opposite of a Death army: it hits hard and fast but has no durability. I'm okay with keeping the Guardian of Souls but 140 pts for a meagre chance at healing 1d6 models and the +1 to Wound is too much. I'd play him at 100 pts just for the +1 to Wound bit he's too much of a frail target at his point cost.

  5. Yeah I get it about "deep-strike" but it's understood by many players and a lot easier to say "and so these guys deep strike turn 1" than "and so these guys come From The Underworld turn 1" as it's a Nighthaunt term, while deep-strike is more universal.

  6. 6 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    Okay, a few things here.

    First off, both of these comments are largely correct. From the Undeworlds They Come does not work often as a turn one alpha strike for a host of reasons. It can, but it's not a viable strategy to plan around. It should simply be an option for you as a general.

    Secondly, a lot of people only choose to deep strike a couple choice units. IMO, this is not a good use of the trait. You should always deep strike half of your army. It gives your opponent a ton to think about, and lets you play the game as it develops. If your opponent knows half of your army is waiting to come on the board, they're going to change up how they're playing. They're going to really think about it, and have a lot more decisions to make and things to consider. This is so important, because the more decisions you can make your opponent make, the more likely they are to make bad decisions.

    Third, you should only deep strike stuff on your first turn if it really makes sense. I have found it's typically far more effective to drop units on turn 2 or turn 3. This allows you to deploy based on how the game is unfolding.

    Fourth, our deep strike is so powerful compared to other armies because we aren't limited to board edges. I know I can safely place a unit of 30 Reapers in the Underworld because I can always deep strike them just by placing them 9" in front of my opponent's forces. And if I wait until turn 2 or 3, I've probably dealt with some of the chaff that would be used to screen.

    Finally, I don't think Dolorous Guard should be deep struck. The battalion turns the general into an anvil, which is the type of unit you don't want off the table. You want that unit on the table so that your opponent has to deal with it while also keeping in mind that you have some dangerous units waiting to come on the board.

    I see what you mean. However on my side it may be a list building problem or something else, but most of the time I can't afford to deep strike half my army, and if I do I need to arrive Round 1, because I need staying power, and early control of the objectives. Nighthaunt is NOT an army with a good staying power and I face armies that out-damage me severely most of the time, so if I start with half my army in reserves I either lose what's on the table really fast, or I lose control of objectives early on and that may cost me the game. If I want to control objectives with the units from reserves I have to hope the enemy is not already on it or I need 9" charges and that's unlikely. 

    6 hours ago, NoMaDhOoK said:

    Don't forget that in most cases, you will be deployed too far away from each other for turn 1 offensive spells. The dispelling maybe. But in most cases, turn 1 isn't a heavy spell casing turn 

    I almost never have turn 1 so usually I can at least dispel, but the enemy will advance up the board towards me most of the time on their turn. I can still cast buffs to my own army if there's no enemy in range in any case. I think Olynder is too good a caster to waste a turn in reserve is what I meant all in all. But you're right, in the case I do have turn 1 well that's Shademist time :D

    • Like 1
  7. I don't understand the strategy I've read a few times here already, consisting in deep-striking Olynder and her bodyguards. The mortal wounds are dealt mainly in the Hero phase so you'll only have the Banshee screams, which are hardly terrifying as everyone and their dog have Bravery 10 nowadays. You also lose one turn of casting/dispelling 2 spells because she's not on the board yet, so I hardly see the point.

  8. Had my game against Ogors today, same list as my two other games. The mission was the one with the three center objectives that only Heroes could capture, and they scored better the longer they had it.

    I don't know the exact army composition but his army was something like 12 Gluttons, 9 Gutbusters (or Ironguts I don't remember the name), two of the cannons on chariots, 5 Leadbelchers, a Hero with a pistol and spear, the Wizard with the cauldron, another Wizard, and one Tyrant I believe. Also the cauldron scenery. He played the Spirit Eaters or something and so had one more cast with his three Wizards.

    First time facing Ogors but I'll remember it, they pack a mean punch and have strong buff magic. They can heal really well too and on a large zone with the big cauldron. I played rather unsmartly in the fact that I sent my Myrmourns to die on their own for I don't remember what reason, I think I just tried to stop him for a turn so I could charge with the bulk of my army at second round but the 12 Gluttons killed 9 of them and the rest fled to morale (because I ALWAYS roll 6s on morale) and did like 3 damage in return because they were totally unsupported. In the same phase I sent my 10 Bladegheist on the Ironguts and they rolled a 10" charge from reserve and with the rerolls from the Spirit Torment I downed them to 4 or 5 from 9. But in return they killed 9 of them and the last one fled too of course. 3D by swing really hurts when you fail a save.

    I managed to bog down his Leadbelchers, two chariots and the wizard on foot with my Dolorous Guard, KoSoES and 3 Spirit Hosts, and capture objectives early on. But after that the Ironguts just punched my Spirit Torment in the face and placed their pistol boss on the objective. On the center objective he moved his Wizard Warlord and the Executioner spooked him too hard and he died, however on the next turn the Executioner settled on failing saves and died too, so it was pretty much lost from that moment, because while my KoSoES held his ground bravely (with countless Hexwraiths dead) he finished all alone and died too, and the Gluttons destroyed my Chainrasps, KoS and Guardian of Souls in the meantime so I had just 5 Spirit Hosts alive by my turn three and conceded because I couldn't score anymore and neither prevent him to score to break our 5-5.

    Lesson from this match is to be LESS STUPID and don't hope to hold the line with 12 Myrmourns against Ogors, because morale will bite you in the neck. Also still don't hope for Hexwraiths to kill something, even with the charge and +1A from their boss they did like 7 wounds and then played poker on the next rounds. They're invaluable as bodyguards though, and I admit the 6s to Hit weren't rolling today. I still recommend the Battalion but advise strongly to support them with a killy unit if you want to charge with them every turn otherwise they get bogged down.

    The Guardian of Souls has been a mixed bag as ever. He did unbind twice on 10+ and cast his Shademist and a Spectral Lure this game so he was competent, but for bringing back 6 Chainrasps once before he dies I believe the points are better elsewhere, and I'll do without the +1 to Wound with other ways. Now that I've bought Olynder I'll make some changes to my list before my next game, which will be in 2020 so I have some time.

    Had I played a bit smarter I could've had the Ogors bogged down for a while long enough for my Lord Executioner to go executing every hero. But well the perfect game don't exist, and I was glad to have that game. 

    Oh I had my FEC opponent tell me during our match that a unit couldn't contest an objective after Falling Back, is this true ? I read the Objectives section of the BRB and found nothing of the sort.


  9. 1 hour ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Sounds like a good first outing with the new battalions? Do you usually struggle in these matchups?

    I haven't had a chance to run these just yet, but I will after this weekend. I'm finally on holiday break, so I hope to get in a few.

    First I will be running an Olynderbomb build. I don't actually expect to win, but I already know how flimsy the old version is against what I expect to face soon, namely the ever-present Stormcast or Hallowheart, that I'll get a good feel for how these new battalions buff a single-focus army.

    I'll write a battle report.

    After that I should be confident enough to theorycraft some lists.

    It was my first time playing 2000 pts at AoS so I can't say that I usually struggle or not. Slaanesh I never faced before, and FeC I played them mostly with my Legion of Grief and it's always tough games, where the win ration for me is around 1w/3d. Fyreslayers are awful to face and next time he'll play them. Now he can run 3x20 HG Berzerkers and 5 Heroes at 2000 pts since the FAQ so I expect it to be a nightmare.

    I'm eager to read your report on Olynder, she's next on my list of purchases !

  10. Beware it's been FAQed that you can't dispel an Endless Spell on the same turn, it's in the Malign Sorcery FAQ or something. 

    But Myrmourns are one of our best damage dealer units if supported right. Concerning the buffs they need, by applying probabilities you can see that almost always it's better to give +1A than +1/+2 to Hit. But if they have 24 attacks on 2+, it's better than 36 attacks on 4+ by a small margin. However you shouldn't be too worried about spending the CPs in a LoG list.

    For the anecdote I had 12 Myrmourn hitting on 2s killing a Keeper of Secrets with their 12 attacks, doing exactly 14 damage. In LoG they can be resurrected so that's a big plus.

  11. Well lads and lasses (if they're any) I played my two games today. I thought it would be against Fyreslayers but he played his new Slaanesh army. Second game was against Flesh-Eater Courts as expected.

    And believe it or not I WON AGAINST SLAANESH ! Game was two objectives in each territory, score 1 point each round for your own, 3 points for the one in the other territory. His list was (from memory): Shalaxi, 2 Keepers of Secrets, 9 Fiends, two squads of 5 Hellstriders, and I believe just a squad of 10 Daemonettes. I won't write you the whole game but the highlights:
    - My 12 Myrmourns killing the KoS Warlord with exactly 14 damage, buffed by 2 CPs from the KoS on foot;
    - Lord Executioner executing Shalaxi by himself;
    - My Spirit Hosts being basically on steroids and rolling 6s like no tomorrow;
    - My general KoS on Steed tanking the Fiends via the Dolorous Guard;
    - I killed Shalaxi and 3 KoS in the whole game because he spawned another
    My opponent hasn't quite grasped how to pilot his list yet, but I can tell you the nerf to the Locus of Diversion was felt pretty hard, now that it's on 3s and not 2s for the KoS he lost to my Myrmourns because of that. Also Nighthaunt has the manoeuvrability advantage against a such low-model count army and it allowed me to grab the enemy objectives securing me the victory. I don't know what a perfectly played HoS feels like but I can tell his Fyreslayers are much worse to face than this for now.

    Second game against Flesh-Eater Courts: Game was the one with three objectives in the middle, each round one of them is worth 3 points while the other are worth 1. He played King on Terrorgheist, 40 Ghouls, 10 Ghouls, 3 Horrors, 3 Flayers, 2 Varghulfs and some other Heroes on foot. 

    I never faced a Terrorgheist before but knew it was just dangerous. I didn't know that the range of his Maw attacks was 3" so my Spirit Hosts screen was not enough to hide my Executioner, and with a CP to fight again he killed him with 12 MWs and also my KoS on foot who was nearby. That'll teach me to screen better against Terrorgheists. After a rampage where he killed my 12 Myrmourns, some spirit Hosts and the 10 Bladegheists sent to kill him he finally died but my forces were crippled and he had locked my line for enough time to score a good lead. It also didn't help that twice the 3 pts objective was in front of his 40 Unbreakable Ghouls. I had taken a risk in deployment by focusing on the center and right objective and letting his 40 Ghouls in peace because it's unkillable with his Battalion, but the luck wasn't on my side for the main objectives. I ended up losing by at least 7 points but we were both on our last units alive.

    My experience from these games is that two Battalions aren't too much as I feared earlier, I still have like 117 wounds in my list, with 3 CPs on my turn and 3 artefacts. The Lord Executioner with Sword of Judgement is the real deal, he performed well in the first game, but my opponent watched the game and knew he had to kill him first because he could've sliced easily through his Terrorgheist and then every other Hero. I like him as a physical and psychological weapon. 

    The Dolorous Guard did wonders in the first game, where it successfully protected my KoSoES from harm until their deaths, but in the second game I had to make a choice and sent them both to grab the far right objectives without the general, where their additional attack helped kill the Horrors. They're still quite disappointing damage-wise though, never send them for anything else than killing 3-4 wounds on something max or they'll just get bogged down. 

    My 10 Bladegheists were the usual blenders, charging, killing something, then dying when looked upon meanly. I'll try a Shroudguard alongside the Execution Horde or Dolorous Guard once, when I'll have 10 more of them. Myrmourns are powerful when supported, as expected. I loved the 9 Spirit Hosts in these two games, they reliably grind down tough targets when at full force and help my Executioner survive of course. Can't wait to have Olynder join the fray to res them back up. 

    However I don't believe I'll play my Guardian of Souls in future lists. He never passed his Spectral Lure ONCE (be it casting badly or getting dispelled) and 140 pts for +1 to Wound is quite pricy. He did dispel twice, but that's about it. I won't say his aura wasn't useful, but I'm uneasy moving him around the right places where he won't die too early, I might just add more bodies.

    I'll try this list again Sunday against Ogres, I'll keep you informed as to the results.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 3
  12. Also after reading its Warscroll again, for 220 pts a Black Coach seems to fit nicely in a NH list, I forgot it could heal d3 models back to unlife too. In a Spirit Host/Hexwraiths themed list it could help the durability considerably, paired with either Olynder or Ruler of the Spirit Hosts. It looks like a good Mortal Wounds dealer too, and have a good mobility. 220 pts can buy 10 Bladegheists or 12 Myrmourn though, so there's that. But it requires less babysitting than those two units, too.

  13. Well if you only swear by the Dreadblade Warlord then yes, Dolorous Guard is rather useless. The Forgotten Scions are good in a list built around it: Myrmourns, Bladegheists, Reapers. And the only recent point changes we got were on named characters and the Black Coach so not much to exploit there :D I'd argue that the Black Coach would perform better than the Mourngul however, at now 220 pts. But I just don't trust the Mourngul so there's that.

    I planned two games tomorrow, first againsy my Fyreslayer nemesis and then against my Flesh-Eater Courts other nemesis. It will be tough games and I doubt I'll win (what can men do against such evil) but I figured I'd try, at last, to play the Execution Horde + Dolorous Guard now that it's official. Here's the list:


    Allegiance: Nighthaunt
    Mortal Realm: Ulgu

    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Ruler of the Spirit Hosts
    - Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind
    Lord Executioner (80)
    - Artefact: Sword of Judgement
    Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)
    - Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist
    - Infernal Lantern (Artefact): Beacon of Nagashizzar
    Knight of Shrouds (100)
    Spirit Torment (120)

    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
    5 x Hexwraiths (140)
    5 x Hexwraiths (140)
    20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)

    10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)
    12 x Myrmourn Banshees (210)

    Execution Horde (100)
    The Dolorous Guard (120)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 115

    Not much board presence but I have speed and a bit of resilience. It can pack a punch too but against Hearthguard cheese it'll be heavily mitigated. I'll tell you how it worked tomorrow night ! I'll play the same list Sunday againt Ogors too.

    • Like 1
  14. I don't know, at least we have the freedom to chose who is protected with Dolorous Guard, I don't want NH to become an army or unkillable stuff, leave that to broken Battletomes. We're getting closer to perfection concerning intra-codex balance I think, something needs to be done about Stalkers and a few Battalions, as well as a remake of Warlord traits and some Artefacts and we'll be good. That other Battletomes are more powerful is not a problem that Nighthaunt needs to fix, because it isn't Nighthaunt's problem, it's AoS'. The level of power of the book is just right; it needs to be played right and it will deliver a beautiful game. I don't want the game to degenerate to the lethal mess that is 40k where you can pretty much shake hands if you don't have first turn against a gunline.

    • Like 4
  15. 5 hours ago, anorek said:

    A nice change for Lady O - 20 by 20 pts reduction is always welcome :)

    Again, need a bit of check regarding army.

    Based on what @Nasrod and @Undeadly advised me, I made some 1500pts list (please be forgiving to my noobism):

    Lady Olynder (200)

    Guardian of Souls (140)

    Knight of Shroud on Ethereal Steed (120) (general)

    Lord Executioner (80) (potential general)

    3x Spirit Hosts (360)

    2x Hexwraiths (280)

    1x Chainrasp (80) (points filler)

    Dolorous Guard battalion (120)

    Executioner Horde (100)

    +can fit some spell - reaper or gravetide

    Any feedback is highly appreciated. :) 

    In my opinion, at 1500 pts there's one element or too that is too much in your list, points-wise. Olynder + 2 Battalions is a good chunk of points, and that prevents you from getting mass as you noticed. I'm not worried about the Spirit Hosts or the Hexwraiths because they'll be resilient enough with resurrecting, but these 10 Chainrasps are doing another death sentence. 

    So it leaves you with a decision to make on the Battalion and your strategy. 

    The Execution Horde with a steroid Executioner will be hard to kill and a credible threat for your opponent, no one wants to eat 3d6 MWs on their Monsters/Heroes. But it functions way better with a foot Knight of Shrouds because you'll need the +1 to Hit. The one on Steed doesn't actually provide you with much synergy; +1A on 3 Spirit Hosts is laughable, and the Hexwraiths are in the same case. Generally you want to use it on a numerous unit like Bladegheists or even better, Myrmourn Banshees. 

    The Dolorous Guard wouldn't work easily with the Executioner just for a reason of space. You'll already have your Executioner clumped with Spirit Hosts to make his Battalion work, you'll have difficulties fitting 5 Hexwraiths within 3" of him. If you go Dolorous Guard, pick another General. We talked a lot about Olynder for this role because she's quite frail by herself being a delicate lady and all, so 20W of Hexwraiths can do her wonders. She'll be able to resurrect them easily too with her Command Ability. If you go that route the Spirit Hosts benefit from this too. 

    As you said you may have trouble in some missions, that's normal, there's no list that fits all the missions perfectly. If you roll the mission where Heroes hold objectives your opponent will cry for example. However 10 Chainrasps may as well not exist, at least 20 in a single unit is already better. Think about what Battalion you wish to work around and you'll find the points.

    Concerning Spells and Artefacts, if you go Lord Executioner you pretty much are obligated to use the Sword of Judgement (Hero/Monster hunter) or the Blade of Endings (I didn't know that one) for a more polyvalent Executioner. With your second artefact the Beacon of Nagashizzar is a good option, or the Pendant of Fell Winds for additional movement. If you pick the Brooch you can't use it with the Executioner though, you can only pick one Realm. Soul Cage and Shademist are great.

    Hope that helped !

    • Thanks 1
  16. Eh, underpriced for a 7 wounds character that is a lvl 2 Wizard is not what I'd call her. And we pay a hefty price for the Dolorous Guard: 120 + 140 + 140 = 400 pts for the bodyguards. 

    I'm glad about Kurdoss because slowly he's becoming less of a handicap in a casual list and I won't feel as bad playing him.

  17. 5 minutes ago, Sauriv said:

    Having a restricted max unit size at 20 could make quite a big difference, not spending 1cp to have 30 dudes fight first, or how it works. 

    And actually, they  have the same point per model at max size as before. 

    400/20 = 20

    600/30 = 20

    I would say this is a nerf because now they have a harder time buffing their units 👍 

    Huh I was confused because before they were 480 for 20 according to the Builder. I still hate them though. 

  18. Well at least I was right about Olynder and Kurdoss. That's a letdown for the rest however. Black Coach is welcome too !

    But I'm as salty as the Dead Sea concerning Fyreslayers, my regular Fyreslayers opponent already whoops me with his present rules, he didn't need a REDUCTION on his Berzerkers.

  19. Points are starting to get uploaded ! This is not a drill ! So far Beasts of Chaos and Maggotkin have been updated, as well as a few Erratas. Namely, all the "6s to hit" abilities have been changed to "unmodified roll of 6" to keep up with the latest changes to the game.

  20. 37 minutes ago, phlp said:

    is it possible, that they only »update« the new battalions :/?

    Don't think so, or else they wouldn't include all the other factions. There is a FAQ planned for December so this is probably it, alongside some other changes maybe. Also, WD just went on preorder Saturday, I expect at least a week after its release before the Battalions are even included in the Warscroll Builder.

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