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Posts posted by Kronos

  1. 4 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

    A challenge to logic? Hum... Gotta try something... 

    Here me out, guys. 


    Fimirs? Pretty please... 



    Valrak was talking about Fimirs on his stream recently, but he said for Kill Team? He himself seemed unfamiliar with Fimirs - I personally can’t see them return, but then 10 years ago if you told Me Nagash would get a big plastic kit and the Primarchs would be returning to 40k I’d have poured all the Salt out of my cupboard to have that conversation. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    Oh there is going to be plenty.

    Something completely a challenge to logic. 

    Fuff, now you really have my attention. My mind is travelling 100mph as to what that means. My heart says Morghur, Corruption, Mutation. ….But it’s going to be something stupid like making Ogors a cities faction, getting rid of Fyre Slayers and Giving Kragnos a Silly named champion to encourage more sales of that Hoofed Oaf. 

    But on the positive side - How Good is Death Looking as a faction. Scroll back 6 years ago and who could have predicted Ossiarch, Night Haunt, Flesh Eater courts with Ushoran and even Soul Blight. I feel the Death Range is a Paragon for What AoS should be. 

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  3. Chiming in on the aosmification of the Clanrats. Skaven, as with Lizardmen and possibly Chaos Dwarfs, are a few of the armies which to me were already High Fantasy in WHFB. I always felt those 3, and I guess Daemons to an extent, kind of already stepped outside of what WHFB was.


    Lizardmen and Skaven really feel like they belong to the Realms because their Aesthetic has always been, pretty Eccentric. But that could very well be to just to my mind and eyes. Remember we all perceive Things, including warhammer, Through entirely different experiences and attach our own notions and experiences of film, literature, art etc. Mine has always been that the Steam Punk Ratmen that used magic stones of pure magic to create Electric Weapons and telephones to be quite the oddball in the Warhammer World. Same went for the Inter-dimensional Space Toads/Lizards.

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  4. On 3/11/2024 at 10:02 PM, Kronos said:



    Clanrats are a Solid Kit, so much more needs attention - Rat Ogres, Skaven Really need a Rat Ogre kit with the quality and Size of the Kroxigor Kit. 

    Humble Pie I’ve eaten today.…it is in fact the new Clanrats that are a Solid Kit, keep em coming.  Can’t wait to turn the whole lot into Skaven Zombies.

    I remember when the Island of Blood Clan Rats were released in 2010. I remember sitting at my room in Uni thinking “these are the best models they’ve ever made” - Crazy what 14 years of Technology  can do. 

    Imagine how good Malerion and his Aelves will look when they’re released in 80 years. 

    • Haha 2
  5. It’s probably been mentioned before. But there is a strange twist of Fate in seeing First Generation Stormcast disappear whilst having Bretonnia and Tomb Kings available on the Online store after 10 years. 

    This hobby really is a rollercoaster of Emotions. You’ve got Seraphon hanging out in AoS and Orcs and Goblins kicking it in Old World and AoS. I’ve tried to make sense in my head of the development of the recent days, I still don’t know how I feel.  

  6. 14 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I do wonder how will they explain this all Lore wise? 

    Every Bonesplitter stopped hearing the Thump and became an Ironjaw?

    More curiously how do you write out Beasts of Chaos? Besides Darkoath and other Chaotic humans they were the most populous of all the creatures in the Mortal Realms.

    Either theyre returning as something completely different or I dunno just gone?

    They better explain why and not just pretend theyre gone.

    Now Im worried for my Ogors...

    To me it sounds like the BoC will be going through some sort of apotheosis. They will Either side with one of the Chaos Gods as Slaangors and Tzaangors or they will succumb to devolution and became a Gavespawn - What That looks like is unknown but I think they want Morghur and his masses to be very different to how we see Old World Beastmen. It could well be a chance to have Beastmen of a range of Fauna and some varied Spawn like Beasts.

    Shame that it seems that they will drop out anytime before they get anything relative to a replacement. But Chaos Dwarfs went oop a few years ago now and we’ve only recently heard murmurs of their return. If there any consolation in that. 




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  7. Call me an Old Grumbler, but I feel that such sour announcements of removal of so many miniatures should be done AFTER showing all the shiny things that will replace them. 

    And ehile we’re in this negative territory, I can’t believe we’re seeing an entire generation of stormcast come and Go before we even get Malerion and his Shadow Aelves. Umbraneth Vs Skaven should have been the starter box.


    Maybe an early Glimpse of the Rumoured Grombrindal might cheer me up. But otherwise I can’t say I’m feeling the hobby at the moment. 

    • Like 1
  8. After @Whitefanglaugh reacting to my “I hope he (the White Dwarf) gets a miniature I’m a little flustered that there won’t be. Or worse that it will be dressed like a Stupid Stormcast or Primaris. 

    If this 500 mark gets no plastic or resin miniature or if  its just a mug and some tote bags well….




    • Like 5
  9. 11 minutes ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:

    I thought that Dwarfs/Duardins are given at birth by eggs yet. I am disappointed.

    “And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground.”

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. I Can’t believe it’s Easter Saturday and they’ve not shown anything about a New Grombrindal. 

    The two are in no way linked and we have 0 confirmation or even a rumour about a White Dwarf model but I still can’t believe it. 

    • Haha 4
  11. I know a lot of you play Age of Sigmar, and have good fun with it. But as very much just a collector and modeller- These Rules articles are as interesting as my Toasters user manual. 

    Tease me The new box GW. And If you Don’t wanna show me whole miniatures. Then do a massive jigsaw puzzle of all the miniatures. A Ruination chamber head one day, a rat ogre paw another. 

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  12. 47 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    A wee personal spicy take regarding Endless spells. They suck! The models are not good quality. The thematics and aesthetics are incredibly hit-and-miss. They take up valuable inventory, logistics and shelf space. Get rid! 

    I find them, for the most part, kind of cheesy. They work for Gloomspite as its that kind of 4th wall jokery that Greenskins have that nuanced silliness is welcome there.

    Some of the models are well sculpted. But as a whole, I really don’t care for them outside of conversion fodder. 


    Now WhatI wantis more Faction specific terrain pieces 😍

  13. Top thread, and great ideas there @Double Misfire


    Warhammer, is, and always will be, about the Special Characters for me first and Foremost. Utter Joy when I see the Likes of Kroak and Ungrim with new Models.

    My Shoot from the Hip List - 



    -Young Thorgrim in a Similar Style to Ungrim. 

    - At a Later stage Closer to the Great War Chaos we will see High King Alrikson.

    - I think Grombrindal is going to have a card or have rules in WD issue 500 with rules if he does indeed  get a miniature. If it is the case I reckon he will have rules for Both Old World and for Age of Sigmar so he will be left out of the arcane Journal excpt as a Myth or as a brief lore entry. Until later editions. 




    -The Fay Enchantress, From what I understand an Immortal being and also active during the time period.

    - Gilles, I mean the Green Knight, it’s a must. 


    High Elves

    -It’s those Rascally twins I guarantee it. But I think we’ll get Tyrion first followed by Teclis. In the Meantime I think we might get either and already Named Prince or a new Lore Character. 

    Wood Elves

    - I wantto see a Nice new Orion and Ariel but I doubt this will come to be any time soon. So possibly we will see a New Prince/Princess and Possibly a rerelease of Drycha, we also Technically still have Durthu in plastic Form ready to go. 

    Orcs and Goblins

    We just saw their release,I was quite surprised not to see any form of Prc Warboss Character, so I think they’re holding  out to Sometim closer to the Great War. I was really hoping for an aspring Morglum Necksnapper building up his Waaagh but I think the dates are off.


    Tomb Kings

    Settra - I think he will receive a New miniature, if not in plastic then Resin. I don’t think they’ll keep this version for too much longer, and next Arcane journal or Edition will see a new Settra to pump some more hype into the Tomb Kings. 


    I don’t know on this one. I know Kholek was there during the Great War and Led a Vanguard, but thatnwould be me saying they’re finally releasing an update on a Shaggoth either in plastic to multi build Kholek and Shaggoth or just a big old Resin Kholek. It’s anyones guess when it Comes to BoC.I’d like to see a fresh zMorgjur update, bit then again, that would be too much hope. 



    Magnus for sure, but thats as far as my knowledge on the Empire goes during this period. However it being the Time of 3 Emperors then it could possibly be all 3? 


    Chaos Warriors

    Asavar Kul - I think we may see a couple versions of him. Of Him as a rising Champion, and Finally him as the Everchosen, a bit like they did with Valten during Storm of Chaos. 



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