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Everything posted by Kronos

  1. That ardboy is just one mini, soI’ll wait to see the rest of the kit before I make any judgement. Saying that, I hope the new ardboys look at least half as decent as the Black Orcs recently made by Avatars of War - because they Nailed it!
  2. Or for Age of Sigmar, War Cry, Underworlds or even Warhammer the Old the World. Somewhere, at some point, one of the higher ups lost a terrible game against Chaos Dwarfs, it’s the only explanation.
  3. Could be Heresy and Fantasy giving its big year for both. But happy to be wrong and they keep the sub models to 40k and AoS
  4. How do we know that New Pegasus Hero isn’t one of the upcoming Warhammer Sub models. It entirely feels like something they would do to push their Warhammer+ Sales.
  5. Skaven and High Elf Soup! The elves weren't squatted from Cities of Sigmar, they ran into the sewers in refuge. You heard it Here first people. Thanks in advance to Whitefang for the like in confirmation…..
  6. The old Ghouls are very cool, and quite happy their legacy in some way still exists in the form of Heresy Miniatures ghouls. (Pictured). But I don’t know why people don’t like the plastic ghoul set. I really like the proportions, and the strange Neanderthal like faces make sense given they’re really just generations of humans going through devolution. It’s a unit of Gollums and they really do look the part.
  7. If I go back just 3 years ago, I was begging for - —a reimagined Kroak (expectations were well and truly blown away), -Plastic Angron (happened and it is what it says on the tin), -The Return of the Aelfs mentioned in the Lore in a style akin to Alarielle (Morathi and Teclis check). Why do I keep wanting more? Why do I constantly keep thinking, nice, Now Morghur, Now, Malerion, Now Older style Good and Evil Dwarfs, Now plastic/Forgeworld Sauron (separate I know, but I still want). I don’t want to go deep into human condition or Psyche, but what is this near constant need and want for new reveals?
  8. I’ve got to agree with @Hollow. Chaos Knights manage it I think Stormcast would look exceptional on some heavy duty horses. I would also accept Stormcast on Unicorns, Pegasus and at a push some cool reindeer stags.
  9. *Stares in Jezzail at the miniature reveal* So AoS are getting Shielded Riflers, and it’s not Jezzails. I know I’m cynical, but thats just mean. They are otherwise, not a bad looking unit. I hope cities get a couple more ogres and not just the Mounted one. More City Ogryns would be very cool.
  10. I accept 🔫 But, and I’ve said this before so apologies if it come off repetitive. I don’t play, I sometimes but rarley build the models as they come. I like converting, remodelling. Chopping and reattaching. Take my current Work Bench project. Remodelling Finecast Kroak into 1 of 3 Slann Relics. No way Would I have been able to do this with Metal. The details are crisp, flash was minimal and no worse than a plastic mould line to remove being frank. It’s also solid enough because I don’t plan on using it as a battering ram. Metal is heavy, chips, and nothing wants to stick to anything without pinning. And if it tumbles, which it will because it’s made of heavy metal, everything becomes pieces once again. Everytime I’ve thought “well, Warhammer might not be for me” has been when I’ve gone anywhere near a metal Miniature. Last metal thing I bought were the Temple Guard way back when. Never again.
  11. So this, this has indefinitely killed my hype for this release. From the Wierd way its being previewed, the return of metal minis (Resin over metal any day, fight me). And the facts that they keep pushing things to a unknowable date. I was really excited for this release, I guess what I was really excited about was a Slann kit. So, thanks AoS.
  12. I was about to do a knee ****** reaction and say “Na Uh” but I’m struggling to find a case that says otherwise. Last 10+ Years Ogres have had - A tyrant, a Hunter and a ManEater. That’s it. On a range which is coming up to 2 Decades old. Really bizarre that them and Beastmen just constantly keep getting side stepped. This isn’t a whine or rant* - Im just not sure what the idea is behind letting some of these armies snuff out of interest but somehow still find time and resources to bring WtoW, Necromunda, Heresy, Not Epic, Votann, Blood Bowl, OBR, Nighthaunt (list goes on). I feel sometimes theres too many plates spinning for them. It took, absolutely forever to get round to doing Seraphon, stunning line, beautiful minis that were (to my opinion) due an update from End Times. I hope when Ogres, Beastmen, Cool Dwarfs and Dark Aelfs get a release its as good and substantial as the Seraphon. *But it could be interpreted as a whine or rant 😅
  13. I’m currently doing a little Fan Lore rewrite for My Slann army (before these apemen came along) here the Slann (in those early years of arrival and conquest on the Warhammer World, used Apemen stock to create the Elves, Dwarfs and subsequently Humans, Halflings and Ogres (all from various breeds of Apemen). When the Remaining and Stronger Apemen Rebelled in an uprising, The Slann tried to wipe them out with a Virus inadvertently creating the Greenskins Race. I got a lil spooked today when I saw the Babboons with the Orruks 😂
  14. Ok, hear me out. Miniature Design I hear begins 4-5 years before the actual release. In 2019 Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal Season 1 aired. I don’t believe for a second that the Warcry Design team has not been influenced by that Show after seeing the Offal Hounds and these new Orruk Baboons. Can’t blame them, the Ape Man concept is one longer overdue in Warhammer.
  15. Man, I was hoping for a tad more. Not gallons more, but, just a little more.
  16. So Epic Is previewed today, so hyped-for the Fantasy reveals! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/07/01/decode-this-curious-transmission/
  17. I swear if we get one more Unit that alludes to Hashut and the Chaos Dwarfs without it actually being a Chaos Dwarf Imma be quite cross (a scowl at most being realistic). I yearn to see what they do with Chaos Dwarfs, and Fyreslayers, And Dwarfs. I also really miss Dwarfs being carried, on Shields, on Thrones, inside mechanical Suits and on Bulls.
  18. With Chakax/ Eternity Warden and the Temple Guard still “Old” within the Seraphon range I strongly strongly believe both of these will come via a Warcry Update. Like Chameleons. I also think Grave Guard will do the same. However like the Grave Guard first getting a couple of units in Underworlds I reckon it will be the same for the Temple Guard, a Cool new Eternity Warden and 2-3 Temple Guard for Underworlds followed by something more akin to a unit a couple years down the line, the Formula is there. And Makes sense in terms of really pushing the sales. You wouldn’t buy one box, you’d buy 4+ to make your cool new unit, and then expand that unit to a 20 with the eventual Warcry unit.
  19. Just thinking, and Apologise if said already. But remember Malign Portents. We also got Harbingers then. Each was followed by a fairly big release or army update. Neither Gloomspite or Nighthaunt had been released yet. Darkoath in a way was the smallest release as Darkoath only got warband later down the line - but it heralded Warcry from what I remember. I can easily see Gloomspite, Fyreslayers and FEC getting more models and maybe a centre piece each. But Maggotkin I’m stumped on, unless it’s either Festus or Epidemius getting a glowup. And maybe some Blight kin Horsey Knights.
  20. I forgot about the Dwarfs, Like Gw. I want Grombrindal so bad. Suppose I didn’t mention them because it would be too close to hope 😂
  21. Kroq’Ghator comparison with his new Crocodile mouth.
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