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Everything posted by Kronos

  1. I don’t wanna share what I think it is, I don’t want any warning points or bans...So instead - A Glimpse into the Multi Part Gavespawn Elite Kit for the Morghur Faction 😈 Or something new and weird for clan Moulder.
  2. No you wait 😂 Is this not the case, I’ve heard this mentioned a couple of times now in various places (forums and facebook etc, but not from them, I don’t think gw would ever divulge such information officially), so much so that I’ve just accepted it as a bit of reliable info. It makes more sense to me than there being two different but somewhat similar Vampires.
  3. just had a Thought about the “dropped” spider incarnate. If It doesn’t become a release, however it would fit into the lore and release schedule, then What would GW do with it. I’ve got 3 ideas - - Incorporated into some terrain for Warcry, where the most left field rumour engines seem to end up. -Released as a Stand alone commemorative series miniature, the Warhammer + Assassin was housed in a big SoB Statue so maybe something similar but for AoS. -Repurposed as an entirely different idea, Like Radukhar the Beast was originally slated to be Ushoran, thank goodness he didn’t. *I also imagine Kragnos was mean’t to be a BoC Character of Sorts before they decided to do away with them back in 2021/2020 when Old World was in development (just speculation because I still can’t make sense of Kragnos) *
  4. After 10 long years of painful absence, after watching my Old World Destroyed and watching the Beauty of that Lore Strewn across the universe like fragments of fleeting star dust, never to be seen again save through glimmers of bejewelled Light in an ever expanding void. I thought I would never again set foot on the sands of those shores, nor would I venture in quests and journeys through those Woods and Forests. To set foot in the Lowest Dungeons and Hail from it’s tallest peaks. It is good to see you once more, my Old Friends.
  5. Not just W’Soran, I’ve decided to expand into a large Legion including the big bad Liche. Nagash
  6. I know I’ve before in the past, and a gentle scholar always helps me out. - Can anyone do a Round up fo the Rumours we currently have. Could Someone add or correct to the Following? So far I have - Skaven V Stormcast Starter Box. More Characters coming as part of Dawn Bringers Including a “Lady of Ruin” for Chaos. Chaos Dwarfs getting a release (within this edition but could be a couple years) An unresolved Spider Skull part of Destruction. Beasts of Chaos (as we know them) Being moved to Old World.
  7. A Biased one from me, but Since AoS came out I wanted A Morghur to Rival Alarielle, no longer constrained by the limited Magic of the Old Wolrd The Spirit of Morghur unleashed wholly on the Realms. I was really amped when I heard about Gavespawn, and then…Nothing 😩 I Hope they really go all in on Gavespawn. I was hoping that Morghur in the technical term doesn’t get a singular model, but Rather we get Lots of Models representing Morghur. Essentially I was redoing the special Characters (Gorthor and Malagor, never got round to Khazarak), Each was Morghur, or possessed by Morghur, or both all at once. And in addition there was Morghur in his Coalesced Form, Somewhere between An Avatar of Morghur and a Giant Spawn who has become Morghur through rituals of his Beastmen followers. That is What I’d like for Beastmen 😅
  8. Regarding this talk of Rat Ogres and Hellpit Abominations - First off, the Hellpit abomination is frankly a timeless model, nothing wrong with it, full of customisation, easy to build and looks beautiful once assembled. Possibly in my top 3 favourite kits., It’s better than some recent kits, but its not a competition 😂, just think it shouldn’t be touched. On talk of these beasties, Moulder was by Far my favourite faction of the Skaven. Throt the unclean and the Moulder lot were one of the most Macabre and dark sides of the Old World. Undeniably Some of scariest lore. The White Dwarf Article with Army list really being a thing beauty in it’s own right and was actually what inspired the Hellpit (I believe the Chimera Rat being the catalyst). I think there’s still a lot that could be done wih that side of the Skaven. Ghoritch or some sort of Rat Ogre Character, Throt or His AoS counterpart (More arms, more legs, more unclean.
  9. I’d love it if all those decimated Soul fragments where coalescing into What I could only describe as Ynead for Stormcast with splashings of Unberegon Berserker. It’s too far fetched from what it seems to get Sigmar…But what of an Eidolon with the styling of Sigmar, or rather, Sigmar as he was. Which also ties in, with Whats happening to the celestant prime if the Old Style Stormcast are becoming obsolete, will they move the narrative for someone or something else to Wield Ghal Maraz. An Eidolon of Sigmar would be nifty with such a hammer.
  10. Respectfully, I’m very much missing the Norse inspired Dwarfs. AoS does something very well and that is crank up the High Fantasy. I want to see what done with that Archetype, Whether it’s Dwarf Shieldmaidens from Valaya Riding Flying Goats (everyone gets a goat except BoC) or if they lean further into the Wandering dwarf Side of things and we have more of a Ranger force similar to Bugmans rangers, with Grombrindal as a Special Character. I think there’s A lot of Dwarf Design which the Khradron and the Slayers just aren’t quite tapping into for me. It doesn’t have to look like Old World Dwarfs, it should be What Lumineth is to High Elves. There are suggestions of influence, but it’s become it’s own thing,
  11. I’ve technically got two projects running. But decided this year is dedicated to getting my Necrarch army to a more finalised stage. But the centre piece is taking FOREVER. Trying to make a Necrarch Army which can work in AoS and Old World. Taking visuals from the Dark Eldar Haemonculus flesh covens but relying heavily on the Lore for Unit composition. I don’t play so it’s just a display army. So far I have - W’soran on dragon 3 Flesh Golems Krell and the Doomed Legion Lots of Zombies Lots of Ghouls A Necrofex Colossus 3 Crypt Horrors 3 Vargheists (Varghulf Experiments) I still want to make Some of the other units from in lore, Skeletal Dogs, Spinal Cephelapod, Serpent Things and a Scorpion War Engine. And Ushoran for that old Alliance!
  12. Call me cuckoo For coco puffs but I reckon each of the Harbingers will bring, and so far, has brought a respective King. The Marrow Scroll Herald linked to Ushoran and the Gloomspite Harbinger brought us Trugg. So we are yet to see A king, or something similar for Both Nurgle and for Fyreslayer. My money is that these are for “Nurgle king” equivalent, no idea what Fyreslayer would have as a “King” I’ve not been following Dawnbringers lore nor any news about it much so apologies if already discussed or disproven.
  13. Is this me reading something from nothing, or is this a confirmation that they’re doing a beautiful rendition of Grombrindal suitable for Aos and Old World to tie in with the Dwarf Holds release. Or not.
  14. I’ll add them to the same waiting list as Kurnothi, Malerion, and Dispossessed. Ok, Had another look through the PdF’s. No kroak for Lizzies and No Vermin Lord for Skaven. I’m hoping there’ll be a separate pdf in future for the Legacy Characters.
  15. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/22/old-world-almanack-download-the-legacy-pdfs-here/ Thoughts? Edit my bad, Missed the post up top with my excitement - So far I can’t see any Apecial Characters, I like Special Characters.
  16. How peculiar. I didn’t read it at first And thought it was another part of the horse…
  17. OMFG THEY’RE BRINGING BACK THE WARHAMMER FORGE MINIS!!! Even if its only a few!!! Best Warhammer news I’ve seen in Years!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
  18. The internet is a wasteland of ideas. It asks, and so too does it provide.
  19. I know I posted something similar the other day, but somebody posted this on a Facebook page. If even a percentage of these came back I’d be over the moon (and then whine that the other percent wasn’t out yet 😅). Anyone know what GW’s CEO’s favourite wine or flowers?
  20. I Heard some time ago that the Khorne Dragon was initially made as a concept for the Khorne instalment of that book series….but lost to winds of Chaos now 😩
  21. Possibly the 20th time I’ve written it on these forums. But my greatest Hobby sadness was how they just axed The Tamurkhan series and Black Fire pass. The models they had lined up were equisite. The Books were stunning. I don’t think I disliked anything about what the Warhammer Forge were up to back then….more so than now.
  22. Scale creep getting really out of hand.
  23. This, this so many times. All the Resin stuff released so far has been stunning. The re released plastic some still amazing, some acceptable but not ideal. The metal though, to me, is just a couple steps backwards. I went through great lengths to avoid metal miniatures. I blame trauma of trying to paint a box of metal saurus guard when I was 12, chipped paint, purple ink and blood from halberd stabbings everywhere. I don’t think I’d fair anybetter now 😂 I just look at the stunning Miniatures they’ve done for Blood Bowl, Heresy and Necromunda and wonder what other cool Lords and hero's could and will come.
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