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Everything posted by Kronos

  1. Wip on my Coatl for my Slann. Needs a Third Pair of wings and then some sculptings and fangs. Aftet the Coatl I’m planning a Culchan and My Trio along with my Dragon Turtle is complete.
  2. Thats is a million dollar question! My theory is, Chaos Dwarfs, much like Lizardmen will get a dual release, At this point Seraphon are ready to go as an AoS army, I reckon next time they get a new Tome it will coincide with The Warhammer Old World Armybook and along with the missing piece, a big ThunderLizard/Dread Saurian and Mazdamundi. Thats my hope at least. Well thats all of fantasy, gotta say, I’m very impressed. As always I want a little more and quite surprised we haven’t seen any infantry for any faction - but we did just get a whole Lizard refresh so kinda makes sense. I’m not as interested in those two Old World Releases as I thought I would be. Which is cool, because neither of those two have really been my army of choice, but very very happy for the fans of both. The Grunta and Carnifex have stollen the show for me, because I love Gigantic living battering ram monsters. I am incredibly sour about lotr as I really want a plastic Sauron. But I can live without it. Was hoping for maybe a plastic Elendil and Isildur but guess we’ll have to wait. GW is making some gorgeous kits and really hitting the nail on the head regarding designs. I think they’re fine tuning which armies looked better with older concepts and which ones benefit from redesigns - which is an interesting thought for Chaos Dwarfs.
  3. I just wanted to stop by to let TGA know I collect Orcs now 🤙 What an absolute killer model, what a brilliant Dwarf Slayer, what a cool nurgle champion. Who needs infantry when you have Characters like these 😍
  4. That Killaboss looks like he stepped straight outta Shadow of Mordor, not a complaint, just an observation. Hype Hype Hype. 15 minutes Ladies, Gents, et el.
  5. I love the Tyranids, the Screamer Killer is just a love letter straight to my nostalgic soul, and to some extent the Neurotyrant. I really really like the Offal Dogs. Because I actually really like Offal, and I really like dogs….But mostly because they remind me of Primal Ape Men.
  6. Really frustrates me when I think back to the beautiful catalogue of monsters Forgeworld Used to have, really hope some of these beauties come back.
  7. Regarding this whole “Last Chaos Dwarf on the rack”. My friend went to Nottingham last September (2022). And I asked him if he could pick me up a Chaos Dwarf from Forgeworld, and he did! He did tell me though that the staffers at the time told him he got it just in the nick of time (or words to that effect) because it was the last one and won’t be going back on shelves. The sceptic in me (I’m 80%sceptic) Is that this is just a little bit of running joke amongst the floor staff at Forgeworld/Warhammerworld. Lighthearted hype. I’d be happy to be proven wrong as Chaos Dwarfs are an elusive army to me. I came into the hobby just about when they had been removed the first time round. Then Forgeworld came and I was a fairly broke student but managed to buy a couple of units here and there. Prior to that I remember when the Hellcannon appeared in storm of Chaos. I made an audible scream of excitement when I opened that White Dwarf Magazine, but that was quickly stomped on when it became clear it was just one supporting unit. GW - give me my damned Dwarfs, and Malerion, you want my money I want your Evil Elves and Dwarfs. Stop making this difficult.
  8. My first AoS order since Lord Kroak! Got the box very excitedly this morning. However seeing as it was limited edition I didn’t plan on getting one and then getting upset if it was out of stock. I just can’t go through those FOMO emotions, makes me resent the hobby. But they were still available when I checked so got one in. Can’t wait to make some nifty Lizardmen conversions. Regarding the retconning of how the Lizards were made the 4ed (whenever Spawning's came in) was in itself a retcon. Originally the Lizardmen and their distant cousins the Troglodytes (Now Kroxigors) were native species of the Warhammer World which the Slann subjugated. I’d like to imagine some were mind controlled, some joined willingly and some were bribed with weapons and gold…anyway. The Spawning idea itself came from the Slann which had various spawning types.
  9. Lord Emperor Mazdamundi Strides Forth! Lots do still but he’s finally mounted.
  10. @Kosmion I agree, I really agree. I’ve tried heart and soul to like AoS. Hell, I’m even curious to see what happens with Malerion and Morghur. But my interests are entrenched in what Old World characters come back, and hopefully with little change. I suppose why Kroak filled me with unparalleled joy. Be’Lakor too, and Kragnos, well, not so much. I know I sound like a grumpy Old Man, but that Change was so drastic, and the setting just so wacky that I couldn’t, and still haven’t bought into it. Don’t get me wrong, there are aspects which I think oh wow, thats pretty cool, like the concept of Stormcasts, the Creation Myths of Gargants and many other races. But the rest feels like some strange Online Dungeon Crawler which is trying to copy Warhammer in a weird adjacent format. But Thats me, thats not me thinking how terrible and throwing my miniatures away, and never buying from GW. None of that, I just choose to not invest in anything lore related anymore and just see what miniatures come out that I can use for Old Warhammer. Again, lots of good creative aspects, concepts and designs, but it feels like a really strange patchwork as opposed to narrative. Admittedly It’s been about 4 years now since I gave up trying to like the setting. But I like many of the models, and I like talking Warhammer with you guys 😬 To me using the context of this video Warhammer is the Hobbit, Whereas AoS is Toranda.
  11. Kroq’Gharok, Kroxigor Scar Lord (WIP) . Very early wip but got too excited and wanted to show him. I’ve been building him for some time, or rather steadily acquiring the bits to make him. I’m happy the Kroxigor kit is not only stunning but it has variants! Old Kroq’Ghar will be leading a large cohort of them - from the back of his mount which I’m still working out but I feel a prestosuchus-Nothosaurus hybrid would work best. The Army is supposed to be a rewrite of the Slann and Lizardmen lore. The Kroxigors are to Lizardmen in this rewrite what the Thunder Warriors are to the Imperium. So this Berserker Crocodile is the “Taranis” of the Kroxigor Cohorts. - More detailed fluff coming soon. Which had also been a blast to write some prequel fan lore of Slann battling Shaggoths, Dragons and insectoid Titans.
  12. Oooh I’m so in love with those Kroxigor, so spot on, everything I wanted, and a dual build for a Scared Spawning. Absolutely love this Release. My Slann willbe happy to see these Brutes join them! New Kroak, New Chameleons, new Coldones, new Slann, New Amazing kroxigors, a Full Beard and a Motorcycle. Wish I could tell 14 year Old me things would work out.
  13. Slann Gene Warriors - Chimeric creatures combinibg the genealogy of crocodiles, Jaguars, Bulls and Eagles with the Xeno DNA of Slann.
  14. @Baron KlatzGreat list. A few points there make me think about Morghur returning with his own faction, and either released or stirred from that Seraphon ship crash. That in turn could be linked to Kurnothi returning hunting the Morghurs Beast Spawn. And Possibly Kurnoth coming back to help Alarielle to Banish Morghur. Maybe in doing so weakening him, but splitting him into lots of little Morghur Avatars, Like C’tan Shards- and would make more sene on Table top to have a piece of a God rather than the whole Entity of Corruption. But given thats beasts just got their Tome I find that very hard to believe, unless Shadowgave split from the main beasts. I just really hope it’s not just a random new Character that “Was there but hidden all along and only mentioned now”. Also Look at the Lord Kroak, imagine what they could do with Morghur!
  15. Selling my Massive Galrauch Kitbash/Sculpt. It’s mounted on a 160mm base and the dragon wings come from a genuine Forgeworld Fire Dragon. Open to offers. Will post tracked anywhere, Buyer pays Postage.
  16. I’m trying to be cool and calm headed. 10 years Ago Nagash came back. We’ve had a revamp of Warhammer with a Whole new Universe, full of weird, wacky and often cool concepts and miniatures. Now my first love is to return, the Lizardmen. And we’re seeing teases of Tomb Kingd and Bretonnia. Kislev, and Cathay are on maps pretty much confirming a model line at some point and Total war, which links very heavily now with WtOW is getting a DLC Release with stunning concepts. Meanwhile in 40k 4 Primarchs (3 of the Daemons!) have returned with a 5th on the way. Horus Heresy have all the Primarchs including an ascended Horus and - ANDa! Not only has Necromunda and Bloodbowl returned but we’re being Told by some sources that Epic is on the way. If ever you ever hear me complain about releases please feel free tell me where to get off because we are TRULY in the Golden age of Warhammer. …I do still want Malerion.
  17. I have to say, Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Bretonnia all being teased in the same year is really tapping into my Warhammer interests. Seeing how good these are has me extremely excited for the other races. Particularly the Cross system ones - Lizardmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Skaven, Ogres, Green Skins and some undead. Sorry Lumineth and deepkin- Although if you crossed them you’d get Manatee Elves just saying. I know we’re being teased WTOW now. But I think 2024 will be the release date - Because GW likes doing things to Warhammer every 10 years- 2004 Storm of Chaos. 2014 End Times Nagash, So Warhammer Old World -2024. Scared to see what happens in 2034 (Sigmar Confirmed as the Missing Primarch 😂)
  18. Ok, so, thats like the first things we’ve seen which is actually a model. Or at least part of a model. For Tomb Kings AND Bretonnia!
  19. Looks like a Tyranid SM box is incoming, strange way to just randomly tease this. New way of hyping from GW?
  20. I love the new Slann art, can’t wait to get this book and hopefully have it to the brim of new Artworks ❤️
  21. Kroxigors are one of the 4 Pillars of Lizardmen Society. Slann, Saurus, Skinks, Kroxigors. Everything else is just additional but those 4 were made by the Old Ones very intentionally. Would be odd to forgo them, that and Whitefang has openly commented on them. And his word is better than Gold. Coldone on the other Hand are odd, it’s only really been since Sixth Edition that Saurus were given Coldone Mounts. Prior to that it was only Skinks that rode them, and their more intelligent Kin the Horned ones. Stylistically, it’s more old Hammer for Saurus to be a Mainstay on foot, Kroxigors to be monstrous Infantry, and for Skinks to be adaptable between skirmishers, riders and large blocks of Infantry.
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