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Posts posted by elfhead

  1. Thanks for this thread @kramer. I feel the same about the negativity, that seems to grow. Between the toxicity about the faqs and every cool new mini getting a lot of responses in the vein of ‘but what about my army that needs cool models’ I can really use some happy thoughts. I agree it is valid to be critical, but it looks like the criticism is getting the upper hand over the joy the hobby brings. Like you I’m in the Netherlands under lockdown. And as an art teacher having to work from behind a screen is not much fun...

    I’m still excited about the upcoming Slaaneshi release, planning g to do a small force with some really bright colors. The vampire quest game also seems awesome, and I’ll probably get it when it comes out. 

    I find small painting projects like a warband for underworlds or a single model keeps me very entertained. Besides that I’m also enjoying sculpting scenery and models for 3D printing.

    in the previous lockdown I entered several online painting/converting contests (one here on tga). That was a lot of fun.
    Does anyone know about online painting competitions right now? Maybe we should have one on tga again. Even without prices. 

    • Like 6
  2. 2 hours ago, Sance said:

    I would be fine with crane, well with anything really as long as it's not fish.

    Hitting someone with trout is our privilege


    In the excellent studio thinking film ‘spirited away’ there is a white dragon who is the embodiment of a specific river.


    I thought it is already talked about in the Lumineth armybook that the spirefall is what brought on the age of chaos in Hysh. I don’t think you can completely blame that era on one race. 

    • Like 1
  3. Just to bring a positive note to all this faq discussion: GW did do some rules for solo games you can play in lockdown. So they did do something rulewise, only not for te game which most people can’t play right now anyway.


    I’m not invested in the faq discussion, because I’m just in the hobby for the painting and building/converting. And I understand the frustration. But I also like this forum to be mostly positive. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I think this is the issue with GW's current hype cycle. They hype everyone up for army 1, wait a few months and hype dies down, and then hype army 2, release army 1 on lower hype, army 2's hype dies down, army 3 teased, release army 2 ad nauseum.  

    I'd personally like them to just tease and release on a shorter period. The Slaanesh models are fantastic (as are the ones teased today), so it's a shame to have their toes trodden on by a new release, same as it's a shame the Lumineth release seems pretty overshadowed by vampire hype.

    Personally I've set my mind on Slaanesh, though I'd recommend trying to think ahead to see if you'll still be as excited for Lumineth three months down the line? If so, save up for them or just get both :)

    It is no so much about saving up, as it is about convincing my significant other I really need more models😛

    • Haha 2
  5. This was a good week leading up to the previews of today. There is a lot of cool stuff coming. When Lumineth first were released they suggested it would be a massive release, but ended up just ‘normal’ in size. This second wave really makes te lumineth an army with a lot of choice. The second wave in itself is already big, with lots of characters and several new units. 

    the only problem I have with these teasers is that I am now more excited for more elves and the amazing new quest game, while Slaanesh is coming very soon and I was very excited about them.  

    did they talk about when the new broken realms and the quest game will be released? 

  6. The new warhammer quest looks awesome. Combined with UW vampires that is a lot of undead goodness. Looking forward to painting some of them. I’m thinking quest might be the intro to a new undead army. Like with silver tower and Tzeentch?


    also an insane amount of new Lumineth models. The swordmasters look cool.


    What did they say about release dates? 

  7. Really cool animation. Interested to see if there will also be swordmasters (with actually nice looking helmets). If we get all these new Lumineth models then it no longer feels as if they overstated the amount of models there would be for Lumineth. 

    but, I’m a little worried the release of Slaanesh or the birth of the newborn won’t be much more then a two page piece of fluff. The Slaanesh arc has been going on since day one of AoS. It needs to be a BIG event. 

    • Like 1
  8. The seer making the prophecy sounds like a tzeentchian chaos mage to me. That might be of some importance?

    the earth will tear refers to the new vampire force I think, if there is one. 

    didn’t Tzeentch aid the elves in some way in capturing Slaanesh? That might have something to do with Tzeentch’s riddle and the ‘borne anew’ 


    cool story on all accounts. 

  9. 4 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    If I came across as accusitory that someone likes something, I apologise for not being clearer.

    I may not agree with conclusion about elements from the models, but everyone has their own tastes, and even in my opinion, almost everything about the models looks very well.

    Not that my opinion about the models is all that important if you enjoy them.

    I didn't have anyone particular in mind with my post. 

    I also like to remind myself that a lot of people in this community don't have English as their native tongue, and without the non-verbal communication it is easy to misunderstand each other.  another reason to be kind. 


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  10. I've been pondering on this subject for a couple af days. 

    When AoS hit I was disappointed in the way the 'old world' was discarded. but in time I started to like AoS. I thought to myself, "when they do an AoS version of high elves I'll go all in". So when Lumineth were announced I was really excited. I think GW did just that, 'Aosify' the high elves. The lore suggests there was a great civil war, as if these Lumineth have a similar history like the high elves but moved on beyond the dark/high elf divide. The elements and eastern enlightenment idea is also nice and I think some of the models are spectacular. the dawnriders in particular. 

    I bought a box of Alarith, but I soon realised they just didn't feel like high elves to me. So I decided they are not for me just now. Because I don't want to spend time and money on something that doesn't excite me enough. instead I'll keep my focus on painting models I do love and on my Slaanesh projects, which are a real Aos project to me.

    However, I feel funny about this thread. I gotta say it is starting to annoy me how sometimes people who like a certain army have to defend themselves for liking it.  As if some armies can be objectively 'worse' than others, and you have to explain yourself for liking it. 

    I've noticed this with several releases now. A new model or range of models gets released, and people start to discuss them. But very soon it turns into complaining about why another another army didn't get these kind of models. Or why does this army get new models already, when another army is clearly in need of models a lot more.  for example, after the new Slaanesh models were revealed, some Tzeentch players started to complain they don't have any 'god specific Chosen tier warriors'.  

    To me, critique on models too often turns into an attack on those who are happy with the release or like the models. In the end, we don't have any influence on what GW releases, so what is the point in being angry with the releases. 

    • Like 7
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    • Haha 1
  11. Nice teases all around. The palanquin had some cool characters in there although the chariot/palanquin feels a bit chunky to me.  I do really like the lore, a Slaanesh lord who wants to taste everything. Great that it focuses on such an aspect of Slaanesh. 

    gotta say, I’m excited for things to come. So the teaser worked😊

    • Like 5
  12. @Overread great post! 

    this broken realms book has got me very enthousiastic about the Daughters of khaine. I got the underworlds warband to paint to channel that feeling into something creative. The city that was overtaken and is now essentially filled with a classic dark elf army is so cool, If I had all the time in the world I’d start a full dark elf force. 

    It also feels good that this book wasn’t followed up by the next installment to quickly. This way we can really appreciate the lore and do something with it, hobby-wise. 

    • Like 1
  13. The Horus heresy is a rally extensive set of books right? So could be they’re will be new novels for the old world. 

    gotta say I’m really happy that high elves are mentioned on the map. Curious to see where this is going. For now I’d be a lot more happy just knowing what scale it will be. 

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, NotAWzrd said:

    A safe bet would be the big palanquin thing for Hedonites and then some Underworlds previews. Although I think because its the New Year we could get a few teasers at what’s to come in 2021.  The rest I think will be 40k, maybe a first look Kill Team?

    I actually hope they don't show more Slaanesh stuff, because I like something exciting to look forward to when they get releases, instead of knowing everything that is coming and simply having to wait two months...


    I hope that show some of the stuff teased in the advent calendar. 

    • Like 2
  15. I've been working at some 3D printed scenery lately. I made another statue, which could represent a Cathaller. The other design is a little passion-project. In Warhammer fantasy the flame of Asuryan was a really big deal and the image of a phoenix king passing through the flames really stuck with me. I'm so happy I finally was able to recreate that in a model.

    here they are:

    5h4qU3il.jpg Ui2M7xYl.jpg

    7erDKfRl.jpg ngfsqCwl.jpg

    If you like them, they are available on my etsy shop.

    • Like 5
  16. 4 hours ago, Lowki said:

    something completely different: the Crab Claw rumor engine from a while ago wasn't solved by any of the Slaangor's revealed right?

    Kinda expected it would be, but if it isn't Slaanesh, then we have still something fishy comming?!

    Critter on the base of the idoneth warband for underworlds? 

  17. 12 hours ago, Still-young said:

    The archers aren’t a dual kit. Only the archers were in the Warcry book, no alternate build for them. 

    Too bad, but not the end of the world. I’m thinking of getting. Both kits and kitbash some slickblades on foot. I just want to paint them so I don’t care for the rules. 

    maybe GW could do a made to order run of the ‘boobsnake’ lord and the lord on foot. 

    • Like 1
  18. So, what do you think we still haven’t seen for the Slaanesh release? 

    personally I’m hoping the archers on foot are a dual kit for slickblades on foot, just like the mounted options. 
    then there is the palanquin, which is probably a new special character? 
    Maybe a mounted character? I’m not really counting on that.

    I’m looking forward to the fluff. I’m already trying to come up with a good narrative for a new Slaanesh force. Something more akin to the warcry warbands, who worship an aspect of the chaos gods. 

    • Like 2
  19. It's been a couple of slow months. I've painted a few miniatures, but also worked on more 3D designs. I made another statue, could poabably be used as a Cathaller statue for Luminhet and another piece I've been wanting to make in a long time. the Salem of asuryan in Warhammer fantasy was a important place in the High elf fluff and now I've got everything I need to recreate it. 








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  20. The Slaanesh release is shaping up to be excellent. The new steeds are way better than the current ones. I wonder if the archers on foot will also be a dual kit with hand weapons like the mounted options. The palaqin on the  cover seems promising. 
    I will say I had hoped for more harem pants like the dread pageant troopers have. 


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