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Everything posted by Skelebags

  1. Katakros' command ability is crazy good.
  2. So what are people's speculations about how the harvester apparently recycles the fallen from both friend and foe? Had a thought with a friend that it may generate points when things die around it, and it can spend those points to heal/resurrect models?
  3. I can see Katakros having the Mortis Praetorian (his personal legion) keyword, Arkhan and Nagash will probably be exempt from the whole legions bonuses thing given that they themselves are not Ossiarchs, although they may very well get the Ossiarch keyword.
  4. The shieldwall ability is reroll saves not reroll *failed* saves, so rend doesn't stop you rerolling anything.
  5. Yeah, that seems pretty cut and dry. The only times I can think of when you wouldn't pick it is maybe against things where you don't need the rend (because -1 is enough to eat the saves or the opponent has ethereal) and the volume of attacks alone carries enough damage so your more concerned about mitigating your dice spiking low.
  6. What are the numbers? If you don't mind me asking. I'm genuinely interested.
  7. I am now extra stoked, these rules look pretty great. Interested to see what delivery methods they have to actually get those slow dudes to the fight, although they might not need it since you have access to morghasts and cavalry.
  8. I'm 90% sure mortek guard will be in boxes of 10. The only evidence to the contrary is the image of 20 models, which I think is to emphasise their poseability, and the presence of an 11th shield on the sprue. However, the sprue only has 10 bodies, and the extra shield is likely to allow you to not build a champion, since the champion has a slightly fancier shield.
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